D&D General Portrait-oriented DM screens?


A few years ago, I got a DM screen that let me slide paper into the transparent insert pockets, similar to the covers of a 3 ring binder. I think it was this one, or something similar. Unfortunately, toner from the paper tends to stick to the inside of the inserts, causing them to be hard to read, and it's started to fall apart at the joints between each piece.

I think I need something that just has some built-in clips at the top, or something plainer that I can just hang papers on with binder clips/large paper clips. Any recommendations?
I use tented slips of 3x5 card for initiative (my side has player AC, Per, Ins, Inv so I can roll behind screen as needed).

As far as decor goes, it needs to be kid-friendly. No demons, succubi, "well s---" with a Nat1 picture, etc. There are some nice-looking wooden DM screens out there. My concern with wood is "will it shatter if someone drops it?" Do I actually need to be worried about that? I don't remember ever having my DM screen knocked over or fall to the floor...

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Victoria Rules
Old-school 1e DM screens are portrait-oriented; and paper clips are your friend.

Unfortunately, those 1e screens are getting up there in price now. So, plan B: hit your local stationery store, pick up three or four 8-1/2x11 sheets of heavy cardstock (and some paper clips), tape or hinge the sheets together, and that's yer screen.

For player-side art, print out and glue on whatever you like.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Check out The Worlds Greatest Screen from Hammerdog Games: The World's Greatest Screen

It is made for you to put your own inserts in. They also sell 5e and Pathfinder GM screen inserts. You can also find people sharing their designs on Reddit and, on his blog, DM Dave shared the 5e inserts he designed.

They also sell magnetic sheet inserts with magnet packs and wet-erase cards for initiative tracking, etc.

TWGS is made of vinyl and you can use wet and dry erase markers on it.

I used the mini version, but it sounds like you would want the full version for portrait oriented, letter-sized sheet inserts.


If you do get another one with transparent pockets, I suggest spraying any inserts with a light glaze of polyurethane, fixative or laminating the sheet before use, so the ink won't lift off the paper.

I'm more partial to landscape screens these days, I got this one from Dragonshield. It's on the expensive side, but came with wet/dry cards useful for tracking stats/initiative. I dare say its tough enough I can't imagine I'll ever need to buy a replacement.

My wife's DM screen is homemade, a cut-down 3-panel cardboard display board with a couple print-out sheets held on by clips on the DM's side. I've offered to art up the player-facing side, but she's not taken me up on it yet.


WotC President Runner-Up.
I'm more partial to landscape screens these days, I got this one from Dragonshield. It's on the expensive side, but came with wet/dry cards useful for tracking stats/initiative. I dare say its tough enough I can't imagine I'll ever need to buy a replacement.
I adore Dragon Shield. I've used a lot of card sleeves for Magic the Gathering and theirs just hit trifecta of durability, great feel, and attractive appearance.

I want this DM screen but the price is a little hard to stomach. I've been keeping an eye out for a sale. Glad to hear you like it though. I've never actually heard from anyone who has it


WotC President Runner-Up.
Whoops! I linked to the wrong Dragonshield product - the one in the previous post comes with a case for books, minis and whatnot.

This was more along the lines of what I got - just the screen & cards. Dragonshield DM Screen.
I think I'd prefer the slightly larger case version. I could store my note pads, and tablet, and dice in the box too. If the full case ever drops to that $50 mark of just the screen I'm on it.

Check out The Worlds Greatest Screen from Hammerdog Games: The World's Greatest Screen
Beware, though, the hinges between the sections are very weak. I've had two screens that seperated. One turned from a four-pane screen into two two-pane screens. The other turned into one three-pane screen and a single pane. You can repair them with something like duct tape but that looks ugly and blocks the clear plastic.

Additionally, despite what Hammerdog say on their web site, the screens do not take A4 inserts. You have to cut off about 1.5 cm from one edge.


Interesting how this thread got one response, then sat for a week before getting noticed.

The new DM screen has turned into "We need a birthday gift idea for you!" so I am about to order this:
It may take a few weeks to arrive. I will attempt to remember to post a couple of photos in this thread when it does.

Voidrunner's Codex

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