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If Thoughts Could Kill


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The lich taunts the half-orc a final time, "Intriguing. I could use one like you. Why throw away your life fighting for weaklings? Stay there while I kill the other Chosen and perhaps I will find a place for you among my servants."

As the lich turns his back to fly over the wall of force towards Zelestine, Groknar bends the bow and launches two swift arrows. Time seems to slow as they reach the lich's inertial barrier, but slowly they penetrate to Tulmercy's body. There, the remaining strength is enough to blast into his chest (5 and 7 damage). The lich falls gently to the ground in a puff of sand and the psionic lights in his eyes slowly fade.

Darian, Bellus, Zelestine, and Verra all feel the effects of the brain lock fade. Zelestine turns to confront the four ghasts which still cower inside the Taphos. Tarkus and William lie unmoving on the ground. Tuskaar is unconscious and bleeding (-7 hp).

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Hoping against hope that his trusted brother somehow survived the volley of concussive blasts levelled against him, Groknar sprints over to his fallen body, searching for signs of life. Upon finding none, he slams his fist into Tarkus's chest, hoping to bring him back to life through will alone. He will then move to Tuskar, Tarkus's trusted animal companion, trying to at least save him from death. [Heal +2]

Groknar's attempts at healing through repeated punches to the chest is ineffective, so Groknar, still enraged, retrieves his axe from the desert ground and chops the undead body of the lich into very tiny, very evil pieces.


I aim to misbehave
Verra shook himself several times, amazed that he was still alive. To insure that, he spent a few moments healing himself though the use of his psionic powers. Seeing Groknar's misery, Verra heads over to him, picking up his bow and quiver on the way.

"There are still minions of the lich within the dead bear, Groknar, if that will help you vent your rage. We will gather your brother and my friends and return with them to the temple. There we will see if they are willing to return from the beyond to live and fight with us again." Verra said, trying to be comforting, but the speed of the words increased as he got closer to the end.

Verra will help heal those in need (through empathic transfer and body adjustment) and detect for magic and gather goods to return with in addition to his lost comrades.


Living EN World Judge
OoC"New comp up and running

IC:Bellus staggers forward, free at last.
Looking about for enemies and seeing none, he then directs his attention to any allies in need of aid.


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The ghasts are quickly destroyed by Zelestine, and Groknar leaves no lich piece unhacked. Verra tends to Tuskaar, while Bellus rounds up and heals the horses. Darian keeps an eye out for trouble, but none is forthcoming.

Examining the blue, Verra finds:
crystal capacitor 5
dorje of whitefire (maximized; 16 charges)
psionic tattoos of body adjustment (2)
power stone of cone of sound
cloak of resistance +1

Groknar grabs the following from Tulmercy:
headband of intellect +4
crystal capacitor 15
ring of improved teleport
dorje of nondetection (35 charges)
psionic tattoos of see invisibility, combat precognition, negate psionics, shield, chrysalis

Zelestine discovers the following inside the Taphos:
1620gp in crystals


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After the area is secured, Darian gains altitude and circles, looking for his horse. Ever since the vision, death struck all around. Perhaps by trading the Headband of Intellect to someone in the guild for a Periapt of Wisom and then trading that to the church of Pelor, resurrections for William and Tarkus could be obtained. How did he fail to resist such a simple spell?


Living EN World Judge
Bellus keeps on the lookout for any more enemies, as he feels that the group is hardly free of Danger at this point.

<Spot, Listen, bow at the ready>


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The desert remains quiet except for the blowing sand. After all the horses have been gathered and all the found items have been secured, you head back to the east.

After a few days of travel you return to Uriel and the Colorless Lodge. Zelestine reports your achievement to the elders, while the remainder of the party gets some well-deserved rest. In the morning you seek out a temple in order to speak with the dead.


First Post
The day following your return from battling Tulmercy, Verra and Zelestine have a vision. They stand wide eyed and slack jawed for thirty seconds, unaware of their surroundings.

When they relate the vision afterwards, this is how they describe it:

A roiling sea of empyrean liquid stretches away in every direction. Mighty arcs of violet lightning, flung from the depts of looming clouds, constantly stab the crystal ocean. All the sea glows as if it had swallowed the sun. From the waves, a voice of piercing beauty speaks.

"You are One Who Will Choose. You are late in finding me. Seek me below the Palace of the Azure Emperor. The Vault, sealed for so long, is now open. That which slept...awakens."

The vision dissolves as something breaks the surface...


That dream very weird. Me no understand. Good thing me have Jobu to tell me what to think. This Jobu, Groknar says, gesturing to the floating metal ball that circles his body, is much better than old Jobu. Old Jobu just boring wooden necklace. Metal ball Jobu more fun.

Me say we go to Temple, find priest-man, get him to raise brother. Now.

Groknar then stomps off towards the largest temple in the area, carrying the corpse of his brother, Tarkus Bloodfist, in his arms.

Voidrunner's Codex

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