Ideas for "One Unique Things"

Kwalish Kid

Here's what we're rolling:

The character is a golem made by the High Druid, but is also the last golem anyone was able to make.

The character is a goblin librarian that marks books with his snot. (The gooey-decimal system.)

The character is a mage that believes, and evangelizes, that magic works differently than all the magical scholars of the land.

The character is a tree brought to life by the high druid.

The character has been hired by the Elf Queen to kill the Orc Lord.

The character's twin died in the womb, but he has one of the twin's eyes and that eye sees into the world of the dead.

The character (a turtle-humanoid) was the turtle that held up the world before being ripped away by an ancient Diabolist, causing the opening of the Abyss.

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Contrary to popular opinion, Dalbeth's pack mule is actually calling the shots; the wizard's courage has been grossly exaggerated.

The last time Jeth saw his beloved Sonya she was being carried away on a makeshift raft over a waterfall; he would go to the ends of the earth to find her, and indeed he has.

Lightfingers seems to be blessed with magic pockets that produce all kinds of interesting things. No, he doesn't know what happened to the wizard's spellbook. Oh, wait, look at that!


Staff member
Whisper is a kinetic savant: she can run at top speed through the tightest spaces or the most crowded room without touching a single person or object as long as she doesn't get distracted. Unfortunately, she is easily distracted by shiny things. That's why she wears a bandanna- it doubles as a blindfold...


First Post
Whisper is a kinetic savant: she can run at top speed through the tightest spaces or the most crowded room without touching a single person or object as long as she doesn't get distracted. Unfortunately, she is easily distracted by shiny things. That's why she wears a bandanna- it doubles as a blindfold...

That's a cool idea. It comes a little close to impinging on the 'no combat effects' rule for Uniques, though. As a DM I'd make sure the player knew they weren't going to be able to use this to charge through a battle whenever they wanted.


Staff member
That's a cool idea. It comes a little close to impinging on the 'no combat effects' rule for Uniques, though. As a DM I'd make sure the player knew they weren't going to be able to use this to charge through a battle whenever they wanted.

Like I said- easily distracted by shiny things: she tries to use it in battle, all the flashing metal will break her concentration. Of course, if she wants to run into battle with a blindfold...


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Sedgwick Surefoot is haunted by the spirits of his ancestors - Halfling barbarians who conquered and settled what is now called Old Town. They are a tad disappointed in their doughy descendants and demand Sedgwick restore the Old Ways.

Nathaniel, aka "The Gnat," was the Imperial Matchmaker until he had to quietly resign the position to escape the machinations of the Emperor's Spymaster.

Tython is the only man to lead survivors back from the doomed first Imperial expedition against the Orc Lord. Consequently, some in Axis consider him a liability.

- Marty Lund


First Post
A few...

A dwarven ranger who is the motile unit for a Koru behemoth
A half-elven assassin whose shadow is hunting him down
An elven sorceror whose heart is clockwork fashioned by the Dwarf Lord
A human paladin who was hatched from an egg
A drow wizard who killed the 14th icon
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