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[ic] nameless III: lost and found


ic nameless II: seventh from seven said:
So dawn sees the rump of the Seventh plus two new (new) faces - Nate, Hewik, Craddoc, Fredar, Gwender and Hadarook - passing out of the gates of Trolluc and heading north towards Killingtom.

The journey is long, longer than it would normally be as the Seventh seeks paths that keep them clear of goblins. You see numerous signs of the goblins. Including what look like a battle between two groups of them. But fortunately, you yourself have two only contacts with them. The first is a fairly straight forward engagement. The second is a night raid that leaves Gwender dead and Hewik unaccounted for.

So it is that only four of the Seventh (if you can still be called that) finally arrive at a top of a low ridge from which Killingtom can be seen a couple of miles down the valley. A few people can be seen moving around. Smoke drifts from numerous chimneys. It looks quiet enough. But no one make a move. The surrounding trees give you some welcome cover from prying eyes as you take a moment to consider the town that lies below, lost in your thoughts. For a while there is silence.

Let us take a moment here to consider our heros. Ordinary people, like you me. Not a week ago they were but blacksmiths and farmers, goat herders and lay-a-bouts. Now a no-small-number of their companions are dead. Others have been consigned to fates perhaps worse than that. And the raggedy arsed band of survivors faces a world that grows more alien and dangerous each day. Where once their days were spent amoung the citizens of the rather un-extraordinary towns of Seven and Trolluc, now death, dark magic and madness become disturbingly familier companions. Is it no wonder they seem reluctant to abandon the protection afforded them by the trees? Is it any wonder that their eyes rove restlessly over the scene that lies before them. Do you, like me, wonder what they are thinking as they crouch atop that lonely ridge so close to their destination but so far from everything that they know?
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Gods. Why did I do this again? Fredar scans the town below, willing himself to look for some signs of the local garrison. He feels a little guilty at having to tell himself not to look for whatever passes for this little town's tavern, especially after what happened to Gwender and Hewik. It's not like I haven't seen dead men before. In fact, that was just about all Fredar had seen the day after the quake - and dead women, and dead kids. But it wasn't a fallen rafter that killed you, was it Gwender? It was a stinking goblin that stuck you in the ribs while you were trying to keep its attention off me. Sorry, mate. You didn't know me long enough to know I wasn't worth it. Fredar thoughts turned from the dead man to the missing one. Fredar hoped Hewik had gotten clear of the goblins after the fight, and tried to cut off thoughts of what he was going through now if he hadn't by speaking. "So where do we find Dobbel?" he asked of no one in particular. They hadn't fully established who was in charge. Fredar was just glad it wasn't going to be him. Why did I do this again?
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Nate looks at the small town with unblinking eyes. He scans the forest, the road, the sky for signs of the enemy.

Gods, Hewik, I hope you make it. He recalls his reluctance at leaving the ambush site, but with none of them able to decently read tracks, there was nothing he could do. I have failed you all. The last nights were restless, thinking, wondering, arguing with himself about wath he might have done to save them . Lisa Gods no, archer, sadolath, oscar, Cromwell, and now Hewik. I am the last one remaining. After a week. A single week.But the thing that burns in his mind, that he tries to avoid, but keeps returning to, like a tongue probing an aching tooth, is the battle rage. Every fight it has been building, an anger so profound, so all-enveloping that it scares him. And last night it broke through and nearly swept him away. His mace felt like a twig in his hand, and he vaguely recalls laughing like a madman at the sight of the crumpled skull of a goblin. Maybe I scared Hewik away...

With a deep sigh, Nate snaps out of his recollections, and once again scans the area. Looking around, he realises what the group reminds him of. "C'mon guys" he whispers."No use crouching here like rabbits waiting for the hawk to get them. You know the drill. Ranged weapons ready and head for the town. We'll worry about getting to Dobbel when we're safe. Evrything clear? Let's go." With that he gets up and heads towards the village sling at the ready and scanning the countryside. "C'mon, say in line".


You set off towards the town. Without anyone saying anything, you fall into the formation which has become standard over the last few days - Hadarook slightly ahead on his dog, the rest in a loose circle, with about 10-15 feet between you each of you, a little behind. After about half a mile you notice Hadarook whispering into his dog's ear. A short time later. he pulls up and pulls out his waterskin. As you pull up around him, he says conversationally, but quietly, "I think we are being followed, or watched. Wolster can smell someone, or something. For about the last 5 minutes maybe. Winds a bit shifty like, so hard to tell from which direction its coming. Try not to gawp."

You have been working your way down a gentle slope and haven't come to any farms yet. You probably only done about half a mile or less. The lands around you is lightly wooded, so you have a fairly clear view for about 40-50 yards in most directions. But there are quite alot of scrubs and bushes providing cover for anything willing to get down low, or anything small.


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doghead said:
As you pull up around him, he says conversationally, but quietly, "I think we are being followed, or watched. Wolster can smell someone, or something. For about the last 5 minutes maybe. Winds a bit shifty like, so hard to tell from which direction its coming. Try not to gawp."
Fredar says, in the same tone, "If you want me to look around a little, I could stop to...ah...relieve myself... in a minute or so. Every guy looks around guiltily to make sure nobody's looking when he does that. Shouldn't alarm anyone who might...be watching us." Fredar trails off. Stupid idea. We should just keep walking.


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"Just bloody keep bloody moving towards town, and stay together. Keep your eyes open. If we're within running distance from the gates we'll make a dash for it."



From behind some trees steps a goblin. He is about 100 feet away, at about 8 o'clock according to your original heading. He is dressed in a dark armour that seems to glisten dully. His bearing is relaxed, but alert. In his left hand he holds a short bow held away from his body. It is strung but he has no arrows in hand. In his belt are a couple of long knives. A hearbeat later a saddled worg appears at his side.

"Peace. Talk."

A low growl comes from the throat of Hadarook's beast of a hunting dog and its hackles rise.

Craddoc spins around and takes a half step back from the goblin. His hand goes to the mace at his side.

Two more gobins and their worgs emerge form cover about the same distance away as the first goblin. They are dressed as the first, and stand about 20 feet to each side of him in a loose arc. And like him, they carry un-nocked but strung short bows. Unlike him they carry them loosely at their side. The stare at you suspiciously.

"Peace! Talk only!"
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The goblins stare at you as you shuffle your feet and glance uncertainly at each other. Suddenly he, the first one, stiffens. His eyes flicker urgently back and forth between you.

He takes a step back and begins speaking quickly in a hushed voice in what, you imagine, must be goblin tongue.

Hadarook, still bent low over his mount in an effort to keep it calm, glances up.

From the trees behind comes the murmer of a reply in the same language. There is a brief exchange. Then a final statement from the shadows. It has the incantation of a command.

The other two goblins shift nervously. Their right hands drift towards the feathered tips of their arrows. Their eyes flicker between you and the one who talks.

The first goblin swings his attention back to you.

"Where is he? The Madgref? Why is he not with you?"

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