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D&D 5E [IC] Escape from Castle Illvithar


Koregar stares at the elf for a moment before bursting into a full bellied laugh that echoes throughout the cavern. "Did ya hear em? Noble he says!"

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"How does this profit us? I distrust the drow no less that I distrust a shifty halfling or a dwarf that is too daft to know when to keep his mouth shut. Now...do we dig out or do we continue this nonsense?"

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Who else defends the breach where the myconids seeking to colonize everything, or the formions wanting God knows what? Not the dwarves they dare not even delve that deep! You will not sully the names of all those fallen keeping you safe in your beds!" Naeris throws his short sword against the nearby wall.


Koregar stopped laughing, "I was at Mithral Hall when the damned Drow showed up, tryin' to kill me king and me kin, and take us as slaves to their bidding. I was there when they came with their crossbows and devilish magics, summoning demons to tear into me kin like feast day dinner. Don' ye be tellin' me yer kin are some noble bunch when I seen it firsthand meself. Now, I'm wiliin' to put all aside until we get out o' here, but you'd best be watchin' yer mouth, drow, er I'll be closin' it for ye."


"Agreed as soon as we get out of here i'll shave you bald... I'm sure you were drunk out your mind at the time hallucinating." Naeris seems happy to have gotten the last word in


The dwarf eyed the elf for a long moment, before another burst of laughter rolled out of him. "Bald, says he! Have you e'er heard anythin' more stupid!"

Then he abruptly stops, looks at the elf and says "Touch me beard, elf, and I'll give ye a closer shave then ye ever had."

He looked back to the rocks and began testing them, to see which ones could be moved.


Koregar realized what he said about giving the elf a shave. Elves don't have to shave. At that thought, he burst out laughing again, this time to himself as he worked on the stones.


Siljar sits down cross legged, removes his spellbook from this pack and begins paging through mouthing the names of spells until he finds what he was looking for. "Aha. Shusin's Imperceptible Daemon. Give me a moment and you shall have some help with the rocks!" He then begins reciting the incantations and motions while weaving his hands around his crystal orb. A face of a monkey like creature appears in it, glowing blue green. With a flurish, the creature is 'extracedt', appears glowing for a moment then disappears. It looked like a 2' tall simian creature with fluttering butterfly wings and a tail like that of a crocodile. Siljar whispers "take the heaviest rock from the top of that pile you can and move it away from the pile". Suddenly one of the larger rocks lifts into the air, moves away from the pile and falls to floor. "Repeat until the pile is gone." Another rock...then another rock.

OOC: Siljar casts unseen servant as a ritual to help move rocks as needed. It will last one hour. It has strength 2 so can lift 30 pounds or drag 60. It can move 15 ft as part of it's 'action' which is a bonus action for Siljar.

It takes 10 minutes for him to cast it so if some event intercedes that time I will edit the narration above.


"Hey, not a bad idea," Koregar said, using the rope to climb down from the rocks and get out of the way, just in case the durned thing causes the whole durned roof to cave in.

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