I made a DM Screen

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Front Range Warlock
Sweet! Thanks for sharing! (Now I just need to figure out what to do with the fourth inside and outside panel on my Hammerdog screen).


First Post
Sweet! Thanks for you work guys. I was going to spend some time this weekend doing this since I got my sweet paizo landscape screen last week.


First Post
PDF dm screen

I have made a pdf DM Screen. I tried to include tables and information that would be helpful in the heat of things (and some information that I have trouble remembering).
Let me know what you all think and if you think I left something out that should have been included, or if there is something in the pdf that seems unnecessary.

note: Do let me know if production of said DM screen is copyright infringement in any way and I will remove the download.

Awesom screen, can you make one w/o the art in the corners? save on printing it multi times as player handouts.

Voidrunner's Codex

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