[IC] PbtA Ironsworn - PbP in Ancient Greece


Not wanting to be outflanked by the charging enemies Pallas waited from his moment. Right as the lead attacker came into reach, Pallas stepped forward and thrust with his spear. Pallas took the attacker completely by surprise opening up a huge wound in its chest that would surely prove fatal.

Strike with Iron: 1D6+3 = [5]+3 = 8
1D10 = [1] = 1
1D10 = [3] = 3

Strong hit: +1 harm; retain initiative.
Dangerous Foe: 3 harm: 6 Progress

OOC: Pallas
Health: 5/5
Spirit: 5/5
Supplies: 5/5
Momentum: 5

That's 10 progress, so we can end the fight there, not sure how many enemies there actually are though. Or if you are tracking enemies with individual progress tracks. [/SBLOCK]
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Alpha Camp

Penelope shook her head. At least the hoplite was doing better. With no bow, she pulled out her xipha. She spun around, catching the blade across the throat of the soldier charging at her, sidestepping him as he fell, opening up a bit of space for her to put her back to the hoplite.

Clash: 2D10 = [3, 2] = 5
1D6+1 = [5]+1 = 6

Strong hit. 2 progress. (12/10); +1 momentum and initiative

Dangerous foe: 2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm

Health 5/5
Spirit 5/5
Supplies 5/5
Momentum 4


Pallas launches as blistering attack on one Raider. Meanwhile, Penelope swiftly counters with the arrow in her hand, turning the tables on the the other Raider.

Both Raiders are bleeding and wrong footed, their quarry has slipped from their grasp and snatched back the initiative.

First up, please box OOC comments or put them in Spoilers. Personnally, I like spoilers as they keep the IC thread looking sleek.

Second, cut and paste directly from the OOC thread (cos I should have put it here in the first place):

Nice save.

KN: To draw a weapon during a melee sounds like Face Danger (with speed, agility, or precision: Roll +edge).
That's ok, Penelope still has a arrow in hand, so she doesn't need to draw anything. She can use the arrow as a weapon to inflict 1 harm (vice 2 harm with a sword).

Which makes the progress track:

Raiders: Dangerous (2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm)
ProgressBar: 8/10.

Both Penelope and Pallas now have initiative.

  • Penelope (having scored a strong hit) can now seek to End the Fight
    i.e.: Roll two Challenge dice vs Progress (8).
  • Both Penelope and Pallas can seek to continue to attack (if you want to improve the ProgressBar).


Alpha Camp

Penelope scrambled for her sword to defend herself, driven back by the forceful charge of the raiders. She struck out, finishing the last of the raiders.

“How did they manage to get past the sentries?” Penelope asked, panting. “Are you injured?”

Dangerous foe: 2 progress per harm; inflicts 2 harm

Health 5/5
Spirit 5/5
Supplies 5/5
Momentum 4


The two raiders are dead. For the moment, you are out of immediate danger.

Their features are truly beast like; fur covered and dog like, including wicked sharp teeth. Limbs wrapped in black linen. Light armour. Bare legs ending in clawed paws.

For a moment, Pallas is transported back to the previous night [see below].

Around you you can see a few small groups of raiders. Sporadic fighting, screaming. Moving through the camp with intent. Moving through the camp in your direction.

The supply camp is slowing stumbling awake around you. People half dressed, people undressed. Some grabbing weapons, tools, clothes, bags. Teamsters dragging panicky animals towards carts. People shouting instruction. It's chaotic, but the process of moving is starting.

Pushing hard through the forest. Pale moon light. Inky black shadows. Hesperos and Phineas beside you. Snarling dark shapes erupting from the blackness. Fighting. Phineas born to the ground by two dark shapes. Screaming and bloody flesh being rent. The smell of wet animal and fetid breath. A set of jaws clamped around your spear arm, yellow eyes glinting at you. A spray of blood. Hesperus's pale face. Pushing you away. Begging you to run. You are the last one left! An odd tilt to his stance, a spear jutting from his leg. Staggering away into the forest.

The sounds of hacking, snarling and killing as Hesperus buys you time.

The only reference to the challenge rating of the vow is in post #5 above. Let me know if you think it should be something different.

Penelope has started them moving in the right direction. Lets call that we one milestone achieved, so 1 progress marked.

Vow: Get the people to the safety (Formidable: 1 progress/milestone)
Progress 1/10


Alpha Camp

“What are these things?” Penelope asked the hoplite. “I have never seen anything like them before.” She tugged him to come along with her as the camp started moving.

As they moved, Penelope looked around to try and find another bow she could use.

Would that be Resupply?

Vow: Get the people to safety (Progress 1/10)

Health 5/5
Spirit 5/5
Supplies 5/5
Momentum 4

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