IC: Dichotomy's Age of Worms Redux, Part II


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Viktor draws his hammer and moves to the northeast side of the dwarf.
[sblock=ooc]double move to square north-east of Boldak. Drawing my weapon and taking my dodge bonus against the beetle
edit-forgot my movement limitations[/sblock]
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Boldak quickly rushes at the beetle and scores a fair hit.

That is quickly followed by a spell flung from Breth's fingertip that sears the vermin.

Viktor moves to take position in the room. While it doesn't stop him from moving, the instant he gets inside, he feels unnaturally tired.

Alendar quickly skirts into the room, and shakes his head to remove a sudden weakened feeling. The elf nocks and arrow and waits for a shot.

The beetle spews forth a stream of acid, just as the other did yesterday, but Boldak and Viktor shake of the effects without a second thought.

As the creature takes a step back, Alendar fires. His aim is true, and the beetle drops dying to the floor.
[sblock=OOC]Boldak: charges 1; 18+5=23, hit; 5 damage (yes, that includes the sneak attack)
Breth: moves; magic missle 1; 3 damage
Viktor: moves; will save 8+4=12, fail; fatigued; dodge bonus against 1
Alendar: moves; will save 7+1=8, fail; fatigued; readies to attack
Beetle: sprays B & V with acid; fort saves B-20!, success; V-10+9=19, success; five-foot step
Alendar: ready triggers; 15+6=21, hits AC modified by cover; 8 damage

Init & Status
Boldak (22): 1 damage
Breth (16): 3 damage
Viktor (16): 1 damage; fatigued
Alendar (15): 3 damage; fatigued
Beetle (11): 16 damage; unconscious and dying
Alexis (8): 3 damage[/sblock]
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"Good work there!" celebrates Boldak. "Now, to have a look around..." says the dwarf, beginning to search the room. As he does so, he comments, "Did the rest of you feel that... tingle?"


First Post
Alexis stows her morningstar and picks up her lantern and moves into the room.

"What's going on with you two?" Alexis says as she moves into the room.


[sblock=OOC]Boldak: will save 18+2=20, success
Breth: will save 20!, success
Alexis: will save, 1!, fail; fatigued[/sblock]
As Alexis enters the room, she also feels the same weariness that Alendar and Viktor feel.

Breth's examination of the corpse turns up a silver ring and another set of red leather armor with the eight-pointed symbol on it. However, unlike the previous sets, this one is in good repair, and is of exceptional quality.
[sblock=OOC]It's masterwork.[/sblock]
Boldak's more detailed examination of the room turns up nothing else.


[sblock=OOC]No magic on the ring and armor here. The potions had conjuration magic, the pearl is, i think, universal, and the ring is transmutation.

Oh, and the room has an aura that fills it as well. It's enchantment.[/sblock]

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