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IC - Mad King's Monkey II

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ullara Halx, female human druid with dog companion Bran

Libros, Thuan and Ullara and Bran.

Ullara, Libros and Thuan set off after Bran, away from the smokey alley and in the other direction to the one taken by Child Figure.

After a couple of minutes it becomes clear that the their quarry has changed his approach. No longer does he stick to the quiet streets and alleys. Rather his route takes them through the busier ones, as if trying to use the waking city to mask his trail.

A little while longer and a few junctions later, the trail brings them to a small square crowded with eating places. The air is thick with the smells of food, and the square busy with people getting breakfast in preparation for the day's labour. Most of them are stevedores, thick set men with burly arms. By now you are close to the docks. You can smell the damp rising off the river, and hear the gulls that crowd the air.

Its all too much for Bran, who loses the scent.

There are four exits from the square, the one you entered by, and three others. The only way to regain the trail is take Bran a little way down each one, and hope that he finds it. But even as you consider the options, four burly workers rise from their table and move purposely towards you and blocking your way forward.

Clever coward, Ullara thinks with irritation as Bran shakes his head in confusion. To have come all this way and not found him... But they could, if they were thorough. That may have to do, rather than be fast. "We'll have to check all the exits, away from all these scents."

"Hey there missy," one of the growls by way of introduction. "You can't go letting no wild animal run loose around the streets. It ain't right. You ought to put a leash on that hound."

The men have nothing in hand. A couple of them have knives visible at their belt.

Then the workers go to block her path. Concerned citizens? Or paid conspirators?

Considering everything else that has gone on today, she's not discounting the latter.

"My hound obeys my every command far better than some people I could name. But, if you must insist on propriety..." Ullara cuts a length of rope from her pack, ties it to the collar Bran wears to protect his neck, patting him in reassurance of the very stupid game they're playing. And keeps walking around the busybodies.

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First Post
As Libros is no good at intimidating people, he simply drops back and watches as Ullara starts to walk round the toughs. Clearing his mind and preparing to cast a spell, he is ready to put them to sleep if they try to molest her.


Day Five, Early Morning, in the city down behind the docks

Libros, Thuan and Ullara and Bran

Around the square the conversations pause and eating slows as people take in the little drama playing out in the square. People passing through pause to watch.

Ullara, with Bran on her temporary leash, moves to walk around the men.

The docks can be a rough place, where disputes are commonly settled with mixture of intimidation and brawn. This is not their first rodeo. The men move easily to block Ullara's path.

On of them grabs her by the arm. "Hey there! Not so fast. There are people ..

Libros casts his spell before anyone can react.

Two of the workers collapse to the ground. There is a moment of stillness in the square.

[sblock=Perception Check DC10]Three silver pieces slip from the fingers of one of the sleeping workers. [/sblock]

"Warlock!" [1]

People standing nearby begin backing away.

"Stay out of my mind, runt!" The remaining docker steps up to Libros, punching him hard [Non-Lethal DAM 3].

A wooden cup flies through the air towards the group. Followed by a bowl and a couple more cups. Then air is filled with a collection of (mostly) wooden table items.[2]

[1] Or whatever derogatory name for spell caster comes to mind first.
* Worker 1 - Holding Ullara
* Worker 2 - Brawling with Libros
* Worker 3 - Sleeping
* Worker 4 - Sleeping
[2] Roll 1d3 Attacks for your character: -2/Dam 1 non-lethal.
Actions capable of being disrupted will require a Concentration Check DC 10.


Day five, early morning, somewhere in the city backstreets

Bayar and Jan

Around Bayar and the unconscious Jan the street slowly fills as people exit houses or wander over to see what's happening. The old woman from the nearby building approaches with a broom in hand. Bayar also notices a couple of knives, clubs and the like in the hands of a few of the people. The mood is initially quite hostile, given that it looks very much like Bayar, clad in armour and bearing shield and sword, has cut down a child.

Fortunately it only takes the removal of the mask to disabuse them of that notion.

There is a pause as a murmur of surprise runs through the people gathered around. "Goblin?" "Here in the city?" "Is he dead?" "The goblin is for sure." "Are you sure it not a goblin mask?" "What about the other one?" "No, it was wearing a bunny mask." "I think that he is still alive?" "Maybe it's a kobold?" "Alive! :):):):)!" "I thought it was one of those kids from the orphanage." "Not the goblin you idiot. Its truly deaders." "There are kobolds under the city I hear." "What is it wearing?" "There are no kobolds in the city you fool." "Looks like knives and ... stuff." "But there are goblins it would seem." "Well there was one at least."

Slowly people begin to close in for a closer look at both the dead goblin and the stricken minstrel. There is about 10 feet between the two and about a dozen people crowding in.

Behind the people Bayar sees a young boy hot footing it down the street after being told something by one of the adults.


First Post
As the people filed out of their houses, Bayar remained tense. He kept himself busy for a minute cleaning his sword, stowing his shield and other minor activities that let him keep his 'tools' close to hand without provoking the mob. All the while trying to find a way to bring Jaan back without leaving the goblin lying in the street - carrying both wasn't a viable choice...

Bayar reaches a decision about the time he noticed a boy running off. Standing between the two prone forms, he put his hands on his hips and called loudly, "I be needing a barrow. Or a handcart." Putting a hand into his belt pouch, he grabbed a small number of silver coins. Holding them up, he added "Five silver be going to the first man who be bringing me a barrow!"


Day five, early morning, somewhere in the city backstreets

Bayar and Jan

"I'll get you a barrow, Sir. For five silver pieces I'll push it as well!" After a quick discussion, two men run off down the road.

"You put the lad on a cart and you is just as likely to kill him," says the old lady with the broom. "You needs a healer, not some dead man's cart. There is a small temple of the Gentle Community not far from here. They is who you best be calling. They take trade if you is like, in need of money."

[sblock=Perception Check DC17]A thief is lifting one of Jan's wands.

Beat Initiative Check of 12 and you prevent him from doing so. Otherwise, he's away with a wand.[/sblock]


First Post
"Good man," Bayar calls after the volunteer as he runs off. With that, he bends down to check the goblin corpse for notes, letters or anything that might lead to his employer. Noting the flask near the goblin's hand, and remembering the flames from the lane way (and the sticky goo), he takes care in securing the dangerous substance.

Back to Jan, Bayar looks up at the old lady who was brave enough to speak. "I be thanking you if you show me the way, lady. Though the cart be for the dead goblin and not for the minstrel. I be carrying him, gentle like."

ooc: epic fail on perception, rolled a 1! Better now than in combat, but sincerely hope it isn't going to lead to another 20 point sneak attack... http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4595289/


Day five, early morning, somewhere in the city backstreets

Bayar and Jan

The next few things all happen about the same time.

The two men return with a hand-cart.

Four members of the town watch arrive. Two of them carry halberds. Once carries a crossbow. The last one carries a whistle. Each of them also has a club and wears simple, but serviceable, leather armour.

Without order, the two with halberds push back the crowd. Mrt Whistle gives the scene a quick inspection. He nudges the goblin with his foot, and checks Jan for a pulse.

"What in the name of the Three Finger-bones of the Lord of Law is going on here?" demands Mr Whistle.

Mr Crossbow remains a few steps from to Mr Whistle, his crossbow cradled loosely in his arms.

"You there," he says to Bayar. "You responsible for this?" He has more questions as well. "What's your name, son?" "Where are you from?" "And what in Cold Halls of the Holy Heart of Justice are you doing wandering around my city dressed for campaigning?"

[sblock=Profession Soldier Check DC10]There is no shortage of old soldiers in Hesse. Many of them end up in the City Watch. These guys seem to fit the bill.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Yeap. Scratch one wand.[/sblock]


First Post

Bayar grins as the four men push the crowd apart. "Sarge, I be wondering how long it be taking your men to come," he says offering his right arm in greeting. "There be goblins in your city, you see," he adds, nudging the small corpse with his foot.

"Bayar be my name, of old from the Gryphons. I be fighting under Hauptmann Scheer." Some time ago Bayar had found it best not to advertise his current employer too widely...and certainly not in front if a mob.

"I be answering your questions in time, but best be helping me move my friend to the Gentle Community down yonder before we be having two bodies in the street."

He pauses, waiting for a reaction before continuing, "These good men be bringing their cart for the dead goblin. It be best if we all be going together."

Voidrunner's Codex

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