(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden


Zeth wracks his brain for information on the undead.

"Alma's right. I'd add that Zombies are most often mindless and will instinctively attack the living. We can probably handle a few at a time but they'll swarm us if they see us."

"The good news is the Dain's awake at this hour. The bad news is he's in a foul mood as his niece Helda Silverstream has gone missing...again... and he had another spat with that damned drow Do'urden." Brydum explains as he leads you to a central hearth, where dwarven guards shake the snow from their boots, sipping juniper tea and mushroom liquor, and speaking in low voices about the goings on in the Valley. The room is wide with a vaulted ceiling, with a massive masonry hearth at the center built so the flames are visible from two sides. The massive chimney rises into the stone ceiling.
Zeth raises an eyebrow.

"There's a drow here?"

What little he knew about drow didn't paint them as the types to socialize with dwarves. Still maybe that was why the Dain was upset.

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Zeth wracks his brain for information on the undead.

"Alma's right. I'd add that Zombies are most often mindless and will instinctively attack the living. We can probably handle a few at a time but they'll swarm us if they see us."

Zeth raises an eyebrow.

"There's a drow here?"

What little he knew about drow didn't paint them as the types to socialize with dwarves. Still maybe that was why the Dain was upset.

Easing his crossbow against a stone bench, Brydum Black Axe cracks his back with a brooding look at Zeth. "Aye, sounds like the drow is still here. Though with the frosty reception the Dain gave him, doubt Do'Urden will stay long. If it weren't for the drow being a friend of our clans-folk in Mithral Hall, he'd have been turned out to the cold." Cautious that he not overstep and say too much, the white-haired dwarf cast a sidelong glance at Zeth sliding to Aric. Easing down by the hearth, he rubs his hands, "The Battlehammer clan has befriended other races before, though all the good it did us."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"If you just give us time to leave our equipment and strip the winter clothes, we are ready to see Dain immediately. There is small outpost of the drow under the valley, but they are just small outpost, we shouldn't have trouble with them. I don't know about zombies, but they can be killed if we're ready for them. After all, the dwarven priests might equip us with some holy water if we're to go and cleanse their temple, right?!"
Lumrolur winks at the elder


Jack chuckles, catching Lumrolur's wink and adding, "Should we encounter any of those unwelcome undead, a vial or two of that blessed water should do the trick." Jack flutters up above and exclaims, "I'll take to the skies and give those ground-bound ghouls a proper celestial shower. Undead haven't mastered the art of levitation just yet. The only thing a zombie's lifting is its own two feet, and barely at that." Suddenly Jack pauses, frowning, and asks hesitantly, "They're not fey zombies, are they?"


Jack chuckles, catching Lumrolur's wink and adding, "Should we encounter any of those unwelcome undead, a vial or two of that blessed water should do the trick." Jack flutters up above and exclaims, "I'll take to the skies and give those ground-bound ghouls a proper celestial shower. Undead haven't mastered the art of levitation just yet. The only thing a zombie's lifting is its own two feet, and barely at that." Suddenly Jack pauses, frowning, and asks hesitantly, "They're not fey zombies, are they?"

Raising his white brows like two snowcapped peaks, Brydum Black Axe makes a "harumphing" sound at the unusual question. "Derro and duergar zombies, aye an' some fey drow too. But after death, there isn't much difference between one or the other," he says barely glancing up from the fire. "But if you see any with a cleft open neck by an axe wound, frost sprite, you can bet my axe was involved. Only thing worse than a zombie that just won't die is guests overstaying their welcome."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Ouch! We're not staying longer than it takes Dain to approve us going. Or until the storm passes."



After shedding your winter clothes and warming yourselves by the masonry hearth long enough for the numbness to leave your extremities, you signal Brydum Black Axe that you're ready to meet with the Dain. Gruffly beckoning for you to follow, Brydum leads you deeper into Battlehammer Hold with its wide squat vaulted passages and arches carved in the likeness of legendary dwarven kings. With lanterns illuminating the stone, the time of the surface world seems to hold little meaning.

A pair of weary dwarven guards resting on their halberds consult in whispered tones with Brydum, each dwarf glancing back at you like a sequence of erupting geysers from their council of beards. At last, the guards operate the hand-cranks causing the stone double doors to grind open into the Dain's audience hall. Braziers crackle along the sides, where sweating dwarves struggle with moving slabs of stone. Supplies of all kinds – smoked ham hocks, brined vegetables, bouillon, rations, casks of ale, lamp oil – are piled up against the walls as if the dwarves are preparing for winter everlasting.


"Dain of Dains," says Brydum, stiffly extending one foot, crossing his hand over his chest and bowing, "this is Lumrolur, Bafflestone, and company. They're in search of a killer in Ten Towns, they say, and seek passage into the Underdark..." His voice trails off with a thousand yard stare, as if both he and the Dain know perfectly well what that implies.


Standing over a map of the caverns comprising the Dwarven Valley, Dain Stokley Silverstream scratches the side of his beard as he looks you over. One brow arches as if he were a surveyor evaluating the quality of a stone passage. A dwarf of middling years – younger than Brydum – he wears a winter wolf furred cloak, sports a braided red beard, and his crown seems to sit a little too large on his head scrunching towards his brows.

"He's told you of the state of Dumathoin's Temple and you're still determined to enter the deeps?" Murmuring to himself as if he's impressed by your stubbornness, the Dain limps over to a stone chair with a high back carved with the Battlehammer clan symbol. "Well, you're not alone in seeking the deeps. Baerick Hammerstone," he nods his head contemptuously to the east, "would plumb those depths for more of the black ice if he had his druthers. There was a mage too, weeks ago, and I turned him away - he had a dishonest face. Then that damnable drow Do'Urden. And now you..."

Pivoting, he eases into the chair, one leg extended from an old injury. "As soon as I have those doors opened - Baerick and the drow will catch wind of it, mayhap the mage too, and I'll have to fend off more of their demands. So I'll be wanting something in return..." With a hard squint surveying your party, Dain Silverstream nods as if he's reached a decision after hours of negotiation when only minutes have passed. "If you've a killer to catch, then you've no time to waste. The fastest will be clearing out the zombies in the temple and restoring the door keys to Brydum, who'll accompany you as a guide... Fair?"

Raising his brows in surprise, Brydum remains silent.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur bows to the Dain
"Well met!"
Listening to the offer, he counters (kinda)
"It is in our interest to be quick about it. And it is in your interest to restore The Keeper of Secrets temple. It may even be kept secret. Can you spare a backup contingent so we can rush through, clearing zombies as we go? But to not have to worry about leaving a straggler or two behind? And to secure the hold from the intrusion if we miss something. To make it easier for all of us, they should be equipped with some holy water. And it could be helpful for us if you can do that for us too. To go quicker."
He considers his words for a moment
"You can of course refuse all of that, we will go anyhow. But it would help to secure the temple quickly, right?"


GM: @Neurotic How about a Persuasion check?

He's already offering you Brydum as a guide/backup, and there's a social fallout he's got to deal with for opening the temple.

You have a couple reasonable asks – backup dwarves & holy water – that I could see the Dain going either way on. If you hit DC 9 you can get one of those (let me know if you've a preference), if you hit DC 13 you can get both of them.

DC ≤ 4 will be a bad outcome, unintentionally offending him and creating a complication down the line.

DC ≥ 18 will be an outstanding outcome, and the Dain will offer additional info and resources.

And if someone roleplays Helping or wants to use a power to boost the check, that's fine, just roleplay what you do.

Voidrunner's Codex

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