D&D 3E/3.5 I like psionics…


Staff member
…but I know my 2 favorite classes- the Psychic Warrior and the Soulknife- are flawed. I still play them & build future potential PCs using them. I like the others, too, but I almost always choose one of these two.

I have 2 questions:

1) Besides Hyperconscious and assorted Dragon Magazine articles, are there any other good resources for those 2 classes?

2) What homebrew rules have you used or seen that shore them up?

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Staff member
Have you read Dreamscarred Press's update of Psionics for Pathfinder 1, particularly in Ultimate Psionics?

I would probably use that as the basis for homebrew rules for 3E/3.5E.
I believe I have that on my shelf! I had forgotten it- thanks for the reminder!


You don't even need to go for their PF1 stuff; Dreamscarred made a lot of material for 3.5 psionics as well.
I keep forgetting about that. I came into their work with psionics not from 3.5e, but, rather, my introduction to Dreamscarred Press was with their Third Dawn setting and work for the True 20 system. I do think, however, that their work in Ultimate Psionics is more polished.


Staff member
There is If Thoughts Could Kill from Malhavoc Press and a couple Mindscape books

And you do have the ton of stuff from the WotC Website, right?

Mongoose Publishing -The Quintessential Psychic Warrior
I’m pretty sure I have ITCK; the QPW is a maybe/maybe not.

I did archive some links to some of the WotC stuff, mostly about the Kineticist PrCl.


I sometimes find myself thinking about the 3.0 soulknife, the prestige class, and how I would turn it into a 20 level base class. It feels more like a psionic assassin than the 3.5 class, what with the sneak attack and big constitution damage. When I get to brainstorming though, I always come back to really liking the 3.5 base class :p Bladewind is cool.

Introducing a small/slow power progression would be a good idea.
The 3.0 class could imbue their mind blade with a power of up to 3rd level, affecting the next creature stuck by the weapon- much like the spellsword's channel spell ability. They could also imbue their mind blade with a psionic combat mode, and later make that combat mode deal constitution damage.

In a way, these abilities (+ the sneak attack dice) have been reimagined by the psychic strike progression and new knife to the soul ability. You could replace those abilities with a slow manifester progression (something like a psionic equivalent of the ranger/paladin spell casting, or even the divine mind), an ability that lets them imbue their mind blade with powers, and then another ability that allows them to deal ability score damage. Giving them a stunning ability would be fitting too, as psionic combat attacks would stun non-psionic creatures.


Staff member
I sometimes find myself thinking about the 3.0 soulknife, the prestige class, and how I would turn it into a 20 level base class. It feels more like a psionic assassin than the 3.5 class, what with the sneak attack and big constitution damage. When I get to brainstorming though, I always come back to really liking the 3.5 base class :p Bladewind is cool.

Introducing a small/slow power progression would be a good idea.
The 3.0 class could imbue their mind blade with a power of up to 3rd level, affecting the next creature stuck by the weapon- much like the spellsword's channel spell ability. They could also imbue their mind blade with a psionic combat mode, and later make that combat mode deal constitution damage.

In a way, these abilities (+ the sneak attack dice) have been reimagined by the psychic strike progression and new knife to the soul ability. You could replace those abilities with a slow manifester progression (something like a psionic equivalent of the ranger/paladin spell casting, or even the divine mind), an ability that lets them imbue their mind blade with powers, and then another ability that allows them to deal ability score damage. Giving them a stunning ability would be fitting too, as psionic combat attacks would stun non-psionic creatures.
Honestly, when they decided to make the Lurk class, I wish they had fused the PsyWar and Soulknife into a single class. Give it the ability to manifest a few powers, a few bonus feats, and give it a psychic weapon which improves over time.

Either that, or make manifesting a psychic weapon into a Psionic Reserve feat that requires a base BAB and a certain amount of energy.

Because- love the mind blade though I do- its mechanical implementation in game was not enough to design a class around.

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