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IC - Mad King's Monkey II


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Bayar had been striding forward, about to start shouting about clearing the intersection, and ready to disentangle the animals with a sword stroke when Jan bursts into song. Turning around with a look of disbelief, and fuming at how strangely inappropriate the bard could be at times, realisation struck Bayar at the same moment. And he said nothing.

Standing back from the others and the mess in front, Bayar keeps an eye on the not-too-distant strangers and tries to get his breathing under control after their forced march - there was a good chance of a fight soon enough, and there would be no point if he was too tired to lift his sword. Fingering the hilt if the weapon idly, Bayar watches. And waits. The moment there is a gap big enough to barge through in pursuit, he takes it.

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Day five, early in the morning, at the Baron's residence

After waking late and heading outside, Thuan gets instructions from members of the household of the direction that the others went. Then he headed off to try and intercept them with his superior speed.

Thuan quickly realises that the directions given (They turned right outside the gate and went down the street.) will only get him so far. He needs to know more if he is going to find the others.

[sblock=OOC]From what I can see, Thuan has the same Spd (30ft) as the rest of the party.

Thaun can try asking the people in the street if saw where the party went.

Get simple advice/directions (-5 to DC) with Indifferent targets (DC 15) = Diplomacy DC10. As no one person will have the complete answer, he will need 5 successes. Each check will account for 2 minutes of time.[/sblock]


Day Five, Early Morning, somewhere in the city close to the warehouse district

Ullara coaxes Bran gently, keeping an eye on the shifty-looking character nearby, encouraging him to find the scent again. After snuffling around, Bran makes a small yip of excitement and goes dashing off confidently.

It takes but a moment for Ullara to guide Bran around the chaos in the centre of the junction and get Bran back on task.

Jan will fade his song out and then take off after the dog and his pet.

Standing back from the others and the mess in front, Bayar keeps an eye on the not-too-distant strangers and tries to get his breathing under control after their forced march - there was a good chance of a fight soon enough, and there would be no point if he was too tired to lift his sword. Fingering the hilt if the weapon idly, Bayar watches. And waits. The moment there is a gap big enough to barge through in pursuit, he takes it.

Bayar's pause gives him time enough to notice a couple of things.

The solitary traveller stops at the sound of Jan's song and turns to see what is going on. There he stands for a while, about 70 yards from the junction, watching events in the junction.

The pair of travellers, one tall and one small, only cast a glance backwards before hurrying off away from the junction down the street along which they were travelling. They are but 60 yards from the junction. Then a moment later they are gone.

The same street Bran sets off along but a moment later.

[sblock=OOC]There is room enough in the junction to pass through.

Perception Check DC15 to identify exactly which alley, gateway or doorway the two went through.[/sblock]


Day Five, early in the morning, in the city close to the warehouse district

Libros sees the two hurry into a narrow alley to the left about 65 yards from the junction. On either side there are shops, already beginning their preparations for the day putting out stalls and displays that partially obscure the entrance to the alley.


First Post
"They be there," Bayar said calmly, pointing out the two men to any who hadn't seen. Whether the two men noticed him marking them or not, he couldn't tell and genuinely didn't care. "Best be keeping them in sight."

The moment there was a gap in the crowd and tangled reigns, Bayar roughly shouldered his way through. Two strangers had to be shouldered aside to get his armoured bulk past the intersection. Luckily they were content to retaliate only with words and stares.

The break in visual contact was enough though. It was almost as though the two marks had been waiting for the moment they could step aside. Cursing loudly, Bayar paused at the top of the street to strap his shield on. "Anyone be seeing which shop they be hiding in?" he growled.

Perception 1d20+1=10 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4549971/


Guest 11456

Li Thuan, male human monk

Thuan quickly realises that the directions given (They turned right outside the gate and went down the street.) will only get him so far. He needs to know more if he is going to find the others.

[sblock=OOC]From what I can see, Thuan has the same Spd (30ft) as the rest of the party.

Thaun can try asking the people in the street if saw where the party went.

Get simple advice/directions (-5 to DC) with Indifferent targets (DC 15) = Diplomacy DC10. As no one person will have the complete answer, he will need 5 successes. Each check will account for 2 minutes of time.[/sblock]

OOC: My mistake.

Not very adept at social situations it take Thuan a while to get the needed information. After 20 minutes of going from person to person, he has at last gotten enough information to follow the others into the city.

1d20-2=9, 1d20-2=12, 1d20-2=2, 1d20-2=17, 1d20-2=4, 1d20-2=-1, 1d20-2=13, 1d20-2=8, 1d20-2=10, 1d20-2=12, 1d20-2=7, 1d20-2=1, 1d20-2=11, 1d20-2=1, 1d20-2=15, 1d20-2=4, 1d20-2=5, 1d20-2=13, 1d20-2=-1, 1d20-2=2

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ullara Halx, female human druid with dog companion Bran

"Good dog, Bran, you'll be getting the finest meat we can find once we catch this poisoner, good boy, good boy," Ullara mutters in the Druidic tongue, sounding much like she's chirping at Brn like a bird. He seems to respond well though, and when the two trot into the street, both look around, and then unerringly head towards a particular spot...

OOC: Ullara got a 16 Perception, Bran got a 20 Perception.

Voidrunner's Codex

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