(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

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Steve Gorak

Aric nods in acknowledgement. He waits for others to chime in, and if there are no other plans proposed, he summons a bonfire at the edge of the light.

"Hold them in the fire" he whispers to his companions

OOC: cast create bondfire at the line of the second (largest) circle on the map. I think this is a slope or stairs. Seems like a nice choke point
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Logrim nods at Aric and Lumrolur. He makes a hand gesture to Ludo and the construct moves near the front to help block the stairs upto the group. The gnome then slips his wrench into a loop on his belt and pulls a crossbow from his back and loads a bolt. Logrim nods to the others then talks quietly.

"I'm ready when you are mister Aric."


Zeth quickly positions himself behind the toughest looking members of the group.

"Yes, an ambush sounds best. I'm right behind you."

He checks to ensure he has room to dash to an exit if the zombies get to him as he moves to hide.

OOC: Stealth check 1D20+3 = [9]+3 = 12


Alma, positioned comfortably towards the back, ducks into the shadows and tries to find a good spot to watch the staircase. She isn't sure if zombies are effected by psychic damage, but it's worth a try. So she readies a spell for when they come into line of sight. [readying Mind Sliver]




Lumrolur, creeps forward with his crossbow, to attack one of the zombies while hidden. Regardless whether this hits or misses, the twang of the string and clatter of the bolt is sure to attract their attention!

As soon as he retreats back, Aric's bonfire springs to life in the center of the stairs between you and the zombies.

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GM: First is @Neurotic (Lumrolur) with the instigating attack kicking off surprise, then everyone who also rolled Stealth – @Necropolitan (Zeth) and @happylace (Alma). You can assume the zombies move to the middle of the stairs.

Then we'll start back at the top of the initiative count, which is when Aric will lay down his bonfire on the zombies. Because the zombies are end of initiative, after Lumrolur, Zeth, and Alma resolve their surprise, you can go in any order that's convenient. The NPC dwarves & Russet will advance to the frontline to stop the zombies advance and trap them in Aric's bonfire.


3. The Fast Group
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Logrim (& Ludo)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm, Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)

Dwarf Warrior:
hp 13, AC 18 (chain mail, shield), speed 25; Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0; advantage save vs. poison / resistance to poison; darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 10; Battleaxe +4 hit, 6 (1d8+2) dmg; Light Crossbow +2 hit, 80/320 ft, 4 (1d8) dmg; Defender (reaction): if a creature attacks the dwarf or a creature within 5 feet of the dwarf while it is wielding a shield, the dwarf can use a reaction to give the attacking creature disadvantage on the attack roll.

Holy Water (4/4):
As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.


The sound of undead shuffling up the staircase makes Alma straighten. Alert. She holds a hand out, eyes rimmed with a dull red glow. As the zombies shamble into view, bathed in scarlet light, she unleashes her held magic. She isn't sure if it'll work, but this will be a good test before things turn more dire.

Alma casts Mind Sliver on the first creature in the line when they get within line of sight. (range of 60ft, should be able to reach them without moving)

[Front Zombie needs to make a DC 13 INT Save]

Mind Sliver damage: 1D6 = [6] = 6
, also subtracts 1d4 from it's next saving throw until the end of my next turn (in case you want me to roll, it'll be
reduce: 1D4 = [3] = 3
, if you want to roll for that, please disregard)


Zeth uses the element of surprise to aim an Eldritch Blast at the first zombie he can see, a gesture and word sending a crackling beam of energy streaking across the room into the undead's rotting body.

Attack Roll: 1D20+6 = [17]+6 = 23
Damage Roll: 1D10+4 = [8]+4 = 12

Delighted with the ease that the party has been eliminating zombies so far Zeth gloats.

"Take that you shambling corpse! I can do this all day!"



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As Lumrolur rushes back up the stairs, diving behind the line of dwarves, the groaning zombies lurch in cold pursuit, dead eyes glinting in the ruddy hue of Alma's light spell.

Alma finds that rending the zombie's mind is like driving a spear through butter – Once subjugated by the will of Akar Kessell, there is little independence left in the shambling corpse. Faint red light seeps from cracks along the zombie's head.

Zeth's blast rips through the other zombie, parts of its body rotting away before your very eyes until its pustulant organs can be seen stretched against its skin and gaping holes for in its sinew. The disintegrating zombie seems like it might topple over in a stiff breeze.

The groaning of the zombies grows louder - louder than is warranted by merely three of the undead.

GM: Zombie fails its save Zombie DC 13 INT save vs Mind Sliver: 1D20-4 = [9]-4 = 5 & it suffers -3 saving throws (until end of Alma's next turn)

@Neurotic Go ahead and take Lumrolur's surprise turn. (also, you have a regular turn coming up after, so if more convenient for you, you can take both in one post)

After Lumrolur goes – since the rest of you have your turns before the zombies, it's fine to go in any order that's convenient for you (e.g. don't feel beholding to a strict order).


3. The Fast Group
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Logrim (& Ludo)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm, Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)
  • eldritch blasted HP 13 1
  • mind slivered HP 13 7
  • HP 13
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Steve Gorak

OOC: Sorry, I think I posted Aric's actions out of sequence. These are his actions. And the position is the frontmost undead.
Dex save dc 12 or 1d8 fire damage. I'll let you roll the damage @Quickleaf bc it may be applicable multiple times (Fun realization about this cantrip: the lead zombie will get the damage twice if it makes it till the end of its turn. Once when the spell is cast, and a second time at the end of its turn if it remains in its position).
Note that the bondfire will also create light, I recommend radius of 30-40 ft (torch is 20 ft, daylight spell is 60ft).

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