D&D 3E/3.5 I like psionics…

A houserule would be to give them both a competency bonus of +1 to hit every time they do not get a BAB. This would keep them competitive on meleeing the ACs of CR appropriate monsters without advancing their number of iterative attacks.

Trailblazer did this for rogues and monks and I always found it an elegant bump to fix the flurry of misses design problem in 3e era 3/4 BAB melee classes.

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Honestly, when they decided to make the Lurk class, I wish they had fused the PsyWar and Soulknife into a single class. Give it the ability to manifest a few powers, a few bonus feats, and give it a psychic weapon which improves over time.

Either that, or make manifesting a psychic weapon into a Psionic Reserve feat that requires a base BAB and a certain amount of energy.

Because- love the mind blade though I do- its mechanical implementation in game was not enough to design a class around.
The more I think about that, the more I like it all. Just spitballing…

1) Make the Lurk the psionic rogue/assassin.
2) Make the Mind Weapon into a Reserve Feat, prereqs: +1BAB, 1PSP, ability to manifest psionic powers. At it’s base level, the Psionic character can create a weapon of pure psychic energy equivalent to a single simple or martial light weapon of the player’s choice that the PC is proficient with. (Other forms would become available as the character levels and/or by taking other feats.)
3) Fuse the PsyWar & Soulknife into a single warrior class that has a “half-manifester“ psionic power curve. The class gets the Mind Weapon reserve feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. As they leveled up, they would also get unique mind weapon abilities not available to other classes.

This would open using a mind weapon to a broader variety of Psionic characters, but the PsyWar would still have the best version of it.

Didn't Dreamscarred make the Soulknife a full (and useful) 20-level class? I've always liked 3.5 psionics and, in my opinion, that's how spellcasting should be, paying for your power boosts and using spell points rather than slots per day.

The more I think about that, the more I like it all. Just spitballing…

1) Make the Lurk the psionic rogue/assassin.
2) Make the Mind Weapon into a Reserve Feat, prereqs: +1BAB, 1PSP, ability to manifest psionic powers. At it’s base level, the Psionic character can create a weapon of pure psychic energy equivalent to a single simple or martial light weapon of the player’s choice that the PC is proficient with. (Other forms would become available as the character levels and/or by taking other feats.)
3) Fuse the PsyWar & Soulknife into a single warrior class that has a “half-manifester“ psionic power curve. The class gets the Mind Weapon reserve feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. As they leveled up, they would also get unique mind weapon abilities not available to other classes.

This would open using a mind weapon to a broader variety of Psionic characters, but the PsyWar would still have the best version of it.
Although the Dreamscarred PF Soulknife is a much more robust and interesting class. :)
Although based ob the 3.5 Warlock, I prefer Dreamscarred Press's Cryptic class for my psionic rogue.

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