(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden



Ludo's lithe mechanical frame bounds between your party members as the two zombies spill forth, sussurant growls coming from dislocated jaws and severed throats. They spill past Jack who is squeezed into the nearby corner, surging toward Rurm Doraghaen and Ludo.

One stabs its spear at Rurm, whose shield is still being raised too late, but Ludo quickly bats away the hooked spear with a deft claw. Immediately, the other zombie tries to hook Ludo's neck with its spear, Ludo corkscrewing its head to shake off the spear which scratches against its metal hide. His shield now secured, Rurm shoves the spear off Ludo's neck with a loud clang. "Atta boy!"

GM: Zombies AC 8

Zombie misses Rurm
zombie attacks Rurm Doraghen AC 18 with disadvantage from Ludo: 2D20.LOW(1)+3 = [17, 9]+3 = 12

Zombie misses Ludo
zombie attacks Ludo AC 15 with disadvantage from Rurm: 2D20.LOW(1)+3 = [6, 12]+3 = 9 (technically zombie has disadvantage both for Ludo Dodging & for the dwarf Rurm using his Defender reaction)

@Steve Gorak @Neurotic @Necropolitan It's your turns! You three can go in any order you like. I'll take Russet's turn after you three go.

➡3. The Fast Group
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Logrim (& Ludo (used Rx)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm (used Rx), Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)

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Zeth isn't afraid, he's got more than enough meatshields between him and the zombies to take them down before they could threaten him.

A word and gesture causes a bolt of arcane force to launch itself from Zeth's hand into one of the zombies.

As he considers his next move Zeth racks his brain for any information that would be useful for fighting zombies.

Zeth moves North/Up on the map so he can see the North/Topmost zombie and target it with Eldritch Blast.
1D20+6 = [5]+6 = 11 hits and he deals 1D10+4 = [5]+4 = 9 damage.

Zeth makes a Religion check for zombie weaknesses/special abilities that would be useful to know.
1D20+6 = [11]+6 = 17


The dislocated jaw of the undead derro tears away at the sudden blast of magic, exposing a writhing tongue and partially frozen throat. The smell of sizzling rotted flesh emanates from the other zombie between Jack and Ludo, causing ribbons of smoke to roil off of its torn desiccated leather.

Russet bounds over to form a defensive line alongside the steel defender Ludo and the dwarf Rurm, his war spear darting back and forth rapidly, stabbing at each zombie. He skewers the sizzling one through the eye, dropping its smoldering corpse to the ground. A squelching sound comes from the de-jawed zombie as the spear punctures its guts, yet it lurches against the shaft with unnatural vigor, exposed tongue squirming in the air.

GM: Zombie (between Jack & Ludo) 13 hp (bonfire) 6 hp (critical spear) DEAD
Zombie (de-jawed dwarf Rurm) 13 hp (eldritch blast) 4 hp (spear) 1 hp

Zombie fails save vs. Bonfire zombie Dex save DC 12 vs Arics Bonfire: 1D20-2 = [5]-2 = 3

Russet hits both zombies, critting the burning one Russet spear Against the Horde vs zombies burning and de-jawed AC 8: 1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25
1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18

Russet spear damage vs dejawed zombie: 1D6+3 = [4]+3 = 7

This should kill the zombie, but it fights on!

@Neurotic Lumrolur's turn! And then it's @happylace and @VLAD the Destroyer, and then it's @Aethmud and the dwarves - since you have no intervening monsters between your turns, feel free to mix up the order you go in. This helps keep the scene moving. Don't worry, there's plenty of action for everyone in this dungeon!

3. The Fast Group
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Logrim (& Ludo (used Rx)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm (used Rx), Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur slips between Brydam and Zeth, hiding in the rubble. He pops up, shoots the closest zombie and ducks back into hiding.




Lumrolur's bolt through its gullet drops the de-jawed zombie, which sloughs off Russet's spear with a horrible squelching sound.

There are no more signs immediate threats.

Rurm Doraghaen hefts his axe over his shoulder with an exhalation of relief, gives a well-done nod to your party, and then furrows his brows toward Brydum.

Brydum scratches his beard awkwardly, "I could have swore that was the one. But, ah, no matter, the second secret door on the eastern passage opens with this one..." He points to the button (C) hidden in the southeastern wall's carving as a gem being offered to a fountain from which a black axe rises.

Just as he steps toward that button, the other dwarves Rorm and Angrom hem and haw and throw up their hands, "Well, ah, let's not be too hasty, Brydum...it has been a long time since we ventured these halls after all..."

GM: We're going to run this whole dungeon in initiative sequence – it just fades into the background when we're not in combat – which will help spread around who gets to start first a little more. So the next scene Alma & Logrim will get to go first (probably).


3. The Fast Group
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Logrim (& Ludo)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm, Angrom

Dwarf Warrior: hp 13, AC 18 (chain mail, shield), speed 25; Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0; advantage save vs. poison / resistance to poison; darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 10; Battleaxe +4 hit, 6 (1d8+2) dmg; Light Crossbow +2 hit, 80/320 ft, 4 (1d8) dmg; Defender (reaction): if a creature attacks the dwarf or a creature within 5 feet of the dwarf while it is wielding a shield, the dwarf can use a reaction to give the attacking creature disadvantage on the attack roll.

Holy Water (4/4): As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.
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Zeth wipes a drop of sweat off his brow.

"I think it would be best to form a battle formation before we open any doors from now on. And we should make a plan to avoid getting swarmed, there's no telling how many undead are down there."

He turns to the rest of the group and sighs.

"This-" he waves his hand to indicate dungeon-diving, fighting, etc. "-isn't what I planned to be doing when I came here."

: Zeren will make the Religion check about zombies here since he's got the time.


Jack lets out a lighthearted chuckle as he floats closer to Brydum, his eyes and wings twinkling with mirth. "Brydum, my friend, you haven't had too many of Angrom's 'mountain spring waters' influencing your button-pushing decisions, have you?" he jests, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "But no matter, you've done us all a favor to show how we can handle unexpected guests with such finesse!"

Jack considers Zeth's suggestion about the battle formation, and responds, "Going forward, I reckon those clad in scale mail and the finest dwarven armor might take the lead. Meanwhile, I'll hover just a whisper away, ready to unleash a frosty surprise on anything that dares challenge our might." Jack’s lighthearted nature aims to keep everyone's spirits high.

Voidrunner's Codex

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