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I need some Halfling help.


First Post

Mayor of Bespin township. (one of the thorpes within a days ride from Silverthorne)

Dimble, male gnome (rock) Ftr4/Exp2: CR 5; Size S (3 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 4d10+12 + 2d6+6; hp 49; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 20 (+7 armor, +2 shield +1 Size); Attack +10 melee, or +9 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +6; AL CG; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 9.

Languages Spoken: Common, Gnome, Goblin.

Skill points: Ftr 21, Exp 14
Skills and feats: Profession Miner 7, Climb +5, Heal +7, Hide +8, Jump +9, Knowledge (geology) +2, Listen +4, Move silently +4, Apraise +6, Craft Arms/Armor +9, Spot +5, Bluff +2; Weapon Focus Heavy Pick, Weapon Specialization Heavy Pick, Blind Fighting, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Leadership.

Heavy Pick +2 Throwing, Returning. Melee +13, Thrown +12, Damage 1D8 +8 Range 10/20/30
Rings of Readiness (attached to half plate) armor is instantly worn when ring is activated
Glove of Storing: holds the heavy pick +2
Half plate, medium shield, backpack, Aristocrats outfit, any basic adventuring equipment that he might need.

Dimbles wife.
Alanna, female gnome (rock) Wiz6: CR 6; Size S (3 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 6d4+18; hp 32; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 16 (+4 bracers, +1 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +4 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +8; AL NG; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling.

Skill points: Wiz 54
Skills and feats: Alchemy +8, Bluff +4.5, Concentration +12, Hide +6, Knowledge +13, Knowledge (religion) +12, Listen +3, Move silently +1, Profession +10, Sense motive +4, Spellcraft +13, Spot +1; Combat casting, Craft magic arms and armor, Craft wand, Extend spell, [Scribe scroll].

Possessions: Fully charged wand of fireballs 6D6. Bracers of AC +4, Ring of Resistance +2
Potions of Invisibility, Cure moderate, and Protection from Arrows.

Wizard Spells Known (4/4/4/3): 0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Burning Hands, Change Self, Charm Person, Detect Undead, Identify, Summon Monster I. 2nd -- Blur, Ghoul Touch, Knock, Melf's Acid Arrow, See Invisibility, Web. 3rd -- Fireball, Fly, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Evil, Slow.

Dimble and Alana are adventuring companions who married and retired to open a silver mine. They have 3 children. The Bespin mining company and township was founded by this pair. The mine is not a major vein, but Bespin produces a decent amount of silver ore.

There is however something else in the mines that draws Dimble like a magnet. He has uncovered an ancient Gnomish town, burrowed from the rock itself. The community actually lives in the repaired ruins, but maintains the thorpe as a ruse. The stone walls of the thorpe is a first line of defense, with false houses, and false warehouses to divert attention from the mine. Raiders will grab whatever shoddy goods they can carry off while the gnomes remain safe in the mines below. Below the silver mine is a pair of great stone doors, that closes off the new barony of Bespin. Dimble has proclaimed himself a baron, although no one in Silverthorne is aware of this. 80 gnomes inhabit the above ground thorp, but another 120 live underground restoring the town. There are no farms outside the thorp.

Bespin, Hamlet 200 inhabitants gnomes 100%
Dimble: Mayor/Baron. Aristocrat
AL: Neutral Good
100 gold piece limit

30 first level fighters chain, shield, light mace, half spears
5 constables 3rd fighters equip as above
30 first level warriors chain, light crossbows, shortswords.
5 wizards from first to 6th level.
6 clerics from first to 7th levels
14 experts in various fields
10 rogues/scouts first to 5th levels
100 children

10 guards (warriors or fighters) are on duty aboveground at all times with another 10 at the ready. There is only one gate in the thorp, and 6 are at the gate and 4 man the watch towers. All guards have shofars (rams horns) to sound the alarm. The walls are meant to hold off an enemy until the entire population can retreat into the mines. There have been several attacks, and T’ban definitely wants control of the silver mines.

The town below has amazing defenses, and a good deal of magic. It was left in good condition, and has huge caverns with permanent daylight spells where farming is currently underway. The true town of Bespin can hold and feed 5000 gnomes easily. There is no record of what happened to the previous inhabitants, but it has been abandoned for about 600 years. The Baron of Bespin found his new realm as if the original gnomes just disapeared. The grainaries were full (and magicly preserved), food was still on tables, but no signs of the gnomes. It’s not yet fully explored, but Dimble expects a connection with the underdark.

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More about Vos: Still needs some updating.
Vos Silverwood, male strongheart halfling sorcerer 9

Vos was born into a family of sculptors in Suzail, Cormyr. The family specialized in funerary sculptures, but also would carve the occasional golem. Vos learned to sculpt in wood stone, clay, and then, the family secret: the lost wax method (Its not so secret-it’s a clay sculpture/wax mold/bronze casting method. A number of artisans in Faerun use it.). Vos grew to love golems at an early age-he helped a War Mage build a stone golem out of marble for the capitol. Vos was entranced when the mage made it come to life, and walked it to the castle.

When Vos started to manifest magical abilities, a halfling elder declared him a sorcerer. The community had never had a sorcerer before, and Vos was sent to a local wizard, but was rejected. What wizard can train a sorcerer? At home, there was no place for pyrotechnics in a sculptor’s studio. So Vos ended up in the Cormyian military. He was a caster of scrolls, and cast a Detect Poison for his commander’s every meal. Even here, there wasn’t much room for a halfling sorcerer. Vos was more of a mascot, than an aide to the war against the goblins.

At third level, Vos left the military, and became an adventurer (the campaign started at third level). He fell in love with the deep woods of Cormanthor, the former elven court. More importantly, the halflings of the Dalelands were welcoming to a sorcerer-they had seen his type all too often. Here he met the halfling wizard, Tumble-Toes: so named for his habit of tumbling through his opponents (two levels of rogue)! The two remain good friends. Vos aided in the construction of two Wood Golems for the council of Batteldale.

Batteldale is also where Vos met his adventuring companions: The Nameless Company (or just the Nameless). A dwarven cleric, Torin Ramble. The Cleric/bard of Elistree: Vanessa, a half-drow of great beauty. The human ranger/thief, Janner. The Enigmatic elf archer Caldyr (a straight wizard, who bends all his magic to his bow), And Iggy, a human fighter.

The Nameless company has since made a name for themselves; clearing out Ghostholds in the Dales, and working for the city of Phlan on the Moonsea. They have acted as caravan guards on a run between Iriaebor and Scornubel. They adventured up the coast to Waterdeep, where they are now wintering (the DM has a series of winter in Waterdeep adventures), in a rented villa.

Vos has run through a whole series of magic items, scrolls, and wands. His company’s finest hour came at the defense of Dagger Falls. The populace had assumed Vos was just another adventuring halfling rogue. The town was besieged by a hobgoblin army. 200 hobgoblins in banded mail, 80 hobgoblin archers, and 100 goblin irregulars out front. Vos cast Mirror Image, Shield, a scroll of Protection from Arrows, and Fly upon himself. Vos was the distraction-the rest of the company moved out in back to take on the leaders.
Vos flew out and emptied his wand of Ice Storm into the archers. Then he emptied his wand of Lightning Bolts into the hobgoblin infantry (you just can’t capture a fully charged wand!). the towns people at the walls were handling the goblins well, and the leaders were surprised by the Nameless! The army and leaders were beginning to route by the time Vos was using up his last Fireballs (A group of 50 heavy Calvary from Waterdeep helped to decide things!). Balistae and spells had taken all but one of Vos’ Mirror Images. Vos chased the army into the woods, using up his Snowball Swarms and Magic Missiles (Fly at 90’…ya gotta love it!).

The company is now in Waterdeep for the winter. The Magic types are preparing scrolls, and creating magic items for the coming season. Maps and rumors are being researched. Waterdeep is a great town to winter in, so much entertainment: plays, winter festivals, bored nobles, fantastic parties. There is too much to do. Janner, Iggy, and Torin seem content to raise their level of alcohol tolerance. Vanessa performs most of the time. Caldyr is busy scribing scrolls. And Vos is driven to create, ‘something.’

Vos has picked up a personal nemesis. Caelick, a goblin sorcerer who’s tribe was robbed, and all but exterminated by the Nameless company. Twice now, Vos thought he has seen the goblin. Once, briefly, in the woods outside Dagger Falls, and once in Scornubel, where they traded spells! It disturbs Vos, that the goblin called him by name.


First Post
Nayford: Thorp on the river Iffyn in the Hollow Highlands, Sunndi, Greyhawk

Population: 200 including outlying farms. Population is all halfling.

Nayford was built around a watermill operating on the Iffyn River, a tributary to the Pawluck Ricer that runs through central Sunndi. At Nayford, the river runs deep, making it impossible to ford (hence the name). It is the closest place for days around for farmers to bring the grain crops to be milled. The miller and his family have storage barns for the milled grain until a barge can take it downriver to be sold.

Nayford also boasts a potter, a bowyer, a brewery, a basketweaver, a village seamstress (who also operates a backdoor trade as an herbalist), and a blacksmith. There is one inn, which is a fuill service inn, and a tavern down by the docks for the barge crews.

Nayford is controlled by a council of Village Elders, which always includes the latest scion of the miller's family (as town founders, they are traditionally the nominal head of the village's council), the sheriff, and the head of the church of Yondalla in Nayford. As one may expect, very little business gets done by these folks as it pertains to governing; in the main, people govern themselves. The other main center of power is the Nayford Ladies Sewing Circle, currently headed by the wife of the local miller, which very much runs things, behind the scenes as it were.

The village inn is named That Field Yonder, a name suggested by a crafty local field hand, who suggested it so that when his employer (or his wife) demanded to know where he had been spending his time, he could honestly say he had been in 'that firld yonder.' While both the farmers and the wives of Nayford quickly caught on, the name stuck.

The dockside tavern is named the Boatman's Cap.

A map and a list of notable persons (or more detail) is available upon request.

Good luck!

Chris Perkett

who loves his halfling ranger/rogue/deepwood sniper



Could you post the map and any further info on Nayford. I think I am going to drop this into my campaign.





Could you post the map and any further info on Nayford. I think I am going to drop this into my campaign.



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