(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

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GM POST @Kobold Stew @Steve Gorak @VLAD the Destroyer

The Kennel

With your clothes, scarves, balaclavas, mittens, and boots bundled on, you head out of the Northlook. Silence after snowfall blankets Bryn Shander. Few folks venture onto the streets in the evening chill. Flickering lanterns keep the darkness at bay. At a brisk walk to the southwestern side of the town, and you arrive at the sled dog kennels.

Heavy wood doors are cracked ever so slightly, the flickers of a campfire coming from within the kennel building. Deep carved sleigh runner tracks suggest one sled was just brought in during the light snows. However, a white sled dog rests outside the door, his weary body blocking the doors from being opened wider.

Ears perking up at your approach, the yellow-eyed sled dog pants, still cooling off from the day's exertion. A leather and brass collar indicates the dog's name "Comet." Lowering his head and patting the snow with one paw, the dog vocalizes, "Rrrrrr. Rrrrooaw... Awrrrr. Rouuu. Hfff." His tail wags and he looks up at Corse and Aric.

Edit: The dog looks dubiously at Logrim's construct "Ludo", and cocks one of his ears.

GM: A Small creature could squeeze through the doors as they are, however a Medium creature will need to get the dog out of the way to enter or find a different way inside.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Sorry. Dogs don't always like me," Corse explained to Aric.

"Hello the Kennel," Corse raises her voice to be heard by those inside. She repeats if there there is no response.

Steve Gorak

Aric squints a bit to read the dog's name and says "Hi Comet! You look friendly! Hold on a bit, I can't understand what you're saying yet"

He then turns to Corse, Logrim and Ludo. "Can you hold on a bit, I want to do a ritual and I'll be able to talk with Comet and the other animals inside." Aric grabs a weirdly shapen wooden stick tied to his belt and starts mumbling.

OOC: cast speak with animals as a ritual

@Quickleaf is it ok to assume that while Aric was a cat in the tavern, he did a short rest so he still has his 2 shapechanges? Thanks

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Corse can cast Speak with Animals as well (not ritual, 1/day); just seeing if someone answers before anything like that


Russet Ghostfur.

Russet bids fairwell to the barman. He gazes over at the card game. His friend Jack looks confident as always, but Russet never could figure out his tells. That poor Mak guy looks totally out of his element, poor fellah.

He greets and introduces himself to Aric and Corse.

The idea to check the kennels is a good one, and Corse taking charge suits Russet well. He reluctantly leaves the comfort of the tavern to follow Corse, Adric and Logrim. The ales only soften the bite of the cold a little.

Russet stares at Aric, Goblins have always fascinated him. Well, he found all the peoples fascinating in their own way, but something he couldn't quite put his finger on intrigued him about goblins. Perhaps it was their resourcefulness or their rustic ingenuity. Or maybe he was just a sucker for a underdog.

Speaking of dogs...

Russet starts looking nervous as soon as the sled dog comes into view. Russet is sure the dog's yellow eyes are looking at him greedily. When the dog growls at him, Russet leaps back in fright, halfway across the street and hides quivering behind Ludo. The construct, strange and scary as it may be, is preferable to a rabid hungry hound.

He peaks over the mechanical feline to see the brave Aric holding back the crazed sled dog with some sort of magic.

I.I.I I'll w...w...watch the r...r...road. J...Just keep that thing away from me!


GM POST @Steve Gorak @Kobold Stew @VLAD the Destroyer @domminniti

The Kennel

No voices come from inside the kennel. Perhaps the kennel master is away or sleeping. The white dog, "Comet", perks his ears up upon hearing Arik speak his name. "Rrrro?" However, the longer you work the ritual magic and the four of you stand outside the kennel, the more concerned the dog becomes, alert yellow eyes shifting between you. He especially keeps an eye on Logrim's construct "Ludo", and you notice his ears starting to furl backward in agitation and uncertainty.

GM: In order for Aric to complete the ritual casting of Speak with Animals before Comet starts barking or getting hostile, one of you will need to soothe the dog with some food, magic, or a DC 10 Animal Handling check.

And yep, ok to assume Aric got a short rest.
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Steve Gorak

OOC: @Kobold Stew, Better keep your casting of animal friendship, we may need it later. The ritual doesn’t cost any ressource, this is why I went this route. Aric has animal handing, but he already started the ritual, so up to you!

Voidrunner's Codex

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