D&D General "I Like to Play D&D on My Birthday" (a poll)

True or False: "I like to play D&D on my birthday."

  • True.

    Votes: 51 71.8%
  • False.

    Votes: 20 28.2%

A bonus poll today (I still plan to do another in my planned series, so don't fret).

Anyway, today is my birthday and when my wife asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday a few weeks ago, I was like "Ideally, I'd like to play D&D, but I know that's not possible." And I was right, and while we made some other fun plans it made me think of the many past birthdays I spent playing D&D when it fell on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (in my younger days, D&D was during the day and partying came at night). Heck, one year in my 30s I convinced everyone in my group to take a personal/vacation day when my birthday fell in the middle of the week so we could play - and it was a blast. Another time, I prepped a secret birthday D&D one-off and organized a bunch of people to come over to play for a friend's big day at his wife's behest!

Anyway, what about you? Do you like playing D&D on your birthday? Have you ever gotten a chance to? It was fun as a kid, but even better as an adult when you can have a few beers along the way.
when I was younger (and I don't just mean as a kid, like in 30's) I used to but now if it isn't falling on a game night I wouldn't want to make a special game of it.

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Magic Wordsmith
A bonus poll today (I still plan to do another in my planned series, so don't fret).

Anyway, today is my birthday and when my wife asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday a few weeks ago, I was like "Ideally, I'd like to play D&D, but I know that's not possible." And I was right, and while we made some other fun plans it made me think of the many past birthdays I spent playing D&D when it fell on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (in my younger days, D&D was during the day and partying came at night). Heck, one year in my 30s I convinced everyone in my group to take a personal/vacation day when my birthday fell in the middle of the week so we could play - and it was a blast. Another time, I prepped a secret birthday D&D one-off and organized a bunch of people to come over to play for a friend's big day at his wife's behest!

Anyway, what about you? Do you like playing D&D on your birthday? Have you ever gotten a chance to? It was fun as a kid, but even better as an adult when you can have a few beers along the way.
Happy birthday!


I would play D&D on my Birthday.

I would play D&D here and there. I would play D&D anywhere.

I would play D&D in a house, I would play D&D with a mouse.

I would play D&D in a box.

I would play D&D with a fox.... :)



Maybe if my birthday fell on a game night normally. Fortunately my birthday is in the summer and I can take it off to play golf instead. Would be a good treat for a 1-shot on my groups birthdays if it was in the winter.


Moderator Emeritus
My wife doesn't play D&D, so yeah, I'm not about to do something that would exclude her to celebrate. If one of my regular D&D sessions falls on my birthday, that's another thing, and it becomes "It depends." Our schedules are often off (she works Saturdays, for example), so she might be working and I might as well run some D&D anyway.

My wife doesn't play either, but she wouldn't be excluded. We'd still do something together in the evening, like go out to dinner or hang with friends.

I too have a regular game and other things I'd like to do on my birthday. However, back in my college days, I more than once was asked to run a customized game for a friend as their birthday activity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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