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Ice, Luck and Honour

Ice, Luck and Honour

Chapter 2: Three's Company

Early Winter, Realms Date 1372

…The remaining half-orcs turn and flee back towards the cargo train as a tide of dark green skinned humanoids pour from the woods towards Milo and Thalin, their snarling faces gleeful in the shifting reds and yellows of the burning building…

Thalin turns and immediately backs away from the charging humanoids. He sees to his surprise that Milo has already bolted away and is a good twenty paces ahead of him, heading back towards the cargo train.
“Kill them my goblins, nothing is to escape us!” comes a distinctly human voice from within the woods. Turning back to gauge the threat of the pursuing goblins, Thalin catches a glimpse of a sleek figure clad in black, levelling a crossbow at him.

- - - - - - - - - -

Another volley of arrows thuds into the carriage, then a shuddering crash as a bronze tipped javelin the size of a ballista bolt plunges into the door, showering the man with wooden splinters.
“Hold still my children,” the man winces in pain and unsteadily pushes himself to his feet, “there is still much to be done, our time is not now”. The rats seem to rally at these words and swarm around his feet, almost helping him gain balance.

The door is thrown open jerkily, and the skull capped head of a goblin thrusts into the carriage. The rat-mage whirls around, screaming something in draconic and the rats, as one, leap forwards and engulf the goblins form in a writhing mass of brown fur. The goblin topples backwards into the snow, squealing wildly and desperately ripping at the horde of rats swarming over him.

The rat-mage grips the long bundle of rags and takes a step towards the door, surveying the scene before him. The wagon train has ground to a halt and a tide of goblins roll towards the carriages, perhaps two hundred in all. The goblin being torn to shreds by his rats must have been a scout. Amid the sea of snarling faces lumber a number of larger humanoids, two or three bulky orcs drive forwards the goblins. Even larger shadows stalk through the trees, huge javelins in their monstrous hands. The chances of a successful defence are meagre at least, possibilities sprint through the mind of the rat-mage before quickly settling on a chance for escape. With a sweep of his hand, the rats leave the body of the goblin and he crouches on the edge of the carriage door, ready to leap to the frosted ground below.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo barrels through the legs of an orc. Crouching to a stop, Milo registers the tide of the goblins charging towards the wagons, a few goblin scouts had managed to get closer and were already opening up the carriage doors. A handful of Ulutiuns had rallied into a skirmish unit and screaming in unison, sprinting towards the oncoming lines of the goblins and orcs. Looking on in astonishment, Milo is oblivious to the orc that lumbers up behind him and swings down hard with his huge rusted axe.

- - - - - - - - - -

Clutching his side where a black-feathered shaft of a crossbow bolt sticks awkwardly through his bearskin shirt, Thalin bursts from the wood to view the devastation before him. Seeing Milo about to be attacked, Thalin instinctively begins to chant arcane words, his hands tracing lines through the air despite the pain in his side. A nimbus of light sparkles over the mages body leaving a thin layer of frost over his clothing and skin, as this happens, the wolfskin cloak billows around him and an icy shard hurtles from the shadows of the cloak, tearing through the air and into the back of the orc stood over Milo. A shattering crack issues from the orc as his back crystallises into ice and shatters onto the ground, with a gurgling scream, his heavy body collapses onto the top of the distracted halfling. Stepping forwards, Thalin heaves the body away from Milo and grabs his hand, helping the halfling to his feet. Milo chimes his thanks but his words die in his throat as a huge shadow falls over the man and the halfling.

The roar of the ogre drops Milo to his knees in fear, its immense form holding a giant javelin in each callused hand. The ogre scythes the javelins down but reels back as a pulse of cold air fills his vision, he roars quickly and raises a mighty hand to rub the icy cloud away from his eyes. Using the moment’s respite from his spell, Thalin drags Milo to his feet and sprints towards the carriages.

- - - - - - - - - -

The Ulutiuns hammer into the flimsy line of the goblins. A challenge bellows forth from an orc who hefts a mighty morning star over his head, pointing at the lead Ulutiun. Accepting the challenge, the Ulutiun turns away from his goblin opponents to face the orc but is suddenly swarmed by goblins and dragged violently to the ground. The orc laughs at the stupidity of the iceman and wades into the Ulutiuns, a murderous grin of pleasure rupturing across his face as his weapon meets flesh.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thalin and Milo reach the first carriage as the goblin swarm presses towards the Ulutiuns, slowing their attack somewhat. Men, women and children lie dead on the ground, crude arrows protruding from the corpses. The snow is spattered with the blood of the wagon travellers.
“We have to find any survivors and flee, we can’t stay here.” Shouts Thalin over the approaching screams of the goblins. Thalin could feel the approval of his wizened familiar, who swooped over the battleground, looking for survivors and a way out.
“We could take the horses, they’re tethered up at the front of the cargo wagon!” adds Milo, who without even waiting for a reply drops to the ground and scampers under the carriage to the other side of the wagon train.

Thalin turns back to the battle and surveying the Ulutiuns fall before the goblin horde, his fathers words suddenly spring into his head; Only death and war lies in the south.

Pushing his regrets deeper into him, Thalin wielding Shard in the Ulutiun style and with a full arching sweep, decapitates a goblin that had attempted to sneak round and stab him in the back.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo reaches the horses in under a minute and quickly begins to untether them. But he falls still and steps into the shadows of the lead carriage as a wicked laugh emits from the other side of the horses. A goblin steps into his view but doesn’t see the hidden halfling. The goblin laughs again and waving his shortsword like a fork, takes determined steps towards one of the wagon horses. Milo holds his breath and quietly cocks a bolt into his halfling size crossbow. Wincing with the sound of the string stretching, he begins to wind the bolt into a firing position.

- - - - - - - - - -

Crude arrows thud into the ground around Thalin. The sheer fact that he hadn’t been hit yet was surely a blessing of Tymora. As Thalin steps sideways to avoid a fallen goblin body, a group of rats dart from out of the carriage shadows and block his path. Thalin has no time for this and leaps over the line of vermin only to skid in front of an open carriage door, where a man dressed in tattered brown rags and holding a long bundle of rags sits crouched on the edge. Seeing Thalin, a hopeful stare echoes across his face before he leaps from the open door to the ground below.

The hum of the javelin through the air precedes the wet thud as it drives through the rat-mages stomach, pinning him to the carriage door. His body jerks to a stop a few inches from the ground and he lets out a rattled shriek of pain. Thalin watches in horror as almost half of the rats swarming under the rat-mages feet keel over and die in an instant, their small bodies almost snapped like twigs.

Thalin leaps forwards to help the rat-mage.
“It is too important… you must take it…” a spasm racks the man body.
Thalin stares, not understanding what is happening.
“You must travel… travel… it is too important to lose. Keep it safe… you must!”
“What? What do you mean… what is important?” shouts Thalin, wary of the advancing goblins behind him. A hail of black arrows pepper the side of the carriage, inches from the two figures.
With a shriek of pain, the rat-mage shudders once then breathes his last words,
“Too important. Take it to… to Tilverton.”
With a final spasm, the life of the rat-mage ends and the bundle of rags drops to the floor. The remaining rats squirm and die, their life extinguished as their master falls finally into the hands of Kelemvor.

Thalin looks for a moment before being forced into action by another hail of arrows, one slicing through the trailing end of his cloak. With a deft movement, Thalin grasps the long bundle of rags and is surprised at the weight of the object inside, a metal staff or rod perhaps. Thalin did not have time to check as he began to sprint towards the horses.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo shakily emerges from the shadows as the goblin clutches at the bolt in his back before falling forwards into the snow. The horses whinney and rear up at the smell of blood, but Milo quickly puts a soothing hand onto their sides to reassure them.
“Milo! The horses, quickly!” shouts Thalin as he sprints towards his newfound companion.
With a quick swipe of his blade, Milo cuts the shackles of the horses and nimbly leaps onto the back of a smaller mare, snaring the reins of a stallion for Thalin as the rest of the horses bolt away from the battle.

Thalin swings quickly onto the horse and digs his heels into its side, Thalin’s and Milo’s horses rear up and in unison hammer down the plains and away from the marauding goblins. Little is said as the two travellers, thrown together through fate, canter southwards towards the trading post of Darmshall.

- - - - - - - - - -

After they travel for more than an hour, the two companions come to a stop as the outskirts of Darmshall begin to rise around them. The journey was fast and hard but sheer adrenalin keeps them going. They decide to stop and walk into the town on foot, as they walk they learn of each others past and why they are travelling, not more can be said before they are drawn to the sight of a young man sitting alone at the side of a small camp fire. On one side of the man sits a sword and the other is a travelling pack.

Milo says that he knows the mage of the town, Noristour, and can probably organise a meeting with him to tell him about the goblin raids. Milo also mentions the fact that the town has a magical perimeter designed to alert Noristour to every creature that crosses the magical boundary. The fact that this man has made a campfire outside of the perimeter is dangerous simply to the fact that the area is rife with goblins, outlaws, and worse.

Thalin remains at a distance, checking his wound as Milo approaches the man, intent on finding out why he is outside of the perimeter. A few minutes later, Thalin sees Milo walking back with the man following him, Milo is waving and smiling, but the man seems deadly serious. As he gets closer, a deep white scar on each cheek becomes visible and Thalin is immediately wary, knowing better than to immediately trust a stranger. Both Milo and Thalin are a little disturbed by both the beauty and disposition of the man before them.

Milo introduces the man as Torious Mangrane and he’s from Raven’s Bluff and has travelled because of dream visions leading him to this very spot. As Milo excitedly explains, the man remains silent until Milo has finished then reaches out a hand to Thalin.
“I am Torious Mangrane. A traveller following my lord Tyr’s guidance.” Thalin winces from pain as he extends his arm and shakes Torious’.
“You are hurt my friend. I am skilled in the arts of healing…” says Torious, sighting the wound in Thalin’s side.
“Thank you but I can manage fine…” Grimaces Thalin, but his body betrays him and he staggers sideways. Torious catches him and with the help of Milo escort the wounded mage to the fireside.

As Torious dresses Thalin’s wound he freely tells of his reason for being outside of the perimeter, the fact that he killed a local man and does not need Noristour pursuing him. Milo is a little taken aback by this confession but soon learns Torious is a priest of Tyr and considers lying a sin. Not really understanding this, Milo informs Torious that he is a wandering noble and needs shelter, but is also grand friends with Noristour and believes he may be able to avert any vengeance that Noristour seeks. Torious warily believes the enthusiastic halfling and offers payment for Milo’s service. Milo bites his tongue to stop saying yes and refuses payment, saying healing the mage is payment enough. Torious agrees and after using some source of inner power, fully heals Thalin’s wounds with his bare hands.

After further talk, mostly on the subject of grilling Torious about his heritage (Milo is intensely interested to know that Torious thinks he is a direct descendant of Tyr), the trio set into the town of Darmshall. The sunlight is dying and soon the thin yellow band of the magical perimeter hovers before them, stretching left and right and disappearing behind houses and trees.

- - - - - - - - - -

Noristour organises the papers on his desk again, hoping to create less paper work if the stacks are neater. He sits back into the chair and sighs deeply. His quasit familiar, Xsistass, perches neatly on the chair back, sharing his masters frustration. When will the components he needs finally reveal themselves? He hadn’t even got the most basic of requirements, and the town was somehow generating mountains of paperwork, which has to all be checked and reviewed. Where would he find the time?

A metallic chime issues from his staff, which is leant against the cylindrical wall of the mage tower. Leaning over and picking up the staff, concentrating his vision the mage reaches his mind out to the north west perimeter, where his staff told him two men and a halfling had just entered. Nothing of interest. But a note of recognition passes as he sees the halfling and that man with the scars. With a swirl of his cape, Noristour prepares to confront the travellers.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thalin presses onwards into the town, leaving Milo behind playing with the perimeter line. Milo passes his hand through the yellow glow twice more before noticing his companions and running after them.

Thalin reaches the mages tower in a matter of minutes, its crooked form surely supported by magic from some source. Putting arcane matters aside, Thalin knocks on the door intending to inform the wizard of the goblin raid. After knocking for the third time, the three companions turn to leave but stop when the door eases open and Noristour steps onto the cobbled streets. Dressed in black, with a little demon squatted on his shoulder, he makes a striking figure. Isplit hisses at the demon and Dariel suddenly takes flight, circling and squawking to show his distress at the unnaturalness of the creature. Xsistass watches the owl swoop around with a keen interest.

Noristour scowls at Torious and taps his staff on the ground.
“You are charged with murder, don’t try to…”
“Wait! He knows where that special ring is! I couldn’t find it but he says he knows!” answers Milo quickly. Both Torious and Thalin stare at the halfling.
“No I don’t.” says Torious in a level voice.
“Yes, you do,” says Milo quickly, reaching his hand behind his back he pushes the keystone deeper into his rucksack, knowing that any evidence that he went to the mines rather than track down the ring would give him away. “…and you told me you can get it for this mighty mage! Isn’t that right… Thalin!” Milo looks to Thalin for help.
“Yes. That’s right,” stammers Thalin. Xsistass stares at Thalin with cold eyes. Maybe he knows what is being said.

But the mage is unaware and Milo talks over Torious, and as quickly as possible ensures the mage that they will get the ring within the next few days, as long as Torious won’t be punished and they are allowed to stay in the town. Noristour, not seeing any loss at sending more men to acquire the ring and temporarily ignoring the faults of a foolish boy, agrees and sends the adventurers on their way. He makes sure the three adventurers get the ring and bring it to him within two days.

The three adventurers agree to aid each other in the attempt to get the ring, hoping it might provide money for a journey west or east. Thalin then remembers the bundle and unwraps it as he walks and is stunned to find a smooth wooden staff with the word “Erifeci” inscribed onto the five foot shaft. Quickly wrapping it up again, he swears to discover the properties of the staff the next day. The adventurers discuss the difficulties of acquiring the ring, which Milo says is reportedly in the hands of a local goblin warlord, the self-styled King Doom. The group are gradually subsumed by their weariness and the three companions make their way to the local tavern, The Headless Woman.

Walking in they are suddenly in a throng of elves, half-orcs, dwarves and humans. All three push their way towards the bar. Thalin holds a silver coin in his hand and knocks on the counter for service, but the mage accidentally bumps into a black cloaked man stood to his right, the man turns to face Thalin. His face has a scar running from his forehead to his chin, with greasy lengths of black hair falling across his hollow eyes. He is dressed fully in black with a tarnished chainmail shirt over the top.
“Careful stranger, you should watch where you step.” Spits the man, the scar-side of his face twitching as he talks.
Thalin quickly apologises and the man grimaces before turning back to the bar. Thalin catches his breath as he sees a quiver of black-feathered bolts hanging from the mans belt...

To be continued in…

Ice, Luck and Honour
Chapter 3: Doom’s Doom

The three adventurers, amidst the chaos of a rampaging minotaur, track King Doom to a mountain lair. When the heroes attack, their lives are thrown into jeopardy as a new deadly villain makes his presence felt.
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Ice, Luck and Honour

Chapter 3: Doom’s Doom

Early Winter, Realms Date 1372

…“Careful stranger, you should watch where you step.” Spits the man, the scar-side of his face twitching as he talks.
Thalin quickly apologises and the man grimaces before turning back to the bar. Thalin catches his breath as he sees a quiver of black-feathered bolts at the mans side...

Torious notices his companion’s nervous stance and following his gaze, finds Thalin staring at a thin man in black. The figure walks from the bar to a small table on the furthest wall from the doorway, sits down and slides a drink to another man dressed in dim red chainmail. The man looks up and says something but despite Torious’ enhanced hearing he can’t pick out the words over the general din of the tavern. The man in black says something back then nods over at Thalin, who quickly grabs his drink and makes his way over to Torious and Milo.

Thalin places the mug on the table and explains to Milo and Torious about the man and his black-feathered bolts. The three adventurers decide that here is not the best place to confront the man, and he might even lead them directly to King Doom if what Thalin believes is true. Without further ado, the three companions make a swift exit up to their separate rooms, vowing to get up at first light to gather food and tents for their travels into the mountains.

- - - - - - - - - -

The man in black watches the halfling, the ice mage and the Tyr priest walk upstairs. He snarls and says something to the man in red, who laughs loudly. A few minutes later they both get up to leave, and with a nod to the barkeep push through the door and into the night air of Darmshall.

- - - - - - - - - -

The chains stretch taut in the morning light and a grey clad half-drow shouts a number of words in undercommon, hearing these, a second half-drow snarls a curse back before pulling tighter on the magical shackles that hold the hulking form of a minotaur. The dim hum of the market is shattered by the bellowing roar of the minotaur as it is herded towards a wooden enclosure at the other end of the huge trading square. Children skip and hop around the enraged minotaur, laughing as it strains to break free from the drow chains.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thalin and Torious look up from their breakfasts as a half dressed Milo blurs past them and into the street, heading as fast as he can towards the minotaur. The tavern occupants watch the halfling dash out then return to their business. Thalin and Torious finish their meals before heading into the market town. As the two travellers leave, a short, squat man with a small velvet cape jumps from a stool and heads after the two men.

- - - - - - - - - -

The minotaur roars again, but this time in defeat as it is finally manoeuvred into the holding pen. The half-drow grin triumphantly and edge into the pen to secure the chains to the sides, the minotaur strains to get at its captors but the magic of the chains holds it still. Milo pushes for a view but can’t get past a large woman who is boasting about eating minotaur flesh. Feeling sorry for the shackled beast, Milo gives up trying to push through and instead settles for the woman’s purse.

Milo pushes back through the crowd, spying at once his two companions who have sat themselves on the lip of a dried up fountain. Milo presents himself with a flourish and scrambles onto the fountain. The three travellers continue to watch, then Thalin, not wanting to get distracted by the minotaur, jumps down to go and collect rations and tents for the travel into the mountains. He disappears into the crowd.

Milo turns to Torious and shows him the woman’s purse and is about to say where he got it when a sharp voice floats down to them from above.
“Can I interest you in items of wonderful magic power?” the small, squat man from the tavern sits cross-legged on the pinnacle of the fountain, his sharp little eyes registering every movement of the two adventurers. Torious looks up in quiet judgement but Milo stands quickly, eyes ablaze with curiosity.
“What sort of items?” shouts Milo eagerly.
“All sorts of course. I am Mikka Tressak, and from Halruaa to Waterdeep I find things you need,” the small man grins at Milo with wickedly pointed teeth “… things you just can’t do without.”
Milo is entranced and hurries forwards as the small man nimbly jumps down and beckons Milo forwards.

Torious turns his attentions away from Milo and the little man, finding instead his eyes wandering across the crowd and picking out the man in red chainmail, who now wears a dark red cloak. The man pushes through the crowd, angrily shoving anyone aside who offers resistance.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo looks at the wares that Mikka lays before him, wonders of many different kinds arrayed before him, just begging to be investigated. Mikka cycles quickly through his portable shop, praising the best points of each item and giving a brief history. Milo only listens to the stories behind the strangest looking ones. A elaborate dagger that leaks blood when held, a set of silver boots that cannot be moved once a special word is shouted, a intricate mechanical spider that burns gems to make light, a glowing red ring with the power to throw fire… the list went on and on but soon Milo was overloaded with things he wanted.

Milo sadly explains he hadn’t enough money even for the smallest of the items; a thin headband that Mikka says could control ants. Mikka shakes his head and mutters a curse under his breath. Milo apologises for wasting his time but thanks the trader anyways, promising he would find him when he had enough money for something.

Mikka stands slowly, brushing dust from the back of his pants and rolling his items up into a small bundle that was surely too small to accommodate such a range of things. With a sigh, Milo turns his attention back to the minotaur. Mikka, seeing nobody is watching, takes a few careful steps towards the distracted Torious. Milo suddenly remembers the heavy dwarven gem and shouts to Mikka to come back, only to turn and see Mikka silently digging through Torious’ travel bag. With a yelp he jumps to his feet.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thalin walks out of the general store with all the items necessary for the trip and tries to spy his companions in the crowd, only to see them chasing an ugly little man across the fountain and into the crowd. Thalin shoulders the skin of equipment and hurries to try and catch up with Milo and Torious.

- - - - - - - - - -

Swivelling to see Mikka digging through his bag, Torious gives a yell and hefts himself onto the fountain, drawing his longsword, Justicar. The crowd turn suddenly as Torious flares his birth scars, sending a swash of white light across the trading square. Mikka screams and taking a running jump, leaps over the heads of nearest crowd members, his little form disappearing entirely from sight as the crowd swallow him.

Milo grabs his crossbow from the ground, and thinking of the fun to be had with a chase, takes three steps before launching himself as far as he can into the crowd. Torious bellows a challenge from the heavens and dropping off of the fountain edge, runs into the crowd, shouting for them to get out of the way.

- - - - - - - - - -

Mikka pushes through the last of the crowd and presses himself against the pen of the minotaur. Milo jumps through moments later, only to find Mikka already climbing up the pen side, looking for another place to jump from.

With a roar, Torious bursts from the crowd and sliding his longsword into the thief’s leg, barrels Mikka through the pen side fence. The two men slide to a halt directly under the monstrous form of the shackled minotaur. Milo shouts a warning to Torious as the minotaur raises a cloven hoof to crush the two men lying under him.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thalin, having lost Milo and Torious in the crowd had returned to the fountain and watched the chase from a better viewpoint. With the help of Dariel, who circled only meters above the thief, Thalin had watched as Torious broke through the pen fence. Without a thought, his hands blur into action and familiar words spill forth. Two icy shards streak from Thalin’s cloak and, despite the distance to the minotaur, unerringly strike the minotaur in the chest. The minotaur reels back, letting Torious and Mikka scramble to the side of the pen.

With a sinking feeling, Thalin watches the icy blast from his spell seep across the minotaur’s chest and onto the shackles around its waist.

- - - - - - - - - -

Torious stands shakily to his feet and whirls to face Mikka.
“You have been judged by Tyr! You cannot…”
“Run you fool!” shouts Mikka as he clutches his leg. The minotaur swings with a heavy clawed fist but swipes only air as Mikka knocks Torious to the ground.
Torious lands heavily but rolls to the side as the minotaur’s other fist crunches into the ground where he had been. Mikka jumps to his feet and grabbing Torious’ arm, limps towards the gate. The minotaur roars and charges at the retreating men, for a moment the chains hold the beast but the central shackles snaps like twigs as the minotaur thrusts forwards again. Sprinting through the gates, Torious and Mikka run into the dispersing crowd as the minotaur thunders to its freedom.

- - - - - - - - - -

As Thalin draws his crossbow and levels a bolt at the creature, a group of town guards sprint round the corner and drop into a two-tier crossbow formation. The minotaur bellows loudly and charges into the crowd, hurling an unfortunate woman high into the air. The beast roars again as the woman lands with a thud, but is cut short as a hail of crossbow bolts from the combined efforts of Thalin, Milo and the town guards whistle into the beast.

Torious grips Mikka with his gauntleted hand, not letting the thief go despite his best efforts. The minotaur bellows and Torious quickly decides to release Mikka in order to defend the townsfolk. With a cheeky “See you later”, Mikka limps quickly down a side alley and disappears. Without further delay, Torious sprints to his left as he sees the minotaur wheeling around towards the guards. With a grim look on his face, Torious sparks a line with Justicar on the paving stones and stares at the hulking minotaur as it scrapes its hooves and readies a charge.

The crowd scatters in all directions. The minotaur stands for a moment before another bolt thuds into its side, spurning it forwards. Shrugging off the bolts lodged in his hide, the minotaur turns and charges at Torious and the guards behind him. Despite bolts slamming into the charging monster, its hulking form builds momentum and lowers its head to skewer Torious on its mighty horns.

With a deft dodge backwards, Torious evades the plunging horns and choosing his spot, drives Justicar into the back of the minotaur’s skull, killing it instantly. With a thunderous crash, the minotaur slides to the ground in a plume of dust. Torious places a boot on the head of the body and pulls free his longsword.

The screams of the crowd die down as the guards run to casualties and reassure people they are safe. Torious picks himself up and looks for the thief, but he is nowhere to be seen. Thalin and Milo dash over to Torious to make sure he is okay. Thalin looks wearily around as the guards begin to question people about the cause of the disturbance.
“Perhaps we should leave now.” Thalin says, nodding in the direction of the guards. Seeing no reason to be caught up, Thalin, Milo and Torious leave town quickly and head for the southern end of the Talagbar mountains.

- - - - - - - - - -

After three hours of climbing up through the cold, rocky terrain the three adventurers stop to take a break and discuss what to do once they find King Doom, as they talk, Thalin unwraps Erifeci and begins to look it over in detail.

Not really sure who King Doom is and what he commands, the adventurers go on what little information they have and build a rudimentary plan to attack the lair as quietly as possible and escape with the ring, hopefully staying no longer than necessary. They agree to meet back at this spot if they are separated.

Thalin cracks the staff on the ground in frustration. The staff is undetailed other than the markings of “Erifeci” on the shaft and the two ends being slightly bumped and sculpted. Thalin passes the staff to Milo for inspection. Torious cleans his armour and sword as the two talk.
“Well, Erifeci means nothing on its own, is it a password or something?” says Milo, looking keenly at the staff.
“I’m not sure, but the ends of the staff are different shapes. This one is a crystal and the other is a sort of a flame.” Answers back Thalin, showing the ends to Milo.
Milo muses this for a moment then holding the staff in both hands, shouts
No effect. But Thalin narrows his eyes and takes the staff back,
“Erif…” he lets the word trail off and suddenly the staff hums to life, the flame end throbs with an intense red light and the staff grows slightly lighter. Thalin and Milo explode into conversation and decide to see what the end now does. With a smooth swing, Thalin drives the red end of the staff into the ground. With a thick whine the red light disappears and for a moment nothing happens then suddenly the mountain grass around where the staff struck glistens red, each individual blade of grass coated in a fine layer of red light. Other than the light, nothing else happens. Crouching gingerly, Milo feels a slight chill as he touches the grass, but nothing else.

Thalin nods in encouragement as he hands the staff to Milo. Both now knowing the next word, they watch the crystal end in keen interest,
As they expected, the crystal end hums into life with a sparkling blue energy.

Torious looks up and walks over to mage and halfling. He stands beside Thalin.
“It looks like an icicle.” Mentions Torious, now wanting to add his thoughts.
Milo stares for a moment then shouts, “That’s it! Erifeci is Ice Fire backwards! There must be four code words. Torious, you’re a genius!”
Torious looks confused for a moment, then accepts the halfling’s praise.
With a twirl of the staff, Milo screams “Fire!” and drives the flame end into the ground. Nothing. No effect.

“Wait. Discharge the Eci first, it might not be able to do everything at once.” Says Thalin hurriedly.
Milo touches the staff to the ground, making sure not to touch any of the red grass. With a similar dull whine the grass is coated with a white sheen, in a small area the two grass circles overlap and the grass is layered with both colours. Not wanting to wait any further, Milo shouts “Fire!” and strikes the staff into the ground. With a whoosh the fire end is surrounded with a nimbus of red energy then a violent crackle as the staff’s power arches into the ground. Flames course over the ground, burning the mountain grass as it spirals to fill a meter wide circle. At the edge of the flames, the red circle overlaps ever so slightly and the flames are held at bay by the red light.

But the heroes don’t have time to notice this slight effect as a crude arrow clatters into the pot resting over the campfire, zipping only inches from Milo’s head. A shrieking curse from the top of a nearby outcrop reveals the lone goblin scout to the three adventurers. With another shriek of panic, seeing the arrow missed, the goblin jumps backwards off the outcrop and out of view.

Milo’s crossbow bolt splinters on the empty outcrop, moments too late to catch the fleeing scout. Winding back a second shot, Milo hauls his pack onto his shoulders and leaps after the goblin, followed quickly by Torious then Thalin.

- - - - - - - - - -

As the adventurers give chase to the goblin, a shadowy figure detaches from the nearby woods and slinks over the outcrop, pausing momentarily to wind a black-feathered bolt into sleek crossbow before disappearing over the rocky bluff.

- - - - - - - - - -

The goblin skids through the last of the tree line and shouts something before dashing towards the huge scar in the cliff face where a curl of smoke rises from a smouldering fire. A number of goblins look up as the scout dashes towards them and quickly grab wicked looking shortswords as he motions behind him.

King Doom hears the ruckus outside of his lair, and putting his leather boots on, adjusts the metal ring on his finger and struts through a small exit and into the light outside. The barks of “intruders” and “attack” fill Doom’s ears and raising a little staff with a dead bat nailed to the top, he squeals an order to his Doomguard; a select group of slightly larger goblins in the corner. A few resist but King Doom suddenly levels his ringed finger at them and they cower to the floor, crawling to evade the pointed wrath of the goblin king. They quickly sling on their patchy platemail armour, and hefting bastard swords onto their shoulders, march into the sunlight.

- - - - - - - - - -

Torious reaches the clearing first, being slightly faster than Milo.
“You have been judged for death goblins! Tyr will claim you now!” shouts Torious as he charges into the clearing, heading for the eight platemailed goblins who march regimentally out of the lair. Seeing King Doom behind the guards, Torious pulls to a halt and issues a challenge. Not understanding the armoured man in front of them, the Doomguard quickly circle round the pious cleric and without hesitation launch an attack from all sides. Torious disappears under a blur of armoured greenskins, his screams of judgement drowned out by the clash of steel on steel.

Milo and Thalin dash from the shadows of the trees and stop to survey the scene before them. Milo wields his crossbow and seeing the strutting figure of King Doom beyond the milieu surrounding Torious, sprints forwards and placing a boot on the back of one of the Doomguard, leaps fully over the circle of goblins and lands only meters from King Doom. King Doom shakily points his ringed finger at the acrobatic halfling and opens his mouth to say something, but is cut short as Milo smoothly brings his crossbow up and levels a bolt at the goblins chest.
“Sorry.” says Milo sincerely as the trigger clicks, loosing a bolt into the King, piercing his heart instantly.
King Doom stands stunned for a moment, staring at the sombre halfling before dropping to his knees and folding onto the floor in a crumpled heap.

Thalin twirls Shard into his familiar Ulutiun style before advancing towards the throng of goblins. Raising his arms to strike a poised goblin, a sudden searing pain strikes through his right arm as a black-feathered bolt slices neatly into the mages flesh, halting the sword strike mid air. Thalin gasps in agony and falls sideways, clutching his damaged arm and dropping Shard as he sees the scarred man from the tavern step from the trees behind him. The man sneers and quickly cocks another bolt, ready to loose it straight at the defenceless mage…

To be continued in…

Ice, Luck and Honour
Chapter 4: The Eight Blades of Talagbar

Returning to Darmshall, the heroes are determined to travel westwards but Milo must return to the frozen depths of the Talagbar mines. As villains pursue them and foes mount against them, will the heroes make it through the mines all in one piece?
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Is anyone other than cthuluftaghn and Krellic reading this?

By the way, I made some edits to the original three stories, smoothing out paragraphs and adding some breaks in (I see what you mean cthuluftaghn, about the text needing to be broken up a little)...

do you guys think the format is okay so far?
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First Post
good stuff

I am also reading this. Its excellent stuff. You have taken old forgotten realms material and breathed new life into it. I might steal some ideas for my game. Cheers.

Your right about the copyright idea. You should definitely mention something.


These are interesting PCs in an interesting situation. I liked the minotaur episode. Nothing like a wild thing mrauding through your local populace to stir players up!

Krellic said:
These are interesting PCs in an interesting situation. I liked the minotaur episode. Nothing like a wild thing marauding through your local populace to stir players up!

You really should have seen the players faces when the minotaur snapped out of the shackles, their faces dropped all at the same time, as they realised what sort of thing their first/second level characters were facing. But they got through (and facing things a lot tougher than them became something of a trend, albeit a superbly tense event every time it happened).

Thanks for the support guys. Keep your eyes peeled for Chapter 4... coming within the next few days (It's probably one of the chapters I'm most looking forward to writing, and want to do justice to exactly what the players went through).
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This next post is a little longer than the previous chapter, but a lot happens which all needed to be covered. Anyway... enjoy Chapter 4: The Eight Blades of Talagbar

Ice, Luck and Honour

Chapter 4: The Eight Blades of Talagbar

Early to Middle Winter, Realms Date 1372

…Thalin twirls Shard into his familiar Ulutiun style before advancing towards the throng of goblins. Raising his arms to strike a poised goblin, a sudden searing pain strikes through his right arm as a black-feathered bolt slices neatly into the mages flesh, halting the sword strike mid air. Thalin gasps in agony and falls sideways, dropping Shard as he sees the scarred man from the tavern step from the trees behind him. The man sneers and quickly cocks another bolt, ready to loose it straight at the defenceless mage…

Dariel swoops off of Thalin’s shoulder and out of danger as, roaring with pain, Thalin pushes himself to his feet with his splintered arm and with a scream of arcane power the ground all around Thalin frosts suddenly and a shimmer of ice covers the mage. A black-feathered bolt scythes through the air, whistling straight between the mage’s shoulder blades. With a crack the bolt shatters on the mages chest, frozen slivers exploding in all directions. As the man stands shocked, Thalin immediately pushes the attack, and picking up Shard in his untrained left hand, sprints through the cloud of ice to engage the man in single combat.

Milo watches King Doom drop to the ground before turning to aid his companions. Watching the Doomguard bring their swords down again and again into the now unconscious form of Torious, Milo slides forward to attack but then pauses and delving into a side pocket on his pouch, grabs a handful of silver coins. Leaping into the air and using what limited goblin language he has learnt, shouts
“Silver! Silver!” and with a shout of exertion, hurls the coins as high as he can.

Two of the Doomguard swing their heads round and seeing the silver raining around them, squirm away from the throng around Torious and begin scrabbling round in the dirt, clutching as many coins as they can. As their friends disengage, the other Doomguard jump away and begin to find all the silver they can, leaving the nearly dead Torious lying in a bloody heap.

Thalin brings Shard up in a lazy arc, his left hand offering no real power compared to his right. With a laugh, the man clatters the scimitar aside with a deft blow from his own short sword, Vampire. The man forces Thalin back with a quick flicker of his sword at the mage’s face. Looking for any weakness the man might display, Thalin notices his opponents chainmail slide aside for a moment, and spots a faded family badge depicting a black crag on a starry sky on the mans black doublet. Seeing the mage staring at his family’s badge, the man darts forwards and drives Vampire into Thalin’s stomach with a roar of anger, covering his family’s badge as he moves. The mage falls backwards onto the floor, and the man steps over Thalin with a twisted grin.

Seeing that his plan worked, Milo darts through the distracted Doomguard and crouches next to Torious. The priest’s helmet has almost been sundered through and his breastplate is punctured beyond repair. With a quick prayer to Tymora to help guide Torious back to the living, Milo uncorks a small green bottle that his mother told him only to use it if he ever gets hurt. Pressing the flask to Torious’ lips, Milo upends the bottle, tipping the potion into the priest’s mouth. After a moments pause, Torious coughs violently, spluttering some of the potion into the air, then sits up. Milo looks in astonishment at the bottle, then carefully wraps it up in a handkerchief and places it back in his pack next to the two full bottles, reminding himself to thank his mother when he got the chance.

The Doomguard, having picked up the thrown coins, suddenly break into a racket of barks and squeals as they point at the dead body of King Doom. With a roar, Torious stands and throwing his helmet to the side, picks Justicar from the ground and with a snarl of rage issues a challenge to the Doomguard themselves. With a quick look at each other, and then their dead king, the Doomguard turn and flee. Torious stands triumphant for a moment then staggers once and collapses to the ground.

Thalin pushes himself backwards as the man advances, desperately clutching at the ground behind him. He grasps the clothed shaft of Erifeci. With a quick dart sideways, Thalin shakes the bandages away from the staff and with a shout of rage swings the staff towards his opponent, screaming the command word “Ice” as it carves through the air, with a blast of blue light, the iced tip shimmers cold blue.

Too confident in his advantage, the man in black steps too far and is unable to defend his sword arm, taking the full brunt of the powered staff to his right arm. With a sickening crackle then a snap, his sword arm frosts completely then breaks off altogether, falling to the ground with a soft thud and a scream of horrified pain from the man. With another scream, the man stumbles backwards, clutching his shattered stump in his left hand. With a snarl of defeat, he dashes into the tree line and disappears into the shadows.

Seeing that the battle is won the three companions, quickly ensuring that neither the man in black nor the Doomguard are coming back, use Torious’ ability to heal and regroup. Thalin informs the other two about the faded insignia worn by the man in black and immediately Torious identifies it as a marking of the Blackrock family, although he says the family is based in the Dales and have no real business up north. Deciding to investigate further, Torious and Thalin advance into the jagged cave leading to King Doom’s lair, whilst Milo, Isplit and Dariel keep watch.

As Milo keeps a lookout, he feels a crunch under his boot and looks down, only to find the thawing remnants of a human arm, still grasping a shortsword with the inscription “Vampire” on the blade. With a quick look about, Milo prizes the shortsword out of the frosted hand and throwing his old shortsword away, slings the new weapon into his belt. Suddenly the halfling remembers King Doom’s ring and bounds back over towards the fallen goblin to collect what they came for.

- - - - - - - - - -

Finding that nobody else is in the lair, Thalin and Torious come to the conclusion that it must have been a barracks of some sort and only housed the fighters of the goblin clan. Torious suggests tracking down the lair and checking for any prisoners, but Thalin points out that the goblins would most likely eat anything they captured and also that they were restrained by time. However, after searching what were presumably King Doom’s quarters (complete with stick drawing of King Doom ruling over the entire world, and a box with various staffs with different animals nailed to the ends), the two adventurers unearth a small, metallic box that is locked shut. There is no key in the room, and failing brute strength, Thalin suggests taking it to Milo to see if he can open it with his lock picks.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo and Isplit had busied themselves with making a small grave for King Doom when Torious and Thalin emerge and give him the box to open. Thalin informs the halfling that he can feel the tremors of magic inside, so be careful of traps. Before he opens the box, Milo presents to his companions King Doom’s bronze ring and Thalin analyses it as possessing moderate transmutation and necromancy magic. It’s unanimous that it should not be worn. Milo looks over the box and after checking for traps and a few minutes of tinkering with lock picks, springs the lid open.

Inside the box are a small letter and a scroll bound in a length of dried human skin. Thalin takes the scroll but can’t read it, saying it is in some sort of goblin language and would need to be deciphered. However, the letter reads the following:

Doom – your hide is hunted. Lyle B is sent to assume command.

After making the connection that Lyle B was the Blackrock man, Torious can’t bring any more light as to whom Lyle Blackrock is. Milo suggests taking the box with them to see if anyone can identify where it’s from. The other two agree, and Thalin places a black-bottled potion his father gave him and a magical protection scroll in the box for safe keeping. Without wanting to give the Doomguard time to reform and attack, the three adventurers quickly head back to Darmshall to deliver the ring to Noristour.

- - - - - - - - - -

With a flourish Milo places the ring on Noristour’s desk. Emitting a strange hissing sound, Xsistass leaps from a perch in the shadows and lands next to the ring, guarding it jealously with chitinous little arms.
Noristour turns from a huge star chart behind him, which has hundreds of lines and calculations scribbled all over it.
“You have done well, although I can’t allow you to stay in Darmshall any longer,” says Noristour thinly, his eyes not even looking at the three adventurers as he gazes at the bronze ring lying on the table.
Torious, Thalin and Milo look at each other in amazement.
“But we got your damn ring for you! What more do you want from us?” shouts Thalin in a sudden outburst. Dariel screams in unison, beating his wings in frustration.
“Nothing,” says Noristour flatly, “which is exactly what I expect. Leave in three days or I’ll see to it that you’ll never leave.”

Torious takes a step forwards to confront the mage, but Milo turns and pushes both the humans back, placing a small hand on each of their stomachs and holding them at bay.
“Don’t waste your time. Lets just leave,” says Milo, glaring at each of his companions in turn, “I know where we can get some money together for travels.”
With a final smile, Noristour opens the door behind them with a gesture of his hand. The three heroes walk out reluctantly, herded as they go by a hissing and jumping Xsistass.

- - - - - - - - - -

As the three adventurers vent their frustrations to each other about being hounded out of Darmshall, Milo remains level headed and suggests returning to the Talagbar mines he recently visited, where he is sure there are more gems like the one he owns. Backing this claim up, Milo says the mines have only recently been revealed due to the melting of a small snow drift covering the entrances, and they can make it there and back within a day’s light. Showing the massive gem to Torious and Thalin, they agree to venture back to the mines to look for more keystones. Each checking their money pouches, the heroes decide to save what little they have for passage away from Darmshall, and simply shelter in a nearby barn.

With a fear of ambush from Lyle Blackrock, Torious suggests leaving before dawn light so as to avoid any kind of commotion that they might cause. With this in mind, the three adventurers sleep fitfully but rise on time to journey to the Talagbar mines. Before they travel, Milo digs out the map that he made of the mines and decides to brief the other two on what to expect.

Milo talks about his travels through the mines for almost the entirety of the five-hour journey, only pausing for Torious to pray in silence to Tyr at first light. The three adventurers are more than ready to get going into the mines when they reach the massive stone doors at mid-day. Eventually the heroes prize the heavy doors open enough to fit humans through, light torches, and advance into the darkness of the Talagbar mines.

- - - - - - - - - -

Lyle throws the set of keys to the floor with his left hand as the barkeep stammers to apologise for not knowing where the three stayed for the night, although he did give a clue as to where they were heading. With a snarl of dissatisfaction and cradling his bandaged stump, Lyle storms out of The Headless Woman and joins the man in red outside.

The man in red sits atop a huge crimson stallion which stamps impatiently. Lyle, using his only arm, clambers unsteadily onto a sleek black riding horse before trotting once around his companion, who turns in his saddle and hands Lyle a small leather bag.
“Kill all three, retrieve the staff, then report back to me,” says the man in red, pressing the bag firmly into Lyle’s open palm.
“Use these as you wish.”
“I’ll finish the mage myself, the Abyss itself won’t know such suffering.” hisses Lyle, his scar twitching erratically.
“No. You’ll do as instructed. Now go.” Answers the man in a commanding tone.

Without another word, the man in red gouges his boots into the stallion’s sides and bolts away in a cloud of dust, heading eastwards. Lyle watches him go before opening the leather pouch and looking at the contents – a handful of black onyx gems, a small scroll, two strange coins with a green mailed fist on one side and a human skull on the other, and a folded sheet with instructions on what to do. Lyle shakes them once in curiosity then guiding his horse slowly around, whispers in its ear and canters Northwards, towards the Talagbar mines.

- - - - - - - - - -

With a careful step, Milo tiptoes into the first antechamber of the Dwarven mines. Milo can feel the shivering, scared form of Isplit curled up in his pocket. Motioning for his companions to follow, the halfling treads carefully across the room and checks the way out, making sure there are no ghosts waiting to pounce. With a sigh of relief he turns back to his friends. The room they stand in would probably have been some sort of guardroom when the Dwarves still mined here. Separating the room almost into two is a thick, partially shattered pane of glass slotted between two heavy posts, one of which has collapsed to the ground. Behind the broken glass are a desk and two chairs, which Thalin carefully makes his way towards and begins to check through.

“And you didn’t check this room at all?” says Torious, looking away from inspecting the thick glass pane and staring at Milo.
“Well no, not really. It’s boring. There’s nothing in here.” Says Milo, twitching eagerly to continue onwards.
“You mean this boring?” says Thalin, holding a small red gem to the torchlight. Milo looks at it once then rolls his eyes.
“They won’t get us any money at all.” Milo says matter-of-factly. With that, he pulls open the second door wider and steps into the corridor beyond, waving his torch like a sword. Torious and Thalin look at each other then leave what they are doing and follow the halfling. As Thalin exits he brushes a hanging spider web with his hand.
“Well, at least they like this place.”

Torious, being the last out, looks back at the broken pane of glass, not understanding what a pane of glass would be used for in a place such as this.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo leads the way through two or three more dusty rooms which were, Milo says, the quarters of the Dwarven miners and hold absolutely nothing of interest. However, searching through a crumbled corner of what seemed to be draws of valuables (which Milo missed on his first trip), Torious smashes open the only locked drawer and withdraws a magnificently crafted pick with a head that looks like some sort of insect. Thalin informs Torious that it is the head of a stirge, and after a moment of concentration, confirms that the pick is magical. As Milo pushes onwards, Torious slings the pick into his belt, not really wanting to discard Justicar just yet.

Reaching the end of a long corridor, Milo darts ahead and runs into a huge chamber then skids to a halt, trying hard to remember the steps he took when he last came here. Thalin pushes into the dimness of the chamber, spitting abruptly as a strand of spider web brushes his face. Searching for definition to the room, Thalin sees no walls are visible beyond the meagre light. After straining to look at Milo’s tattered map in the torchlight, Thalin sighs in exasperation and speaking a simple draconic verse, lights the blade of his scimitar with a brilliant glow, illuminating the entire chamber.

The chamber is shaped like a semi circle, with the door Thalin just entered from being opposite to three immense stone doors set into the flat edge of the chamber, all of which are closed. The floor is riddled with a matrix of rail tracks that disappear into the thick stone of the three doors, and also into a solid wall to the mage’s left. On the right is a small ring of steps leading to a polished wooden door with a large, circular handle. Closed also. Looking up, Thalin sees the chamber disappears into a mesh of huge spider webs only five or ten feet above him, the webs cover the entirety of the chambers ceiling. A small draft whistles from above.

Milo looks puzzled for a moment, and then turns to Thalin and Torious, as the priest catches up.
“That middle door was open when I came. It was just open. Why is it closed now?” whines Milo, not sure why something in the ancient mines had changed in the short time since he had left.
Torious stands for a moment then shouts out, pointing to a large lump in the centre of the room, almost completely obscured by the railings. With a cry he leaps over a mine cart and jogs to the centre of the room. Milo bounds alongside the priest to find what new surprise he had uncovered. Thalin, distracted with trying to look for the source of the breeze, sees the running forms of his companions too late.

Milo crouches next to priest and rolls the bundle over. As it turns over, Torious jumps back at the sight of a dwarf face staring back at him. After a moments shock, Torious sees the dwarf is dead, and recovering his wits about himself, the priest looks closer at the deep stab wounds all over the dwarf body, but his fingers are caught suddenly in a dust-thin strand of web leading into the mesh above him.

- - - - - - - - - -

The sword spider tensed its huge form as the first of its webs tingled. Moving closer, the arachnid eased silently into a pouncing position and without even shaking a single strand of its web, crept above the two men and child in absolute silence. Waiting for a moment to strike, the spider followed the metalled man and child as they moved. With no more than the sound of a breath, the sword spider drops from its hiding place and with incredible speed, guides all eight of its chitinous legs towards the back of the metalled man.

- - - - - - - - - -

Torious looks up at the last moment, only to see a blur of a huge creature land on his back and sprawl him forwards.

- - - - - - - - - -

There was no pain, only the sensation of something running fingers along my back, then a soft push on the spine and a wet snap as something slid through my rib cage, protruding from my chest.

There was no pain, only a hot spill onto my chest and legs as the life’s blood surged forth, quick to escape the body when it is needed most.

I looked down and saw my death; three blades of bone had tunnelled through me.

And then the blades withdrew, and there was pain. Such black pain as to swallow you completely, so utterly you can do nothing but shiver in agony. My soul was leased then, and I was taken to Elysium.

- - - - - - - - - -

Milo reacts before Thalin and flips back, drawing his crossbow and screaming for Torious to get up.

Torious lay sliced in a heap, a mesh of blood and bones protruding from his chainmail. His face is blank, but his scars are not extinguished.

With a thunderous scream of arcane words, Thalin draws from terrible sources of dark power and for a flicker of a moment, sees the chamber fill with the souls of dead dwarves, all clawing at the spider. The sword spider, about to pounce at Thalin, cowers back suddenly and scuttles backwards, lashing into thin air with its deadly legs as it retreats. Thalin moves forwards, then steps over Torious’ body, forcing the Spider back. Milo falters for a moment then jumps forwards and fires a crossbow bolt into the spider’s side before throwing his rucksack to the ground, and fumbles for the remaining two bottles that his mother entrusted to him.

With shaking hands, Milo tips one bottle into Torious’ open mouth then in desperation splashes the contents of the second bottle into the gaping wound in his chest. With a squeal of delight from Milo, the potion has immediate effect and the bones that were snapped and shattered begin to realign themselves and the muscles bulge back into place. Transfixed by this, Milo only hears Thalin after the mage has screamed twice already,
“MILO! Take Torious through the side door!” shouts Thalin, still holding the spell as best he can as he talks. With a mighty grunt, Milo heaves Torious onto his back and begins dragging him to the side door.

Thalin curses again as the spider sprints across the web, causing the spell to lose some potency as Thalin has to turn to keep the spider in his field of view. With a sickening feeling, Thalin watches in defeat as the spider emerges fully from the web and drops silently into the corridor that they originally came in from. The spider stops at a safe distance, its glistening eyes watching the mage with an alien intelligence.

“Get that door open Milo! Now!” Shouts Thalin, risking a look over his shoulder at his halfling companion. Milo throws his weight into the circular door handle again, inching it closer to opening.
“I’m trying… its too heavy!” answers Milo in desperation.
With a final surge of magic, Thalin forces the spider back another few feet before dropping the spell completely, and not looking back, begins to sprint across the huge chamber towards Milo and Torious.

- - - - - - - - - -

As the oppression around it suddenly dies, the sword spider creeps from the tunnel and seeing the man running, launches itself towards the fleeing adventurers. Landing, the spider scuttles forwards to recover its lost meal.

- - - - - - - - - -

With a clatter of metal, Thalin hurls Shard to the floor and not stopping to slow, clasps the handle with both hands and using the momentum from running, spins the handle round in a whir of metal. With a combined thrust, Thalin and Milo spill through the door and onto damp, moss-covered floor. With a scream, Milo looks back and sees the spider about to pounce. Thalin acts quickly and drags Torious through the door as Milo begins to inch the door closed again.

Rolling backwards, Thalin unhitches his crossbow as the sword spider leaps, and with a smooth action releases a bolt into the spider’s cluster of eyes. The spider sprawls short, but suddenly jumps again as Milo forces the door closed. The thump of the spider hitting the door shocks Milo back, but he leaps up and spins the handle closed, locking the sword spider out. With a gasp of utter relief, Milo collapses onto Torious, who promptly sits up and stares around.

Opening his mouth to say something, Torious shuts his mouth again as he realises no words could detail what he just saw.

Breathing heavily, Thalin sits back against the lichen-coated wall and rolls his head to the side, looking down the wide corridor they now sit in. Five small blue-skinned humanoids look back in fear at the three invaders, and dropping their bag of fish in front of them, scream in panic and race back down the corridor to raise the intruder alarm…

To be continued in…

Ice, Luck and Honour
Chapter 5: The Early Wyrm Catches the Birds

As the heroes flee from the lair of aquatic goblins and fiendish birdmen, they must confront the mightiest of dragons. But the situation goes from bad to worse as Lyle tracks the heroes down, cutting off their escape.
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Milo slides forward to attack but then pauses and delving into a side pocket on his pouch, grabs a handful of silver coins. Leaping into the air and using what limited goblin language he has learnt, shouts
“Silver! Silver!” and with a shout of exertion, hurls the coins as high as he can.
Nice when this sort of thing actually works, especially for your roguish types!

Too confident in his advantage, the man in black steps too far and is unable to defend his sword arm, taking the full brunt of the powered staff to his right arm. With a sickening crackle then a snap, his sword arm frosts completely then breaks off altogether, falling to the ground with a soft thud and a scream of horrified pain from the man. With another scream, the man stumbles backwards, clutching his shattered stump in his left hand. With a snarl of defeat, he dashes into the tree line and disappears into the shadows.
Way to get an ongoing enemy or what!

Torious lay sliced in a heap, a mesh of blood and bones protruding from his chainmail. His face is blank, but his scars are not extinguished.
Ouch! I get the impression these guy could really do with a beefy fighter joining them...

With a thunderous scream of arcane words, Thalin draws from terrible sources of dark power and for a flicker of a moment, sees the chamber fill with the souls of dead dwarves, all clawing at the spider.
Nice description, what was this spell, cause fear?

These guys are certainly up against it. Looking forward to the next installent.

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