D&D General Ideas for a three-hour low-level Thanksgiving adventure?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I'm likely to run a short (three-hour or so) low-level adventure this Thanksgiving either for my youngest and some of their D&D-loving friends, or for my youngest and other members of my immediate family.

And I want to make it a holiday adventure, because why not?

Any suggestions? So far, all I've got is a rampaging abyssal turkey that the heroes have to follow back to its lair, which they discover is a ruined site (wizard tower, tomb, other) that provides a short dungeon crawl to pillage.

But I'm very interested in hearing other ideas. Puns and ridiculous holiday theming very welcome.

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I faintly remember a RPGA adventure that had the group escorting a herd of turkeys to market, and having to protect the herd from various dangers, such as wranglers, dangerous rest stops and encounters with NPCs that could be helpful or harmful.


A scavenger hunt for the prize turkey vs other adventuring parties. They can be in position to help or hurt the PCs in certain situations.

A dungeon crawl with jello oozes kept by a necromancer that happen to get loose.

Quest to kill the tofu turkey in a life or death battle. PCs track the beast across battlefields and decimated villages.


Guide of Modos
Quest to kill the tofu turkey in a life or death battle. PCs track the beast across battlefields and decimated villages.
This is a noble cause. Miracle Max is on the job!

A rowdy session of "kill the invading orcs and sink their three ships" is always fun. Just remember to spare their horcses and loot the fire water.

Bacon Bits

The PCs are invited to a harvest feast by an NPC or group of NPCs that the PCs know or have helped in the past. When the PCs arrive, they find a large table has been set and filled with the feast. All the lamps and candles are lit, the food is warm, the ale is cold, and fires are crackling. However, there's no sign of any other guests or the hosts at all. It's like they've simply vanished.

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