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D&D 4E i4e: new 4th edition character sheet replacement for iPhone


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i4e is a character sheet replacement for 4th edition D&D. It runs on the iPhone and iPod touch and allows you to hold all your characters in one convenient place.

incomplete list of features
  • Track Hit Points
  • Track Healing Surges
  • Track Powers as well as whether they're used
  • Assign weapons or implements to a power and it will calculate your hit bonus and damage for that power
  • Calculated skill bonuses
  • Temporary hit point tracking
  • and more

I submitted my application i4e to the iTunes app store for approval last week. I'll post again when it has been approved.

Until then you can find more information at i4e for iPhone: Character Sheets In Your Pocket and I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about it as well as take notes on things to add into 1.1.

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If you can get importing to work from the Character Builder, I will definitely be interested in this App.



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The key problem with that at the moment is it still requires a DDI account since a large portion of the information in the .dnd4e save files are links to DDI.


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I just gave it a try but ran into problems entering abilities that require 2 separate dice rolls. For instance, the barbarian at-will Howling Strike is 1[W] + 1d6 + Strength modifier but I don't see a way of setting up the power to work that way.

Other than that, it looks pretty good. One request I have would be an inventory tab to track items and gold.


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Finished my testing and submitted 1.1.0 this morning. Hopefully it won't take too long to go through the review process. This release includes importing from the official Character Builder .dnd4e files. They don't contain everything but they get you most of the way to having your character in i4e.

You can find information about everything that was included in this release at i4e for iPhone: Character Sheets In Your Pocket

Currently I don't think there is a way to get the extra 1d6 into the power other than to note it in the description. I'm going to look at adding an inventory section probably in the next minor release.


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As I said earlier I submitted an update to i4e last Friday that includes importing a character from a .dnd4e file. Unfortunately the save doesn't contain everything you'd need, but it gets you a long ways toward having a completed character with a single button tap.

- Items imported successfully:
- Character details (name, class, level, xp, race, speed, armor penalty)
- Stats
- Health details (hp, healing surges, healing surge value)
- Defenses (armor bonuses, stat bonuses, misc/class bonuses)
- Weapons (everything except range)
- Powers (everything except descriptions, range, base damage, keywords) (Adjusted damage, weapon choice are included)
- Feats
- Skills (including which skills are trained)


First Post
i4e 1.1.0 is now available in the iTunes app store.
  • Healing when at negative hit points applies healing from 0
  • Added the ability to import from the DDI Character Builder
  • Number of limited uses wasn't shown when going back into the power information view
  • Skills list now indicates which skills are trained with check marks on the right hand side
  • You can now recharge a limited use power when it has been used
  • Trying to change the weapon name without setting a stat would crash the app
  • Hit modifier in powers now has option for misc bonus
  • Damage modifier now has option for misc bonus to damage
  • Damage for powers can now be just a stat without weapon damage 0 [W]
  • You can now heal and take damage up to 300 points at a time
  • Added spirit keyword for powers
  • Added opportunity action type for powers
  • Made weapons and implements more distinct
  • Corrected some range names in powers
  • Resting now removes temporary HP
  • Added 25/50 range to weapons
  • Fixed issue with no keywords for a power
  • Added Augmentable Keyword to powers for psionics
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