(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden



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Long shadow of the zombies and dwarves scatter along the walls carved with bas reliefs, flickering as Aric's magical flames flames engulf the lower torso of the zombie with Alma's reddish light emitting through cracks in its skull. Smoke roils off its desiccated body.

The bonfire's light reveals the dwarven statue and slumped dwarf corpse (previously described) beyond to those who lack darkvision. The groaning sound grows louder as if penetrating right through the walls.

GM: Yeah, we can go with Create Bonfire emitting 30 ft bright, 30 ft dim light radius (it's concentration and shorter lived than Light, so that rooooughly balances).

Zombie fails save vs Bonfire, and takes 5 damage
Zombie DC 12 Dex save vs Create Bonfire: 1D20-2 = [1]-2 = -1
Create Bonfire damage: 1D8 = [5] = 5


3. The Fast Group
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Logrim (& Ludo)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm, Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)
  • eldritch blasted HP 13 1
  • mind slivered & bonfired HP 13 7 2
  • HP 13

Zombies (alternate PbP rule): Destroyed on critical, radiant reducing to 0 hp, or 20+ damage from one attack. If you deal ≤19 damage, compare to sequence of pre-rolled “saves”, if “save” ≥ damage dealt, zombie remains a threat:
7, 5, 2, 1, 20 /
20, 15, 17, 9, 11 /
15, 12, 13, 11, 7 /
13, 16, 15, 15, 8 /
18, 9, 8, 18, 11 /
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur pinged the first zombie even before undead group was aware of the party.

The other bolt was harder, but zombies were big and slow and stupid. Now if only rhey would fall as normal things do when pierced multiple times...

Hit the zombie that was closest to him initially. If it falls, next bolt goes into the one wounded from spells. If not, both bolts go into the same one.

Crossbow vs closest zombie: 2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [17, 15]+5 = 22
1D6+3+1D6 = [4]+3+[1] = 8
2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [9, 7]+5 = 14
1D6+3+1D6 = [4]+3+[1] = 8



Bolts whistle by Logrim's head and between the dwarves, dropping both the burning mind-slivered zombie and the blasted zombie like sacks of potatoes. They do not stir, dead forevermore, their bodies rolling down the stairs away from you.

Your harengon companion Russet stabs with his warspear at the remaining zombie, but he's momentarily blinded by the licking flames of the bonfire and his spear thrust goes wide.

The groaning is getting louder.

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GM: Russet misses attack vs Zombie (AC 8)
Russet warspear vs Zombie AC 8: 1D20+5 = [1]+5 = 6

@Aethmud @Necropolitan @happylace @VLAD the Destroyer you can take your turns in any order you like.

3. The Fast Group
✓Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Logrim (& Ludo)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm, Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)
  • eldritch blasted HP 13 1 DEAD
  • mind slivered & bonfired HP 13 7 2 DEAD
  • HP 13

Zombies (alternate PbP rule): Destroyed on critical, radiant reducing to 0 hp, or 20+ damage from one attack. If you deal ≤19 damage, compare to sequence of pre-rolled “saves”, if “save” ≥ damage dealt, zombie remains a threat:
7, 5, 2, 1, 20 /
20, 15, 17, 9, 11 /
15, 12, 13, 11, 7 /
13, 16, 15, 15, 8 /
18, 9, 8, 18, 11 /
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Logrim raises his crossbow and takes aim but is jostled by someone and the bolt goes wide. He curses and begins to reload another bolt. Logrim makes a motion with his hand to as he fumbles with his crossbow signaling for Ludo to move forward and attack the zombie.

Ludo springs forward to the other side of the zombie. It rears back and claws at the zombie striking it.

OOC: Action: Crossbow attack against zombie: 1d20+4 5 1d8+2 6
Move: Staying still
Bonus: Commanding Ludo to attack

Ludo will move up and attack if possible.
Ludo attack on zombie: 1d20+5 13 1d8+2 8


Slipping past the front line of dwarves, Ludo's claws brace against the zombie a moment before tearing out its throat. Even silenced, the undead drow shambles forward, dark blood staining its frozen jerkin.

And still the groaning sound is growing louder, echoes of multiple zombies drawing extremely close.

3. The Fast Group
✓Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
✓Logrim (& Ludo)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm, Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)
  • eldritch blasted HP 13 1 DEAD
  • mind slivered & bonfired HP 13 7 2 DEAD
  • clawed HP 13 7
Zombies (alternate PbP rule): Destroyed on critical, radiant reducing to 0 hp, or 20+ damage from one attack. If you deal ≤19 damage, compare to sequence of pre-rolled “saves”, if “save” ≥ damage dealt, zombie remains a threat:
7, 5, 2, 1, 20 /
20, 15, 17, 9, 11 /
15, 12, 13, 11, 7 /
13, 16, 15, 15, 8 /
18, 9, 8, 18, 11 /


Deciding that enough damage has been done to ensure that this hit will be the last one Zeth targets the zombie's weakness and calls upon the power in the tome given to him by his Patron to inflict damaging radiance upon the walking corpse.

OOC: Zeth casts Sacred Flame on the zombie. DC 14 Dexterity save or it takes 1d8 Radiant damage.



Pale cinders erupt from the zombie, as the layers of its desiccated clothes, skin, muscles and bones rapidly dissolve into a shower of shimmering motes and dust that for a moment seems to be blown away from you until hissing over the heads of the dwarven front line toward Zeth's tome.

Though there are no more zombies visible, loud groaning to the southeast suggests there are more moving toward you. Brydum yells back, "Brace yourselves, they're bringing the second course!"

Something about the groaning is distinctly disturbing. It does not echo or muffle as it should down here. It sounds like it's right on top of you already.

GM: Zombie fails its save, takes 7 radiant, is destroyed
Zombie DC 14 Dex save vs Sacred Flame: 1D20-2 = [15]-2 = 13
radiant damage to zombie: 1D8 = [7] = 7

The three dwarves are readying attacks for any zombies that come around the corner.

@happylace and @Aethmud your turns!

3. The Fast Group
✓Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Alma – detecting magic
✓Logrim (& Ludo)
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum, Rorm, Angrom
0. Zombies (AC 8)

Zombies (alternate PbP rule): Destroyed on critical, radiant reducing to 0 hp, or 20+ damage from one attack. If you deal ≤19 damage, compare to sequence of pre-rolled “saves”, if “save” ≥ damage dealt, zombie remains a threat:
7, 5, 2, 1, 20 /
20, 15, 17, 9, 11 /
15, 12, 13, 11, 7 /
13, 16, 15, 15, 8 /
18, 9, 8, 18, 11 /

hp 13, AC 18 (chain mail, shield), speed 25; Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0; advantage save vs. poison / resistance to poison; darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 10; Battleaxe +4 hit, 6 (1d8+2) dmg; Light Crossbow +2 hit, 80/320 ft, 4 (1d8) dmg; Defender (reaction): if a creature attacks the dwarf or a creature within 5 feet of the dwarf while it is wielding a shield, the dwarf can use a reaction to give the attacking creature disadvantage on the attack roll.
As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.
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With the undead now burning piles of rot and ash, Alma relaxes. Only for a moment. The dwarves call out their warnings and she tenses again. Searching for the signs they see. The sound is strange. No echo, no distance. She furrows her brows, eyes darting across the icy corridor, from wall to wall to ceiling and back down again.

Where is that coming from? Why is it so close?

In this moment of reprieve, she decides to take stock. She side-steps around Jack, taking cover around a corner. She peeks out, down the staircase, and her eyes glow faintly as she casts Detect Magic.



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Alma perceives a slight shimmer to the angled walls east of her position – the walls with bas reliefs of the god Dumathoin bestowing gifts generously to dwarves (as opposed to the western walls depicting Dumathoin hoarding his gifts) – with the barely perceptible glow and telltale waver of illusion magic, as if viewing the walls through a desert mirage.

GM: @happylace Illusion magic marked on map with sketchy lavender lines. Edit: I forgot to move Alma's token when I posted this, but I just updated Owlbear Rodeo so she's left of Jack.

Fyi, the vertical elevation drop from the floor where your party is at to the base of stairs (e.g. near the statue) is about 6 feet.

I'll post what happens next either after Alma or Jack gets to act/speak, or else I'll do it tomorrow morning (Memorial Day here). Guessing you've got a lot going @Aethmud so if I end up skipping Jack's turn, feel free to take a double turn when you have time to post / let me know if I should retcon anything.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lumrolur looks around, the sound is close, but nothing is visible.

"Keep the fire going it might be invisible!"
Thinking back on his Underdark city and the pranks some of the less dour of his people did
"Or it might be an illusion. But drow and dwarves don't do illusion."
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