Tail flitting about uncomfortably, Trex – the kobold leader with fake constructed wings who was recently "de-possessed" by Lumrolur – sees that the party is ready to move on. Speaking in yapping chitters to the other 3 kobolds, in a manner a bit like a diminutive dragon's snarl, Trex leads you to a bucket lift installed by miners long ago.
To the south, the rock glistens from Alma's reddish magical light, revealing a mineral vein of tourmaline.
To the north, the passage continues into a chamber that echoes with the sound of the waterfall you saw at the base of the large shaft - the chamber must open into that shaft.
The bucket lift is currently positioned on the level above you by thirty feet (i.e. Level 1). It looks big enough to hold one Medium creature or two Small creatures. The winch mechanism is covered in rust – both Logrim and Oskar can guess it will creak loudly when operated.
Trex glances nervously over his shoulder down the north passage, gesturing up the small bucket lift shaft. "Up up. Snesk and Zazzer watch walkway. Then Wahorna's not-priests. Gotsta go quiet like." The kobold scrunches his face distastefully and makes a sound like blowing a raspberry.

Tail flitting about uncomfortably, Trex – the kobold leader with fake constructed wings who was recently "de-possessed" by Lumrolur – sees that the party is ready to move on. Speaking in yapping chitters to the other 3 kobolds, in a manner a bit like a diminutive dragon's snarl, Trex leads you to a bucket lift installed by miners long ago.
To the south, the rock glistens from Alma's reddish magical light, revealing a mineral vein of tourmaline.
To the north, the passage continues into a chamber that echoes with the sound of the waterfall you saw at the base of the large shaft - the chamber must open into that shaft.
The bucket lift is currently positioned on the level above you by thirty feet (i.e. Level 1). It looks big enough to hold one Medium creature or two Small creatures. The winch mechanism is covered in rust – both Logrim and Oskar can guess it will creak loudly when operated.
Trex glances nervously over his shoulder down the north passage, gesturing up the small bucket lift shaft. "Up up. Snesk and Zazzer watch walkway. Then Wahorna's not-priests. Gotsta go quiet like." The kobold scrunches his face distastefully and makes a sound like blowing a raspberry.