I'm literally quoting from the rulebook right next to me.
Climb page 69 - DC 20 - A uneven surface with some narrow handholds and footholds, such as a typical wall in a dungeon or ruins. DC 25 - A rough surface, such as natural rock wall or a brick wall.
A surface being wet adds +5 so that matches with the Table you referenced where a slick brick wall is DC30, except it says Hurriedly climb, so that adds another +5 to the DC for moving faster than half your speed. So it would be DC35.
Escape Artist page 73 - DC 30 Manacles, DC 30 Tight Spaces, DC35 Masterworked Manacles.
Not sure where you are getting this Table 2–5: Difficulty Class Examples, as there isn't a Table 2-5 in the rulebook.
The Difficulty Class Examples is Table 4-3 only has eight examples, for DC 0, DC 5 (Knotted rope only climb example), DC 10, DC15, DC20, DC25, DC 30 and all the way to DC 40 - Track orcs across hard ground after rainfall.