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I have finally arrived (as DM)


[ambush]So, will this dose of the warm fuzzies inspire you to get back to writing your Greyhawk story hour?[/ambush]

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Morte said:
[ambush]So, will this dose of the warm fuzzies inspire you to get back to writing your Greyhawk story hour?[/ambush]
I would love to get back to writing a story hour. Unfortunately, I'm currently running three separate campaigns (sixteen players total) and getting ready to begin my junior year at university, where I hope to carry 15 units this semester. Somewhere in there, I have a social life outside of gaming, upcoming membership in the campus honors society, and a gym membership. I have a ton of books on my "to read" list, and I want to continue developing my skill as a poet. In short, if I could find the time I would love to write a story hour, but if I were you I wouldn't hold my breath. ;)

Thanks for remembering, though. It's been years since I wrote that stuff!

Tolen Mar

First Post
the Jester said:
Well, according to the dmg, you always figure xp based on CR, not on EL. Even templated they were about CR 2...

First of all, you bumped Stirges from 1/2 CR to 2? And then dropped thousands of them in? Kudos, man, Kudos.

Secondly, I had forgotten about the per monster XP...I even had to go look it back up again. (Good thing we got into this discussion before my other game started up eh?)

Still, looking at the fact that you could give XP based on encounters (say for pivotal diplo action or trap work), there's no reason you couldn't XP the players by the book for your Stirges. Or, just call all 2000 stirges a stirge swarm...then its a single 'creature' by the rules.

Anyway, thats aside the point of this thread. I promise Ill quit hijacking it now.


First Post
Tolen Mar said:
First of all, you bumped Stirges from 1/2 CR to 2? And then dropped thousands of them in? Kudos, man, Kudos.

Secondly, I had forgotten about the per monster XP...I even had to go look it back up again. (Good thing we got into this discussion before my other game started up eh?)

Still, looking at the fact that you could give XP based on encounters (say for pivotal diplo action or trap work), there's no reason you couldn't XP the players by the book for your Stirges. Or, just call all 2000 stirges a stirge swarm...then its a single 'creature' by the rules.

Anyway, thats aside the point of this thread. I promise Ill quit hijacking it now.

I am in the process of planning a game for a bunch of 15-17 lev characters. Can someone point me in the right direction on where i can find the mechanics to handle such an encounter i.e. where the foe is in great numbers how do you translate that to efficient attacks and damages so that you dont spend the whole afternoon rolling dice for this one encounter and the rule where you can deal with the swarm as a single creature? Much obliged, brothers!


The Thayan Menace

First Post
Does This Get a RBDM Nod?

I am curious if this manuever will qualify me for RBDM-hood; here it is ....

Next session, my 8th level PCs are heading to a shady warehouse in the dock district of Bezantur. Once there, they will stumble upon a drug operation (a facility that produces red rager) staffed by unemployed goblin soldiers.

Most of the goblins are normal run-of-the-mill mooks.

However, the lone goblin who guards the lab's alchemical equipment is a short squat type who carries an axe that is much too large for his size ....

Here are his statistics:

Azog, Male Goblin Bbn13: CR 13; Small humanoid (goblinoid); HD 13d12+26 plus 13 (Improved Toughness); hp 113; Init +5; Spd 40 ft.; AC 15 (+4 chain shirt, +1 Dex), touch 11, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +13; Grp +11; Atk +13 melee (1d12+4/x3, greataxe); Full Atk +13/+8/+3 melee (1d12+4/x3, greataxe); SA greater rage; SQ damage reduction 3 / –, darkvision (60’), fast movement, illiteracy, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +4; AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Skills: Climb +17, Intimidate +16, Listen +17, Move Silently +4, Ride +19, Speak Language (Thayan), Swim +16.

Feats: Close-Quarters Fighting, Extend Rage, Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Monkey Grip.

Languages: Common, Goblin, Thayan.

Possessions: masterwork chain shirt, corrosive greataxe +1 (medium-sized), dagger, 5d10 gp.


Azog (Greater Rage – 13 rounds): hp 152; Init +5; Spd 40 ft.; AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +13; Grp +14; Atk + 16 melee (1d12+8/x3, greataxe); Full Atk +16/+11/+6 melee (1d12+8/x3, greataxe); SV Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +8; Str 20, Con 20.

Skills: Climb +20, Swim +19.

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The Thayan Menace

First Post
Another RBDM Nomination?

If my previous response doesn't earn me RBDM status, perhaps this will ....

Okay ... one of my recent villains was a red wizard / spectral mage.

He began his showdown with the PCs, by punking the party's main tank with a sudden-maximized enervation and paralyzing him.

Then, the party responded with some ineffectual attacks (thanks to his incorporeality).

Shortly thereafter, the spectral mage cast lesser geas on the party's Thayan knight and said, "Kill your entire party."

She automatically failed her save ....

After this, the mage drifted through the ceiling to buff up and await the fratricidal outcome ... only to come back later, after the tank was beheaded, the Thayan knight was dead, and the party wizard was out of spells.

In the end, two of the smarter PCs managed to run away ... everyone else died.
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The Thayan Menace said:
If my previous response doesn't earn me RBDM status, perhaps this will ....

Okay ... one of my recent villains was red wizard / spectral mage.

He began his showdown with the PCs, by punking the party's main tank with a sudden-maximized enervation and paralyzing him.

Then, the party responded with some ineffectual attacks (thanks to his incorporeality).

Shortly thereafter, the spectral mage cast lesser geas on the party's Thayan knight and said, "Kill your entire party."

She automatically failed her save ....

After this, the mage drifted through the ceiling to buff up and await the fratricidal outcome ... only to come back later, after the tank was beheaded, the Thayan knight was dead, and the party wizard was out of spells.

In the end, two of the smarter PCs managed to run away ... everyone else died.
How deliciously evil! Welcome to the club. :p


First Post
i put my players on a sytem
where if they do something to displease me they get points added
once they hit 15 points
something happens.....such as one of their items is cursed
their character suddenly cannot control his bladder andmust make manyfortitude saves


Liquid Awesome
corcio said:
i put my players on a sytem
where if they do something to displease me they get points added

You mean things like stab you with a pencil? Or don't "follow the plot like good little PC's"?

I'm intrigued by your theory of imaginary urinary incontinence as a disciplinary tool.

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