I need an elvish word

Tolen Mar

First Post
I'm coming up dry here. I'm working on a character concept. He's High Elven, and a minor noble.

Can anyone point me to translations of a 'baron'?
I can't seem to find anything. It seems that most people either think that baron works or the elves don't have such ranks.

I just want a good elven sounding title. Any help?

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First Post
When you ask for a word in Elvish, you probably should specify which Elvish language. Many people use different versions, since they are all Conlangs (Constructed Languages). Are you looking for Tolkien's Elvish, or the Dragon Magazine Elvish, or the Dragonlance Novels Elvish, or Forgotten Realms' Elvish, or another RPG's Elvish, or someone's made-up Elvish?

For me, I just make up words that sound Elvish and go with it. Within my own personal Elvish lexicon, I use the suffix '-briel' for Ladies and '-driel' for Lords. My Elven nobility ranks are more fluid, since they are chaotic creatures, and do not have the myriads of distinctions that a lawful society would have created under the fief system. Instead, elves in my campaigns tend to be organized in Houses led by charismatic Lords and Ladies, hence the two suffixes above. Examples of noble names include "Thaelandriel" and "Andabriel".

So, in short, I suggest that you create a name that is fitting to your setting, and do not worry about the legalities of someone else's Elvish lexicon. Make it your own, and you'll be happier with it in the long run.

Hope This Helps,

Tolen Mar

First Post
Ordinarily, that's exactly what I do. I was just at the end of my creative rope that day. I didn't really care which version of elven I ended up with because I'd have likely used whatever I did get as a jumping-off point. I rarely use a name generated by one of those things without tweaking it at least a little.

I went to many of the various generators listed here, thanks for links.

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