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Ideas for a snowy/icy/arctic campaign


Fun thing about some cultures in the nepal region of the world...

First, there are often very long treks during times of the year to get resources far away and bring it back (salt being the example I'm considering). So a male will go on a long journey and return home with a bunch of salt as part of the general economy. Seems to me that journies of this type would be common/cool in a campaign world as groups are constantly trekking in the cold for various resources, etc... and often times have strongholds that are defensible because frankly a seige doesn't work when it's freezing out there.

There's very little fertile land that can be used for basic farming. When land (big resource) is passed down from father to son, it creates a little bit of an issue. What if you have two sons? You can't very well split the land otherwise there will be none left, so you share it. That makes for some interesting thoughts about what resources are most important. It also creates a very rare cultural situation where polyandry (one female to multiple males) is a common marriage thing. It works because two males who are brothers can both attract a female with a small-to-moderate size of land since it isn't split. She gets the benefit of decent land and protection of two males. In addition, if one male goes on a long trip, she gets the protection of the second male. The brothers then are also more likely to go into this arrangement because even investing children not-fathered-by-them are still nephews so it isn't a total waste... they also are more likely to trust their brother with the wife rather than a strange or nobody while they are gone. Just a thought for some interesting plot points that wouldn't happen almost anywhere else.

I suggest overall looking at day-to-day cultures in regions of heavy snowfall can really shape your world. Figure out how the differences can make for a different gaming experience other than reflavoring all the attacks of enmies to cold...

This thread should be neat!

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Neil Bishop

First Post

Brothers will fight and kill each other,​
sisters' children will defile kinship.​
It is harsh in the world,whoredom rife​
—an axe age, a sword age —shields are riven—a wind age, a wolf age—​
before the world goes headlong.​
No man will have mercy on another.​

This is, IIRC, a translation of a passage from the Edda (sp?) describing Fimbulwinter, the great winter that precedes Ragnarok. It is further desribed as lasting the equivalent of three years.

Before I run my Fimbuwinter campaign I plan to adjust the above bit of text to make it more FR-specific and also to include it as some sort of document that the party can find.



I always wanted to do a campaign where the Mind flayers has succeed in blocking out the sun and the world is plunged into a nuclear winter - climate change - situation. However the spell did not fully work, due the interruption by some adventurers and the sun still shines weakly.

There are only small pockets of civilsation left. One of them is based in around an active volcano - chasm, where the air temperature is tolerable. Living day to day is tough, exploring or going out into the waste lands is very tough.

There are a number of small cities - kingdoms - that line this large chasm and they are all under assault from monsters from the wastelands.

The vibe was Dark Sun/Mad Maxy, where surviving was tough and the adventurers would be sent on important missions to secure resources, help tackle raiders and there would be internal competition from the different kingdoms and factions.

Neil Bishop

First Post
If I had the creative mojo I would love to run a campaign set in the arctic equivalent of Dark Sun with warm city states ruled by sorcerer-kings that are the only places of warmth in an eternal winter (perhaps the sorcerer-kings are actually fire giant/fire titan liches... hmmm) but the price of warmth is slavery. Perhaps that slavery is simply working at the massive city forges producing weapons for the clash between the sorcerer-kings and the frost giants/frost titans that created the eternal winter.

I would also try and incorporate some Norse mythology, possibly using the same deities to simplify the creative work required to create a pantheon. Maybe the winter is leading up to some sort of Ragnarok-like event and the Epic Tier is about preventing this.

On further reflection, I want the winter-ised version of Dark Sun, Midnight and Norse myth combined. Hmmm....

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