Hybrid only game


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Hello friends,

I'm playing in a new campaign that is Hybrids only. Why you ask, cause it's interesting. Anyway, does anyone know when you can Hybrid with the Shadow classes? I'ld like to try a Vampire, but only Hybrids are allowed and the CB won't allow them to be Hybrid.

Rules are:
  • Your character must be a Hybrid
  • Your chosen classes must have different roles (striker, leader, controller, defender).
  • Start at level 3.
  • One magic item of level 4 or less.
  • One magic item of level 3 or less.
  • One magic item of level 2 or less.
  • 520 gold pieces.
This is what I have so far. Going for a Joan of Arc type char.

Human, Paladin/Warlord
Hybrid Paladin Option: Hybrid Paladin Reflex
Warlord Leadership Option: Combat Leader (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlord Option: Hybrid Warlord Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Paladin Armor Proficiency
Human Power Selection Option: Bonus At-Will Power
Brains (Streetwise class skill)

STR 20, CON 10, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 14

STR 18, CON 10, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 14

AC: 20 Fort: 16 Ref: 14 Will: 14
HP: 23 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 5

Athletics +6, Diplomacy +7, Insight +5, Streetwise +7

Acrobatics –4, Arcana –1, Bluff +2, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance –4, Heal +0, History –1, Intimidate +2, Nature +0, Perception +0, Religion –1, Stealth –4, Thievery –4

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Paladin Feature: Divine Challenge
Warlord Feature: Inspiring Word
Warlord Attack 1: Rousing Assault
Paladin Attack 1: Strike of Hope
Warlord Attack 1: Furious Smash
Paladin Attack 1: Stolen Life
Warlord Attack 1: Bastion of Defense

Level 1: Improved Inspiring Word
Level 1: Hybrid Talent

Plate Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Longsword x1
Heavy Shield x1

Anythoughts on where to go with level 3? Or if Barb/Pally is better?

Thank you.

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First Post
They mentioned that in June they would be doing a multiclass and hybrid article that would address some of the newer content, and specifically mentioned the vampire. So, it would probably not be until July when it would be in the builder.


Staff member
Anyway, does anyone know when you can Hybrid with the Shadow classes? I'ld like to try a Vampire, but only Hybrids are allowed and the CB won't allow them to be Hybrid.

I'd say you're simply out of luck: AFAIK, there are no Hybrid rules published for any classes not in PHB1-3.

The closest you can currently get is playing that vampiric race.


Staff member
They mentioned that in June they would be doing a multiclass and hybrid article that would address some of the newer content, and specifically mentioned the vampire. So, it would probably not be until July when it would be in the builder.

Did they mention if it would see a printing press?


First Post
I'd say you're simply out of luck: AFAIK, there are no Hybrid rules published for any classes not in PHB1-3.
The Artificer (Eberron Player's Guide), Swordmage (FR Player's Guide), and the original Assassin have hybrid rules in the online character builder (compendium seems to be down right now, probably in the middle of an update). I don't know if those hit dead trees, though.


OP: You can do a hybrid with the Shadow Assassin (leather armor, 5/2/3 hp, hybrid shroud, with shade form, guild training, and shadow step as hybrid options). But not HoShadow classes until June/July, yes.

I'd say you're simply out of luck: AFAIK, there are no Hybrid rules published for any classes not in PHB1-3.


Artificer, Assassin, Swordmage. All three have hybrid options.

Actually, the Swordmage has gotten so much support that people forget it was introduced in a worldbook. Is this because it was Forgotten Realms, which is almost the default setting?


This is what I have so far. Going for a Joan of Arc type char.

Human, Paladin/Warlord

STR 20, CON 10, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 14

STR 18, CON 10, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 14

Thematically, Paladin/Warlord sounds good. It's your stat array where I feel you miss out on some important stuff.

For one, buying a pre-racial 18 strength is just too expensive. You give up too much else, especially in a hybrid and theme build. 16-pre/18 post-racial is plenty. Plus it gives you important points to spend elsewhere. One more point in Charisma, for example, gives you access to Superior Will from the start, which fits the theme very well and is incredibly useful at times, and boosts to 16 at 4th with the stat increase.

Then I'd swap INT/DEX and put whatever points you have left (regardless of whether or not you put the "extra" point in Charisma) in to INT. This is your religion skill roll and a lot of Warlord riders and effects. If you want a ranged weapon attack, take a warlord power, Dex is useless to you outside of one point of initiative modifier from 10 down to 8. You won't be making acrobatics, thievery or stealth checks in plate anyway and it's not high enough for pre-reqs, so you'll never miss it.


Staff member
I had forgotten the Artificer and Swordmage- published in setting books and supported in the original Hybrid rules in PHB3- but haven't seen the assassin or its MC/Hybrid support.

Where would that be?
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First Post
I had forgotten the Artificer and Swordmage- published in setting books and supported in the original Hybrid rules in PHB3- but haven't seen the assassin or its MC/Hybrid support.

Where would that be?

The assassin is only available through DDi/Dragon magazine (the original assassin, and it's hybrid/MC options that is). So, if you have a subscription, you can find the articles, as well as use it through the character builder.

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