D&D General Portrait-oriented DM screens?

Beware, though, the hinges between the sections are very weak. I've had two screens that seperated. One turned from a four-pane screen into two two-pane screens. The other turned into one three-pane screen and a single pane. You can repair them with something like duct tape but that looks ugly and blocks the clear plastic.

Additionally, despite what Hammerdog say on their web site, the screens do not take A4 inserts. You have to cut off about 1.5 cm from one edge.
Never had an issue with my mini. But then I never travelled with it. I would fold it and put it on a bookshelf between sessions, but otherwise it didn't get folded and unfolded a lot. The mini is less convenient because you have to cut down to size and you are not going to find a lot of existing inserts online to print. But I like making my own.

One thing I like about the Hammerdog screen over Dragonshield is that you put inserts on both sides. Show you can swap the theme and artwork based on game, campaign, and even session.

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Interesting how this thread got one response, then sat for a week before getting noticed.

The new DM screen has turned into "We need a birthday gift idea for you!" so I am about to order this:
It may take a few weeks to arrive. I will attempt to remember to post a couple of photos in this thread when it does.
Nice! As long at the magnets are strong, it is a convenient way to swap reference sheets between and even during sessions.

One thing I like about the Hammerdog screen over Dragonshield is that you put inserts on both sides. Show you can swap the theme and artwork based on game, campaign, and even session.
Yes, this is a must-have feature. All screens should do this.
I have inserts for the player-facing side with artwork and hints for D&D, Apocalypse World, and Conan 2d20.

Interesting how this thread got one response, then sat for a week before getting noticed.

The new DM screen has turned into "We need a birthday gift idea for you!" so I am about to order this:
It may take a few weeks to arrive. I will attempt to remember to post a couple of photos in this thread when it does.
It arrived! It's fantastic and turned out even better than I expected. It seems like it's pretty sturdy,too.

I can post zoomed in photos of the individual pics if anyone's interested.


On making yourself, I did the printer room at work and grab 4 of the cardboard inserts most copier paper cases have. A little trimming and a set bit of documents, I can knock out a four panel screen in 20 minutes.

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