• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

I have both the Dragonlance CS and the Age of Mortals Campaign book. Ask away!


Sollir Furryfoot said:
Thanks :) Also, is Righteous Zealot in the same book I'm guessing?

Mina is in AGE OF MORTALS. The Righteous Zealot PrC is in the DRAGONLANCE CAMPAIGN SETTING published by Wizards of the Coast.

The DLCS should be on-sale right now at your friendly local game store. AGE OF MORTALS will not be out until just after Labor Day (Sept. 1), but those who act quickly can have copies shipped quickly from:



Jamie Chambers
Sovereign Press, Inc.

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First Post

Can you identify what's considered Open Game Content, if anything, from either book? Specifically, I am interested in the classes, prestige classes, feats and spells. ;)



First Post
Cam Banks said:

Actually, it's the wild magic that existed prior to the Gods of Magic teaching mortals how to use High Sorcery, which made a return in the 5th Age due to the energies of the god Chaos spreading through the world.

I know, I mean RE-introduced (as in brought back to the world), I'll fix that up.
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Re: OGC?

Flynn said:
Can you identify what's considered Open Game Content, if anything, from either book? Specifically, I am interested in the classes, prestige classes, feats and spells. ;)



Unfortunately Dragonlance is a Wizards of the Coast licensed product line. Therefore, none of the contents are considered Open Game Content. No portions of the book can be reproduced without permission of both Sovereign Press and Wizards of the Coast.

Our Sovereign Stone game line, however, is produced under the terms of the Open Game License and the d20 System Trademark License--and much of our material is OGC!

Jamie Chambers
Sovereign Press, Inc.
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First Post
This is regarding Dalmar and Palins alignment and Laurana/Beladona stats. Did you ever get a chance to look at this?



Now that's downright odd o_O;

*checks a few things* It's pretty obvious that they were there at one time, since all the modifiers all add up and everything...weird. I'll hafta see if I can track those down for y'all!


Christopher Coyle
Sovereign Press


First Post
Hello all,

I picked up the DLCS from my local FLGS last night, and I was very impressed. I have only read the first two trilogies, so I was a litle leery about picking it up and being behind. The good news is that while I recogized I was behind, the book did a great job of bringing me up to speed. If a person ever was a DL fan, I would recommend picking this up becuase it is a really neat book.

Critical Hits:

1. Great writing. Loved it.

2. Great timelines of the entire DL history

3. Great description s of the ages, thier feels and what one would need to do to run in those ages.

4. Great rules for RP experience awards.

5. Loved the focus on RPing, besides combat.

Critical misses:

1. No index.

2. Occassional art that doesn't seem to mesh the epic style of the DL setting (Kagonesti, all the minotaur pics, the Wizards of High Sorcery) - this is subjective of course, but I have always loved Larrys and Chris's (age of mortlas cover- his dragons are crazy good) art style and would have loved to see. And I never viewed the towers of High Sorcery that way....

3. No overall map making the geography setting a little disorientating.

Overall, I gave this an A - . A really good grade for me, as I just felt that WOTC dropeed their end of the ball. The writing and content was absolutely fabulous. The layout, some art, the lack of a map and index were sorely missing.

Overall, it is great to see what sovereign is capable at the helm, and I really look foreward to 100% Sovereign DL products. It was nice to return to Krynn after 20 or so years. I think I'll stay a while.

I really can't wait for the "War of the Lance" Supplement next year.



First Post
Do me a huge favor, give me the table of contents and a quick summary of each chapter. (For both books)

Sorry for the delay, but a lightning storm last night crashed one of my HDDs so i was tripping out all day =)

The introductory section is pretty much what you would expect- a brief rundown of dragonlance, the planet, the continent, and the base ideas of the campaign. Nothing spectacular here, but still, its nice to see Dragonlance back in action =)

1- Races. Building block of the campaign, this chapter has 2 human races (civilized and nomad [mainly flavor differences in the two]), 4 dwarven types (hill, mountain, dark, and gully), 6 elven types (three land elves, two sea elves, and half), an awesomely huge write up on gnomes (with nifty guild bonuses and a cool favored class concept), the requisite kender, centaurs (ECL 6, so i dont know who is gonna play one..), two types of draconians (baaz and kapak), and the four ogre races (irda, ogres, half ogres, and minotaurs).

2- Classes. Mostly a write up on how core classes interact with Dragonlance, notable for finally allowing monks and paladins into the setting. Also, two new classes are introduced here, the spontanious divine casting mystic (cleric bab/hit die/skills with sorc spells per day/known) and the roleplaying oriented noble class. The second half of the chapter deals with prestige classes, including three each for the Knights of Solamnia and the Knights of Neraka, an introductory Legionnare PrC (which looks totally useless until you realise that it serves as a gateway to more specialised PrCs in the AoM book), Wizards of High Sorcery (one PrC with three branches pending your alignment), and four 'generic' PrCs: The Dragonrider (gets his own draconic cohort), the Inquisitor (good at finding info and stuff), The Legendary Tactician (mainly for NPC generals and stuff), and the Righteous Zealot (this is dragonlance. gods are important).

3-Magic of Krynn. This chapter mainly deals with the differences between the structure of wizards and clerics vs the freeform nature of sorcerors and mystics. Its mainly a flavor thing dealing with the intricacies of the setting, and the timeline of the game. There is a sidebar explaining why sorc/wiz and myst/cleric multiclassing can not happen. Basically, this chapter explains how magic works on krynn. There are thirteen new domains introduced, including four that are mystic only (mystics are divine casters not associated with dieties). The chapter is rounded out with about 9 pages of new spells, and a note on special materials for magic weapons on krynn (dragonmetal, ironwood and star metal), and a writeup on dragonlances themselves.

4- dieties. Lots and lots of flavor here, as the dieties are one of the major focuses of the campaign world. Also, this is the first time that anyone's actually diagrammed out a cosmology for the setting. Of course, there really isnt much to see, as there are only three outerplanes =) Its important to note though, that this is for the gods post the war of souls. Paladine and Takhisis have separate writeups in the back of the book.

5- Geography of Ansalon. A good solid overview of the various countries and groups of the continent, with 4 maps detailing various quadrants. The big mistake of this book is that wotc took out the poster map without telling SovPress, so we never get a good look at the continent as a whole (unless you have older material). Also missing are population numbers.

6- The Dragonlance campaign. My favorite chapter in the book, this one provides motivations on what to run and why PCs are doing what they do. Also included is a great section on Languages of Krynn (my pet peeve for years was that no one had any cultural data at all...), an explanation of the coinage, and the calendar. Oh, and the single best part of the book for a true DL fan- THE TIMELINE. Super comprehensive, incredibly detailed, and covers pretty much every major event in the setting. This is the compilation of 20 years of novels and games right here in one source.

7- Monsters of Krynn. This chapter is pretty short, as the bestiary is coming soon. It features a cool new death knight template, draconians, dragon spawn templates, fetches, fireshadows, minotaurs, shadowpeople, skeletal warrior templates, spectral minions, tarmak (the brutes of summer flame) and thanoi. good stuff.

8- Dragons. You'd think there would be more here, but its just a chapter explaining how they act, not stats. sticking with default MM dragons, i guess. Also, a short chunk on overlords with beryl as example. More is in the AoM. The highlight is the 8 page section on arial combat, currently seeing use in my spelljammer campaign.

9- Other eras of play. This final chapter sits and briefly goes over the war of the lance period and the early fifth age pre war of souls. Surprisingly, they manage to provide a bunch of new info here, like what the gods did once they returned after the war of the lance, and how politics worked out, and the various classes and such. Paladine and Takhisis are detailed here. The early fifth age part explains how to play the saga era with 3e, and more detail on how to roleplay the loss of magic and gods and such. This is notably skimpy because of the amount of detail it is given in Age of Mortals.

The end of the book has two intro adventures, one in the fourth age and one in the fifth.

I'll detail Age of Mortals later =)


First Post
gaming report had a preview of the DLCS, and they kindly scanned this . i think you'll find what you are looking for =)

and paladine and takhisis have always been Lawful.
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Set Harth

First Post
Thanks for The Draconian Info Jamie.

You think you can convince Don to write more Kang Novels? I would really love to read about the founding of Teyr.


Voidrunner's Codex

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