(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

Logrim is taken aback by Alma's dismissal. These deaths did not seem random. They look to be some form of ritual to Auril. The Ice Witch was one of Auril's followers and tried to take over Icewind Dale for the Frostmaiden. Perhaps the Ice Witches followers are trying to resurrect her using these murders. Though it could be just as Alma believes and there is no connection. As others begin to join in the conversation Logrim lets the subject drop. He can always follow up with Mishann if the investigation leads that direction.

Logrim looks over the newcomer Corse and is about to introduce himself when Aric transforms from a cat. Logrim is startled and reaches for his wrench. He stops hand on the heft eyeing the goblin.

"Logrim, it's nice to meet you." The gnome says hesitantly.

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Corse extends her hand when the gnome speaks with her. "Logrim. Nice to meet you as well. I'm Corse. You'll have to help me out. I don't know who all these people are."

Steve Gorak

Logrim is taken aback by Alma's dismissal. These deaths did not seem random. They look to be some form of ritual to Auril. The Ice Witch was one of Auril's followers and tried to take over Icewind Dale for the Frostmaiden. Perhaps the Ice Witches followers are trying to resurrect her using these murders. Though it could be just as Alma believes and there is no connection. As others begin to join in the conversation Logrim lets the subject drop. He can always follow up with Mishann if the investigation leads that direction.

Logrim looks over the newcomer Corse and is about to introduce himself when Aric transforms from a cat. Logrim is startled and reaches for his wrench. He stops hand on the heft eyeing the goblin.

"Logrim, it's nice to meet you." The gnome says hesitantly.

Aric stare goes from the gnome to its wrench. "Hi Aric. What's that?" He says, laconically, pointing at the wrench.

Logrim looks at Aric's hand and releases his grip on the wrench.

"Sorry ya startled me." Logrim gestures towards the wrench. "This is my wrench."

Logrim then takes Corse's hand.

"Well then Miss Corse, we are in the same boat. I just met most of them today. We can get to know them together."


Corse extends her hand when the gnome speaks with her. "Logrim. Nice to meet you as well. I'm Corse. You'll have to help me out. I don't know who all these people are."

''We are investigating the murders happening in Ten Towns,'' Alma explains. ''If you can offer assistance, I won't refuse. For now, I think we've exhausted our leads here. I intend to either find out where Torrga's caravan is headed or investigate the crime scene. Anyone who wants to join is welcome. It may save us time if we split up, but it can also be dangerous to have too few people.''


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Splitting the party is a headache in PbP - timing of things, separate threads of conversations etc...that said, we're in a town and it would probably be better we split up, just to cover more bases - with one capable of speaking coherently in each group :p

Lumrolur is at a loss. On one hand, he cannot mask himself again today, on the other, if the group goes out, he doesn't want to remain hidden. And yet, the card players are still here. And one of them knows him. He decides to play dead drunk halfling for a while yet to see if the sheriff and the speaker say something relevant while they think they are not observed.

OOC: this assumes Jack and Mak remain behind to play cards :)



Candles flicker. Bright eyes survey the other players. Rudolf deals the hand for the second gambit, chuckling as Jack to his right draws a bronze wyrmling, while he himself draws a blue dragon (5). "We may both be on our way to flights of all chromatic or all metallic dragons, but your metallic dragons are babies, Jack!"

Arnholt plays a copper (3), grinning at Jack and Mak. "Steel I trust. Metal I trust. It's these rainbow dragons you need to watch for." This provokes chuckles from the other Mintarn mercenaries; it's an inside joke or lost in translation.

Ottar plays a red dragon (4). With each dragon card that is played, more silver is added to the pot.

In a stunning reversal, Thidrik Steingrimmson plays Bahamut (13), with a playful clink of his ale stein against his cousin Ottar's cup as now they both field the Platinum Dragon. Ottar gestures toward Thidrik, shaking his head, "He plays for both sides. Beware, this is how lucky Thidrik is all the time."

Osvic plays a blue dragon (9), sucking in his lower lip as he surveys his hand intently, eyes glimpsing at the current hoards of the others around the old table that looks like it has seen many a tap room brawl.

After Sodt plays a gold dragon (2) wyrmling, his eyes go wide as play continues to Johun who strokes his beard with a mischievous grin. Tiamat (1) joins Johun's flight, and the other players groan and playfully accuse him of cheating. "May the mightier dragons prevail!" he echoes Jack with a chuckle, slyly catching the fairy's eye. It would appear Johun is playing the same long game as Jack.

GM: @Aethmud @tglassy We've started the second round, but Mak still has his Silver Dragon 10 special attack from last round – target a player with an evil chromatic dragon, and they must place half your card's value (5) silver into the pot (which will raise it to 93 sp).

round 2 cards for Thidrik, Ottar, Osvic, Arnholt, Rudolf, Sodt, and Johun in order: 1D12 = [12] = 12
1D12 = [11] = 11
1D12 = [9] = 9
1D12 = [4] = 4
1D12 = [9] = 9
1D12 = [10] = 10
1D12 = [1] = 1

strength for Ottar Red and Sodt Gold: 1D12 = [4] = 4
1D12 = [2] = 2

strength for Osvic Blue and Rudolf Blue: 1D10 = [9] = 9
1D10 = [5] = 5

strength for Arnholt Copper: 1D6 = [3] = 3


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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"I might head off to the kennels, to see if there is any sense of which teams have set out since the most recent killing," says Corse. "Even if they weren't taking sleds, it might be useful to know which trails have been passed most recently, and it's possible someone coming in has seen something too." She looks meaningfully at Aric. "Anyone is free to join me, if they wish. I'll let you know what I learn," she promises Alma.

Before she leaves, she says goodbye to the dwarven trapper she had been sitting with ("Stay safe Darlock. Stick close to someone for a while, yeah?"), and then she heads out into the cold, towards wherever sled-dog teams are kept (town stables; whatever.)

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