VLAD the Destroyer
Logrim assists those searching through the wrecked sleds. As they find supplies the gnome speaks up.
"Extra supplies are always good I can keep them in my pack if no one objects."
He inventories the supplies and then stows them into his pack. When he gets to the snowglobe he frowns.
"I can fix this right up."
Logrim pulls some tools from his pack along with a strange device with a crystal in the center and what can only be described as five arms around the outer edge. Logrim places this device on the ground next to the snowglobe. He turns a couple screws on the back of the device then flicks a small switch. The item begins to glow with a faint purple light. It reaches out and picks up the snowglobe and examines it. When it gets to the crack the light focuses on it. The focused light runs over the length of the crack then places the snowglobe back on the ground.
Logrim flicks the switch again and the device powers down. He packs the tools and insect like device away and picks up the snowglobe again. He examines the now repaired surface.
"Perfect!" He looks up to the others. "Are we going to look for Miss Astrix? That is if they are not among the dead in the other room."
"Extra supplies are always good I can keep them in my pack if no one objects."
He inventories the supplies and then stows them into his pack. When he gets to the snowglobe he frowns.
"I can fix this right up."
Logrim pulls some tools from his pack along with a strange device with a crystal in the center and what can only be described as five arms around the outer edge. Logrim places this device on the ground next to the snowglobe. He turns a couple screws on the back of the device then flicks a small switch. The item begins to glow with a faint purple light. It reaches out and picks up the snowglobe and examines it. When it gets to the crack the light focuses on it. The focused light runs over the length of the crack then places the snowglobe back on the ground.
Logrim flicks the switch again and the device powers down. He packs the tools and insect like device away and picks up the snowglobe again. He examines the now repaired surface.
"Perfect!" He looks up to the others. "Are we going to look for Miss Astrix? That is if they are not among the dead in the other room."