D&D 5E I need to know if my homebrew cultures work is going well?

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
this is what I got so far for my customer homebrew race is it of decent quality got any better suggestions for them please tell me below.
also, this is presently unfinished I am trying to figure out what else I need to do.

The perspective of the seekers are noted to be seeking to resurrect some lost god-ish entities(they are ontologically different but are of similar power and capability)thus many seek to achieve great feats that with sufficient amounts of them are said to revive these benevolent beings, this is not to say that everyone is hyper motivate people many are more humble seeking to facilitate such deeds think the layperson of most faiths and you will know them well. However, the seekers suffer chronic disunity beyond the city-state level with most of them having ended up vassal states to the nations of other people. Noted for a highly individualistic and ambitious with a can-do attitude to most things in life.

The perspective of duskborn and their reaping dynasty is, in contrast, a large and functioning nation that spans part of both the surface and the Underdark it is, in contrast, the reaping dynasty drives towards transforming the material planet towards a great unity and understanding with the help of the god of destruction and transformation. Towards this goal, they also have acolytes who walk certain paths in the name of growing this great work or removing obstacles towards the great work. Some gain employment in the truly vast feudalistic bureaucracy that serves the great throne.

This leads the reaping dynasty Populus to be much more long-sighted and seeking to be in harmony with each other and thus tend towards higher conformity and a much more go with the flow attitude amongst the general populous.

2 paragraphs about their culture, interactions, and relations

The universals of the ???? have beyond immediate family a common basic structure called a ??___?? Which is the most basic large group of both societies they are focused on a particular common task from farming, to war and even to the great feats of renown some are short term others are long term or potentially eternal as they will always need doing

These are organised around the kruxers who tend to be the three leaders of the goal at that point one for each ?? they organise and lead the group from there, the equivalent of villages tend to be organised in this fashion as the mission is to survive or provide goods for a neighbouring area, in cities these operate the local level of everything

The duskborn and the harvest of perfection, the harvest of perfection is a two-step process one is similar to the paths of the seeker cults but designed to be far less selfish and the second part is far stranger which evolves growing this truly massive structure. The throne also operates the reaping soldiers which is what the dynasty is known for an army of psi warriors many of which become a strange form of deathless beings if they die so that they might serve forever in some form they make up the spectral or battle constructs.

The seeker cults and their paths towards becoming a god

All thought they will happily take any who will join them walking the paths to revive/become a god is no mean feat, every one of the great 12 paths is difficult and said to be different for each individual but regardless I will explain a basic overview, most of the dawnborn that make up the seeker cults will have known someone to have tried taking up one of the paths which required great focus and discipline to get far or overwhelming good fortune hence most tap out long before they are ever likely to reach godhood.
The one cult tends to dominate a city with each city being nominally theocratic but in practice is run by a council as the cults are much too busy preparing aspirants and trying to make a greater test to push closer to heaven as they believe anyone with the right guidance and skill can become a god.
There is no shame in bowing out if one is on a path but great shame in failure as to fail to become an exalted, a child of the heavens is to have your soul admit weakness to all the universe.

1 paragraph about why and how they go adventuring

Why the ??? Go adventuring? Curiosity is a common motivation as daring to know is considered a fundamental motivation and desire in both of the major strains.

Why the members of the duskborn go adventuring many of the reaper legions or shade killers

Why the members of the dawnborn seeker cults go adventuring aside from trying to become an exalted being may seek greater understanding of the paths they are on, others seek simple fame and fortune.

Both types possess any motivation that is common to their class.
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I'm not seeing very much in the way of specifics here. What I'm getting the feel of is some sort of religious cult as a D&D race. Given their motivation is a fundamentally religious one are they all of the same species? Do they recruit (and if so how?) How do they treat outsiders? How do they treat those who go adventuring - as heroes, pariahs, or kids who will grow out of it?

I don't even get what the "Harvest of perfection" is - being a harvest is it some sort of sacrifice? And what are they trying to turn the world into; is the schism "rule of the powerful" vs "we should help everyone"?

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I'm not seeing very much in the way of specifics here. What I'm getting the feel of is some sort of religious cult as a D&D race. Given their motivation is a fundamentally religious one are they all of the same species? Do they recruit (and if so how?) How do they treat outsiders? How do they treat those who go adventuring - as heroes, pariahs, or kids who will grow out of it?

I don't even get what the "Harvest of perfection" is - being a harvest is it some sort of sacrifice? And what are they trying to turn the world into; is the schism "rule of the powerful" vs "we should help everyone"?
it is supposed to be a mystery even to me as it can be different each game, I am trying to do a split better than the elves but without making two stat blocks.

but you have given me much to think about thank you.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
updated with more data to review that is also here

All thought they will happily take any who will join them walking the paths to revive/become a god is no mean feat, every one of the great 12 paths is difficult and said to be different for each individual but regardless I will explain a basic overview, most of the dawnborn that make up the seeker cults will have known someone to have tried taking up one of the paths which required great focus and discipline to get far or overwhelming good fortune hence most tap out long before they are ever likely to reach godhood.
The one cult tends to dominate a city with each city being nominally theocratic but in practice is run by a council as the cults are much too busy preparing aspirants and trying to make a greater test to push closer to heaven as they believe anyone with the right guidance and skill can become a god.
There is no shame in bowing out if one is on a path but great shame in failure as to fail to become an exalted, a child of the heavens is to have your soul admit weakness to all the universe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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