D&D (2024) How Would You Make Inspiration More Used?

I like this at first glance, problem is it seems a bit repetitive. I mean, if you want your game and characters to feel like something out of episodic television, this actually works really well. It can potentially turn characters into caricatures, which is going to be a taste thing on it being good or not.
Yes it does get repetitive. But in the other hand, that repetition drives those core elements of the character home to the other players. I would expect that after a few times it would become "i'm claiming advantage cause of the grandma thing". Some other players might remember them as the "grandma paladin" or whatever.

I'd have to test it out and see how it worked in the real.

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Yes it does get repetitive. But in the other hand, that repetition drives those core elements of the character home to the other players. I would expect that after a few times it would become "i'm claiming advantage cause of the grandma thing". Some other players might remember them as the "grandma paladin" or whatever.

I'd have to test it out and see how it worked in the real.
Yeap, I was the only one in my Rise of Tiamat game to play up to their BIFTs. Eventually, they just called my Sorc the "book guy" because he belonged to a guild that collected old tomes for safe keeping. On one hand, it was nice they would ask about "any books here for the book guy" but on the other it was super specific and became annoying...

I dont mind the BIFT idea, but I certainly would balk at adding stuff to backgrounds and ancestry to play with the inspiration system.


I think getting players to use Inspiration will be easier now. Since it now goes away with a long rest, there's no real choice to hold on to it for long.

I like the idea of gaining inspiration on a natural 1, but narratively it's a strange way to be inspired. How about this instead: we gain inspiration when our opponents roll a natural 1.

Just let it be used for re-rolls. I guarantee you it'll be used absolutely constantly. Every mechanism D&D (or any other game) has ever had which let you spend points for re-rolls got insane usage that way. Note that in the 5E-based Baldur's Gate 3, that's precisely how its used.
I think getting players to use Inspiration will be easier now. Since it now goes away with a long rest, there's no real choice to hold on to it for long.
I don't buy it. I've never seen mechanisms like that, in any game, have that effect. What happens instead is that players just annoyed when they have to lose it, and gradually over time care about the resource less and less. It's bad design.


I don't really use inspiration, generally forget to hand it out as a DM and I don't really worry about bonds and flaws etc for my characters when I play. However, I have thought about maybe having a pool of d20s in a bag equal to the number of players that they can draw from, half of these dice will be doom dice, if you draw one, then that one gets to be used by the DM in the future.

I do like the idea of other uses for inspiration as well, a minor scene edit or retcon seems like a good idea. Maybe allow a player to say they have some specific equipment or, as in the opening post, the guard needs to go at just the right time.


I like the idea of gaining inspiration on a natural 1, but narratively it's a strange way to be inspired. How about this instead: we gain inspiration when our opponents roll a natural 1.
I watched the movie Bullet Train the other day, I think the main character was gaining inspiration on a 1 the way his luck worked.

I hate to throw a wet towel on the "Just use Inspiration as a reroll" idea, but it doesn't work.
I watched the movie Bullet Train the other day, I think the main character was gaining inspiration on a 1 the way his luck worked.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying there aren't umpteen plus one ways of justifying the idea. Just that it would require me to deal with a rule that says my character is somehow inspired by failure, and I don't want to do that.


Under the new system players will never want to use passive checks for anything unless they already have Inspiration. The DM will have to deal with players who want to make separate Investigation checks of every five foot square of the entire dungeon, or maybe even the entire wilderness, because the player is spamming for Inspiration.
Oh, sure they could "just say no" but then the next player will try to do it, and hten there will be an encounter and someone will spend Inspiration and the whole cycle of "Try to Spam as many rolls as needed until I get Inspiration" will repeat.

Then, the next morning, everyone but the human will need Inspiration and it will be all "I would like to make a check to see how well I prepare breakfast, I am proficient with Cooks Tools." and "While that preperation is going on Thror and Averala are going to play craps, we would both like to make skill checks to see how well we play."

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