(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden



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Logrim's wrench slamming on the zombie's knuckles is enough distraction to allow Ludo to tear one of its hands clean off with a swoop of its sharp claws – the hand is tossed through the illusory wall and flops around on the ground where Jack can see it.

The zombie-in-the-wall had been standing atop another zombie. Logrim and Ludo's combines assault is enough to imbalance the zombies, sending them toppling backward through the illusory wall with a momentary shimmer. Beyond, the sound of thudding bodies.

For a moment, Alma contacts the tattered remnants of the burning zombie's mind. Envy. Broken promises. Loyalty only as far as vengeance fulfilled. Its skin crackles like burning vellum – and it should die, just like the zombie Logrim faces should have died – yet instead it turns to Alma and mutters, "Ak..rrrr....ksss...sssll..."

GM: @VLAD the Destroyer Ludo is freed from grapple in case you wanted "him" to move.

Zombie fails its save vs Mind Sliver
zombie DC 13 Int save vs Mind Sliver: 1D20-4 = [6]-4 = 2

Zombie "pyramid" topples over!
Zombie DC 5 Acrobatics to support a damaged zombie on its shoulders: 1D20-2 = [2]-2 = 0

@Necropolitan It's your turn!


3. The Fast Group
✓Aric – create bonfire
✓Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
✓Alma – detecting magic
✓Logrim & Ludo
1. The Slow Group
✓NPC Dwarves – Brydum hp 13 9, Rurm hp 13 9, Angrom hp 13
0. Zombies (AC 8)

visible (depending)
  • bonfire one-eyed hp 13 11 3 1 Mind Slivered -3 next save
  • speared hp 13 4
  • cold-damaged hp 10
  • dwarf horn over shoulder hp 13
not currently visible
  • grappling Ludo (can't be seen but you know its position, disadvantage to attack it) hp 13 8 1
  • zomb-pyramid hp 13
Destroyed on critical, radiant reducing to 0 hp, or 20+ damage from one attack. If you deal ≤19 damage, compare to sequence of pre-rolled “saves”, if “save” ≥ damage dealt, zombie remains a threat:
7, 5, 2, 1, 20 /
20, 15, 17, 9, 11 /
15, 12
, 13, 11, 7 /
13, 16, 15, 15, 8 /
18, 9, 8, 18, 11 /

Brydum hp 13 9, Rurm hp 13 9, Angrom hp 13; AC 18 (chain mail, shield), speed 25; Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0; advantage save vs. poison / resistance to poison; darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 10; Battleaxe +4 hit, 6 (1d8+2) dmg; Light Crossbow +2 hit, 80/320 ft, 4 (1d8) dmg; Defender (reaction): if a creature attacks the dwarf or a creature within 5 feet of the dwarf while it is wielding a shield, the dwarf can use a reaction to give the attacking creature disadvantage on the attack roll.
As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.


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Zeth decides that since Sacred Flame has worked this far he'll just keep using it.

With hand and voice he calls up more radiant power to reduce another zombie to ash.

"Good teamwork, we've got this handled."

: As I said in the OOC thread I'm a bit confused about which zombies Zeth can see.



Two more zombies (the ones that were toppled over before) close in on the dwarves and Russet as an all out melee ensues. Rurm sustains a blow, but grits his teeth and keeps fighting. Many of the zombies are damaged – that one missing a hand, unnatural cold having eaten away skin at that one's feet, another with a gaping spear wound, and yet another with a silver mace lodged in its head! Blocking an attack, Russet calls up to Jack, “What can you see from up there, Jack?”

From his vantage point and the strange way your party’s light is diminished by the illusory wall, Jack can see faint traces of an arcane runic circle around the edges of the circular room's floor. They ever so faintly flicker in the dim light, like distant lightning. Either it wasn’t there before and you just noticed it…or it was activated by the zombies’ movement.

Alma can sense abjuration magic growing in intensity from beyond the illusory wall; it feels like a high-pitched prickle on the back of her skull.

Suddenly, the dwarves’ shield wall is broken, and one of the zombies grapples Brydum, dragging him deeper into the circular room. "Aargh! Wait! That's the Dain's Horn! We need that to reach the temple's last level!" He cries out, gesturing to the war horn (for blowing) slung over the zombie's shoulder.

GM: Top of initiative - go in any order you like!

From current positions, everyone (besides @Aethmud , Russet, and dwarven NPCs) can only see zombie at base of stairs – the one whose hand Ludo tore off – which has 3/4 cover (from your current positions), i.e. +5 AC and +5 DEX saves.


3. The Fast Group
Aric – create bonfire
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
Alma – detecting magic, light
Logrim & Ludo
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum hp 13 9, Rurm hp 13 9 5, Angrom hp 13
0. Zombies (AC 8)

  • missing hand (3/4 cover) hp 13 8 1
circular room (currently visible only to Jack and NPCs)
  • cold-damaged hp 10
  • grappling Brydum (horn over shoulder) hp 13
  • speared hp 13 4
  • silver mace in head 13 hp
Destroyed on critical, radiant reducing to 0 hp, or 20+ damage from one attack. If you deal ≤19 damage, compare to sequence of pre-rolled “saves”, if “save” ≥ damage dealt, zombie remains a threat:
7, 5, 2, 1, 20 /
20, 15, 17, 9, 11 /
15, 12
, 13, 11, 7 /
13, 16, 15, 15, 8 /
18, 9, 8, 18, 11 /

Brydum hp 13 9, Rurm hp 13 9 5, Angrom hp 13; AC 18 (chain mail, shield), speed 25; Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0; advantage save vs. poison / resistance to poison; darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 10; Battleaxe +4 hit, 6 (1d8+2) dmg; Light Crossbow +2 hit, 80/320 ft, 4 (1d8) dmg; Defender (reaction): if a creature attacks the dwarf or a creature within 5 feet of the dwarf while it is wielding a shield, the dwarf can use a reaction to give the attacking creature disadvantage on the attack roll.
As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a target creature, treating the holy water as an improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage.
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"Careful, I'm sensing abjuration magic coming from behind the wall," Alma calls out. "Could be a trap!"

There aren't any visible targets, but with that magic and no visibility, she doesn't want to just run through the wall. She weaves between the others, dashing down the stairs. As she reaches the statue near the base, she takes in the sight of more undead swarming ahead. "Five more down here!"

[used action to Dash]


"Careful, I'm sensing abjuration magic coming from behind the wall," Alma calls out. "Could be a trap!"

There aren't any visible targets, but with that magic and no visibility, she doesn't want to just run through the wall. She weaves between the others, dashing down the stairs. As she reaches the statue near the base, she takes in the sight of more undead swarming ahead. "Five more down here!"

[used action to Dash]
Alma reaches the 9-foot-tall granite statue of a dwarven dain holding a stone chalice in upturned hands as if offering it as a gift. The chalice is imbued with transmutation magic.

Slumped at the base is a dwarven skeletal corpse with remains of braided blonde hair and tattered robes. The corpse wears a necklace with a silver moon pendant – bearing a striking resemblance to the Silver Star Key that Dain Silverstream gifted to your party (which Lumrolur used to open the temple doors). Alma can see latent glimmers of transmutation and evocation magic swirling about the silver moon necklace.

Additionally, the corpse clutches an opened scroll case with hints of a frayed scroll stuffed inside. The poor dwarf never got the chance to pull the scroll forth. Alma feels abjuration magic emanating forth from the scroll like two opposing magnets pushing against each other – but this is different from the intensifying abjuration emanating from the circular room.

The runes on the scroll are Dethek script – someone who knows Dwarvish or Gnomish is necessary to read this.
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If he can see it he can purge it. Zeth once again summons burning radiance to eliminate a zombie. He wonders briefly why his Patron is capable of granting spells usually associated with goodness and holy power, but decides it doesn't matter as long as it works.

OOC: Zeth is casting Sacred Flame on the zombie he can see. DC 14 Dexterity save or it takes 1d8 Radiant damage.



Owlbear Rodeo link
(feet markers are total depth underground)
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The zombie erupts into bright white cinders that pour forth from its wounds, consuming its skin, bones and all. Moving like a cloud of fading fireflies in an unseen breeze, the cinders flow up the stairs toward Zeth, disappearing before reaching the top of the stairs.

GM: Zombie (1 hp left) fails save, it is destroyed
Zombie DC 14 Dex save vs Sacred Flame: 1D20-2 = [13]-2 = 11


3. The Fast Group
Aric – create bonfire
Russet (GM-controlled)
2. The Middle Group
✓Alma – detecting magic, light
Logrim & Ludo
1. The Slow Group
NPC Dwarves – Brydum hp 13 9, Rurm hp 13 9 5, Angrom hp 13
0. Zombies (AC 8)

visible to people in circular room (currently Alma, Jack, and NPCs)
  • cold-damaged hp 10
  • grappling Brydum (horn over shoulder) hp 13
  • speared hp 13 4
  • silver mace in head 13 hp
Destroyed on critical, radiant reducing to 0 hp, or 20+ damage from one attack. If you deal ≤19 damage, compare to sequence of pre-rolled “saves”, if “save” ≥ damage dealt, zombie remains a threat:
7, 5, 2, 1, 20 /
20, 15, 17, 9, 11 /
15, 12
, 13, 11, 7 /
13, 16, 15, 15, 8 /
18, 9, 8, 18, 11 /

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