(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden


Zeth quickly moves about the room, searching for treasure or anything that could lead to treasure. Managing to uncover 4 hidden buttons, he refrains from pressing any to avoid setting off any traps.

Instead he moves back to the rest of the group and turns to the dwarves who have joined the party.

"I've found hidden buttons. I'd prefer not to test them without knowing what they're likely to do."

He explains what he's found:
Bas relief triptych depicts (A) dwarf holding a chalice, giving it to supplicants who hold aloft a horn as offering; (B) supplicants holding the chalice and holy symbol of Dumathoin aloft before an opening door; and (C) supplicants placing a gem in a fountain from which a black axe rises.

4 buttons are concealed in the stonework – one on a gem on each chalice (A-1, B-1), one on the holy symbol (B), and one on the gem placed into fountain (C).
"Any insight you could give into these would be appreciated. And thank you again for the bravery you have shown accompanying us, it's only right that you should be here to retake this temple for your people."

: Zeth is using Persuasion to try to get the dwarves to like him/the party as much as possible. Hopefully that means they'll be more okay with any looting the party does as they go through the temple.

Persuasion roll = 1D20+5 = [18]+5 = 23

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Surveying the three-panel bas reliefs, Zeth and Lumrolur locate four hidden buttons, confirming their locations between each other – one on each of the angled walls and two on the southern flat wall (see map below):

(A) a dwarf holding a chalice (with a gem button), giving it to supplicants who hold aloft a horn as offering;
(B) supplicants holding the chalice (with a gem button) and holy symbol of Dumathoin (with a gem button) aloft before an opening door; and
(C) supplicants placing a gem (button) in a fountain from which a black axe rises.

Lumrolur stays with the problem longer, realizing that the construction – semi-hollow judging by tapping and listening – is reminiscent of duergar fortifications he's penetrated where a 6-inch gap between structural wall and facade decorative wall conceals small gears, chains, weights and counterweights. Each button moves a weight or a counterweight. Mechanically, only one button would be strictly necessary to open a secret door... so either this is redundancy, an attempt to thwart invaders, or there's more going on than meets the eye!

Judging from the wear on the buttons and simple logistics of distance, you'd guess the (C) easternmost button on gem in the fountain operates the east secret door, while the (A) westernmost button on the chalice being given to horn-bearing supplicants operates the west secret door. The question then becomes – if two buttons are needed to open a secret door, which of the remaining two buttons on the flat southern wall would be required either before or after the easternmost or westernmost button.


Brydum Black Axe stands next to Zeth with a scowl a mile wide, but he nods sagely in agreement. "You've a good head on your shoulders... when you're not trying to speak Dwarvish. Aye, I know the operation of these secret doors like the back of my hand." Handing his shield to Zeth, the white-bearded dwarf tromps forward, cracking his knuckles.

"Keen eyes you've got there, gnome. Alright, everyone keep your eyes on that western wall. You're in for quite a show. Stand aside, Bafflestone, this is dwarf's work!" Squinting at the buttons, he hems and haws at the southernmost wall, as if struggling to recall which to press, before deciding it must be the left (west) button since that's the one closest to the western secret door after all... Brydum moves towards that button to push it, unless anyone intervenes...

GM: @Neurotic First! You've deciphered the mechanism of operation and an approximate order to press the buttons. The dwarf Brydum, however, who has been persuaded by @Necropolitan Zeth's charm seem confident he knows the right order!

Second! Just a reminder about my house rules not using Perception checks like normal. I'm using Perception checks more as a reactive saving throw against being ambushed/surprised by a trap. When it comes to exploration like this, no need to roll Perception. You can just describe what you're examining or looking for – a lot of the time I'll just respond – and like you've been doing if you think there's a roll (History, Investigation, Mechanics, etc) that you think fits, you can continue to roll that. The first page of OOC thread has my house rules doc – don't expect anyone to remember all this stuff (except me!), and I'll continue to point it out as it comes up. Always open for discussion too - they're not "writ in stone."

Owlbear link: Owlbear Rodeo

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I usually don't roll unless asked, but Play by post goes faster if I roll something that seems relevant. I don't roll social skills unless asked because I can "speak" in character and it's up to DM to decide what goes on, but these mechanical things...nah.

Lumrolur will not stop the dwarf unless he knows this is the wrong button. But he will make some space between himself and the opening door (such as behind Ludo :) )


OOC: I usually don't roll unless asked, but Play by post goes faster if I roll something that seems relevant. I don't roll social skills unless asked because I can "speak" in character and it's up to DM to decide what goes on, but these mechanical things...nah.

Lumrolur will not stop the dwarf unless he knows this is the wrong button. But he will make some space between himself and the opening door (such as behind Ludo :) )
GM: No worries, let's just apply your 26 Perception roll to the next one that I call for in this scene if (ok, when) there's a trap or an ambush.


Jack, with a flicker of his luminescent wings, gracefully flutters to a strategic vantage point, settling in a position where he anticipates having a good view as the secret door swings open, while leaving plenty of distance.

A chill of air begins to swirling around his fingertips, as he starts a spell, ready to unleash it at a moment's notice. Jack is prepared to react swiftly should any unwelcome creature dare emerge from behind the secret door.

Readied to cast "Icy Touch" (reskinned Chill Touch) if a monster appears.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur uses the body of Ludo to hide and loads his crossbow. He raises his shawl over the face, the eyes shining with anticipation visible above it.

Ready action: crossbow

Steve Gorak

Aric stands ready and eager. He doesn’t understand why dwarves would go through the trouble of creating all these secret doors and he is curious to see what may come out of them

Logrim motions for Ludo to take up a defensive position next to him and raises his wrench. The gnome flips a small switch on the mace and it begins to crackle with some type of magical energy. He nods to the others in the room.

"Ready when you are to open the door."



Anticipating the western secret door opening, you move into your positions, steeling yourselves as Brydum meets your eyes and gives a solemn nod. "Aye, I know this temple like the back of my hand." On the middle (southernmost) wall, he presses the hidden button on the bas relief (carving) depicting a chalice with a gem inlaid in it.

After a moment of grinding echoing from all the walls, suddenly the eastern secret door slides open! "Moradin's frosty balls!" shout the dwarves Rorm and Angrom as two shambling undead spill into the room, misshapen dwarves barely 4 feet tall – derro judging by their ashen purplish complexions, bulbous heads, and white opalescent eyes which ooze with putrescence. Tattered shreds of leather armor cling to the emaciated derro zombies and they clutch hooked spears so hard, the weapons almost seem fused with their hands.

GM: You have been surprised by zombies (AC 8)! Well, everyone except the steel defender Ludo. What's worse, due to positioning, Lumrolur is not Hidden from the zombies. However, because you were all prepared and forewarned, I'll put the zombies last in initiative.

@VLAD the Destroyer It is technically Ludo's turn...then the zombies go. I forget whether Ludo can take actions when you cannot, so I trust you to discern the rules around your steel defender.

3. The Fast Group (no longer surprised, i.e. can take reactions)
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group (no longer surprised, i.e. can take reactions)
➡Logrim (& Ludo)
1. The Slow Group (no longer surprised, i.e. can take reactions)
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm, Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)

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Ludo's head swivels to the left seconds before the secret door opens and the derro zombies shamble out. The construct moves to place itself between Logrim's companions and the threat.

OOC: This is the entry for the Steel defender. Ludo is also Vigilant so it can't be surprised.

Creator: The steel defender obeys the commands of its creator and shares its proficiency bonus. It takes its turn immediately after its creator, on the same initiative count. It can move and take reactions on its own, but only takes the Dodge action on its turn unless its creator takes a bonus action to command it to take another action. If its creator is incapacitated, it can take any action, not just Dodge.

So I would say Ludo can move and take reactions but will only take the dodge action if I can't command it.

So Ludo will move to the open space next to Alma between the zombies and the party. It will then take the Dodge action. If the zombies take an attack against anyone other than Ludo he will use his reaction to give the zombie disadvantage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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