(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden


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Tail flitting about uncomfortably, Trex – the kobold leader with fake constructed wings who was recently "de-possessed" by Lumrolur – sees that the party is ready to move on. Speaking in yapping chitters to the other 3 kobolds, in a manner a bit like a diminutive dragon's snarl, Trex leads you to a bucket lift installed by miners long ago.

To the south, the rock glistens from Alma's reddish magical light, revealing a mineral vein of tourmaline.

To the north, the passage continues into a chamber that echoes with the sound of the waterfall you saw at the base of the large shaft - the chamber must open into that shaft.

The bucket lift is currently positioned on the level above you by thirty feet (i.e. Level 1). It looks big enough to hold one Medium creature or two Small creatures. The winch mechanism is covered in rust – both Logrim and Oskar can guess it will creak loudly when operated.

Trex glances nervously over his shoulder down the north passage, gesturing up the small bucket lift shaft. "Up up. Snesk and Zazzer watch walkway. Then Wahorna's not-priests. Gotsta go quiet like." The kobold scrunches his face distastefully and makes a sound like blowing a raspberry.

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"I have some lock grease, you know, for when you need to open the chest in the dungeon quietly." says Lumrolur with a smirk.
"I also have dungeoneering pack, so pitons, extra rope and harness. But if the cultists are used to the thing screeching, it may alert them that something changed. But if Aric can get me there, I can ensure a quiet(er) ascent."

Oskar Whisperstone
Race: Dwarf
HP: 27/27
AC: 16/18(with shield)
Perc save: +2
Pass Inv:
Pass Ins: 15
Spell Slots:
1st[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
2nd [] []
Harness Divine Power
Channel Divinity: 1/1Initiative: -1 Spell Save DC: 13/+5 to hit
STR: 13+1
DEX: 8 -1
CON: 14+2
INT: 9-1
CHA:10 +0(+2)
Insight: 5
Persuasion: 2
Religion: 1
Guidance, Mending*,
Sacred Flame, Spare the dying,

Memorized spells
1st Bless*, Cure wounds*,
create/destroy water, healing word,
Protection from Evil, Sanctuary, Guiding bolt
2nd Lesser Restoration*, Spiritual Weapon*, Aid,

Oskar gathers his things,

"I'm ready to go, Spider-Aric and friends!"


Jack flits toward the front, and whispers, "I'll take a peek and make sure our way is clear at the top!" He flies up as stealthily as he's able to, peeking at the passageway where the bucket lift ascends to, before reporting his findings to the rest of the party.


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Jack flits toward the front, and whispers, "I'll take a peek and make sure our way is clear at the top!" He flies up as stealthily as he's able to, peeking at the passageway where the bucket lift ascends to, before reporting his findings to the rest of the party.
Jack flits up the bucket lift shaft. Currently the bucket lift is settled at the level above the party's heads (Level 1). For most creatures that would pose an impassable challenge, but Jack is slight enough to be able to squeeze through the gaps in the winch mechanism. A passage leads back into the larger central shaft with the waterfall pouring from the northeast corner. The rushing sound nearly masks a pair of kobolds who are standing on wooden walkways arguing and gesturing while holding saws, wooden mallets, and chisels. Beyond the walkways, the stone passage continues to the west – which must be where the cultists of Auril have holed up.

Jack flits back down the shaft, wings humming softly, and lands with a flourish near the group. His grin is wide and mischievous as he dusts off his hands for no real reason. He looks about conspiratorially as he whispers, "Alright, listen up, we’ve got two kobolds up top—armed to the teeth with saws and mallets. Real fearsome lot!" Jack adds with a straight-faced wink. "They’re squabbling on the walkway, completely oblivious to us. Beyond them, that’s where Wahorna’s chilly little clubhouse is with the not-priests."

"Here’s what I’m thinking. First, we lower the bucket lift nice and slow, no funny business—no grease, no magic, just good ol’ fashioned rusty creaking. Last thing we need is those not-priests catching wind that something’s afoot before we’re ready to kick it off. They'll think it's just the kobolds bringing the lift down."

He points to Aric, flashing a sly grin. "Spider-Aric, you and I will take the scenic route. You start by scuttling up with a couple of us on your back, then I flit up right behind you, and we’ll get the lay of the land. Meanwhile, the rest of us follow right behind in the bucket lift, coming up with Trex. We'll all go together as a group, so Trex here can explain to his lads what’s going on and maybe, if we need it, convince them to make a little ruckus as a distraction."

Jack clasps his hands together. "Once we’re all up there, we tiptoe past the not-priests and save the big, flashy ambush for when it counts. Quiet now, loud later, keep ‘em guessing! We'll part ways with Trex right after we sneak past the not-priests. And then we'll come back and liberate Trex and his team as soon as we're done with our business in town."

He gives the bucket lift a cautious glance. "Shall we?"

Oskar Whisperstone
Race: Dwarf
HP: 27/27
AC: 16/18(with shield)
Perc save: +2
Pass Inv:
Pass Ins: 15
Spell Slots:
1st[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
2nd [] []
Harness Divine Power
Channel Divinity: 1/1Initiative: -1 Spell Save DC: 13/+5 to hit
STR: 13+1
DEX: 8 -1
CON: 14+2
INT: 9-1
CHA:10 +0(+2)
Insight: 5
Persuasion: 2
Religion: 1
Guidance, Mending*,
Sacred Flame, Spare the dying,

Memorized spells
1st Bless*, Cure wounds*,
create/destroy water, healing word,
Protection from Evil, Sanctuary, Guiding bolt
2nd Lesser Restoration*, Spiritual Weapon*, Aid,

Oskar nods, impressed,

"Your plan is like a fortress's foundation: solid and well laid out. I like it! I'm a bit clumsy in my armour, though, so I'll go up the lift and sneak by with the distraction."

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"This is acceptable. So Lumrolur will ride on Spider-Aric and Jack will fly up. I will make myself smaller for convenience." Alma steps back. The scent of sulfur wafts through the cavern as her skin begins to sag and turn red. Body suddenly melting into a writhing mass of goopy flesh. It compresses and shrinks and a few moments later shifts into a new, smaller humanoid form. As the details carve themselves out and the color returns, Perilou the halfling now stands in Alma's place. "I will ride with Logrim."

Logrim blinks a couple times his brain tries to process what he just witnessed. He shifts uncomfortably when the now Perilou looking Alma says his name.

"Umm...Ah..Ok miss Alma. I'll ride with you."

Logrim moves to stand near the halfling Alma. He smiles weakly and waits for Aric and the others to head up and give them the signal to ascend in the bucket.

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