D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Goldenfields


At the sound of the commotion, Virion grabbed his staff and ran towards the main room. He skidded to a halt once he could see the group outside. "Oh, well, that can't be good," he muttered as he took a few steps back.

OOC: Move: J20
Actions: Dash to N17
Bonus: None

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Still waiting on two NPC actions and one PC action.


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The lead ogre moves into the courtyard attempting to waylay the paladin. The Ogre's attack seems to hit and deals 17 points of damage.

Goblins spill into the courtyard as fast as they can, though they seem to ignore the direct combat, instead turning over barrels, boxes, hanging down into the well, and otherwise searching for something. Bugbears and the other ogre seem to be more on watch, looking for other problems coming from other directions and overseeing this.


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Steve Gorak

Davaros doesn't even flinch as the blood from the ogre's attack trickles down his chest. He will vanquish these cowardly assailants, and protect those in the inn.

He steps forward, glad his celestial horse is protecting his flank, and strikes at his attacker.

OOC: concentration check successful, Wrathful smite still active

2 attacks:

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

If any of these attacks hit, the ogre takes an extra [roll4] psychic damage and needs to save vs DC 13 or be frightened as per Wrathful smite

Note that because of great weapon fighting style, Davaros gets to reroll 1s or 2s on damage dice of weapon wielded with two hands. Here are some rolls in case this applies:


You may want to roll each of those d6s individually. On the second damage roll it's obvious 1/2 was rolled. On the first one though it's possible 2/6 was rolled, but I don't think I see any way to tell. Or maybe enworld had a way to list the individual numbers.

Steve Gorak

OOC: OK, I'll roll the d6's individually from now on so it's clear when a 1 or 2 is rolled. To simplify things, lets take the damage from attack 1 at face value

The celestial spirit manifesting itself as a horse raises itself, tall and proud on its two hind legs, and attempts to trample the goblin next to it.

OOC: I am using the stats of the base warhorse

Attack: [roll0]

Alarmed, Euon finished seeing Oren safely inside the inn, the exited outside the main door. He positioned himself near the door but a discrete distance from the nearest goblin scrabbling to get into the well, and cast a careful look around the courtyard. Everyone seemed busy. Euon didn't want to get caught using magic, not when the locals' attitude toward casting was unknown. He'd dealt with enough hard feelings and had been blacklisted from enough villages to know that magic wasn't welcome everywhere. Satisfied that most of the inn's occupants were too panicked to take heed of his actions, Euon pushed up his tunic sleeves and opened his heart center to the thrum of magic pushing up from the blades of grass pocketed between the courtyard's cobblestones. He dug deep, relishing the feel of magic coursing freely through his limbs, then unleashed raw power at the gaggle of goblins wreaking havoc across the way. A cricket hopped from Euon's grasp and sprang away across the cobblestones.

OOC: Move: N21.
Action: Cast sleep, centered on O26. The online SRD I referenced didn't mention having to have line of sight. If that's an issue, however, Euon may need to move to L22 then cast sleep. Or he could target L24.
Bonus Action: None.

Sleep affects [roll0] hp worth of creatures

Miros stayed put, but quickly cranked his heavy crossbow and let loose another bolt. He aimed for the lead ogre, muttering, "C'mere, ye stinkin' ewe's dingleberry an' take yer medicine!"

OOC: Move: None
Action: Load and fire heavy crossbow at the lead ogre, ranged attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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