If you could add one new ability score, what would it be?
I've toyed with the idea of a Perception score for a long time. Pull Listen, Spot, etc out of Wisdom and tie them to a new score that is only about the accuity of one's senses. This also solves the problem of animals having really high Wis scores because they have good senses.
My other thought would be a Faith score. Determines how strongly the character holds his/her religious beliefs. Would be the primary ability for clerics and would affect how well they cast spells. It would affect other players because they would have to make a successful Faith save in order to be affected by healing and other divine buff spells, the logic being that you have to believe in a god in order to be healed by him. But sckepticism might also offer some protection against divine spells too, so it could even out.
Any other ideas? I remember Comliness (sp?) - physical attractiveness - from the old AD&D 1.0 Players Handbook II.
I've toyed with the idea of a Perception score for a long time. Pull Listen, Spot, etc out of Wisdom and tie them to a new score that is only about the accuity of one's senses. This also solves the problem of animals having really high Wis scores because they have good senses.
My other thought would be a Faith score. Determines how strongly the character holds his/her religious beliefs. Would be the primary ability for clerics and would affect how well they cast spells. It would affect other players because they would have to make a successful Faith save in order to be affected by healing and other divine buff spells, the logic being that you have to believe in a god in order to be healed by him. But sckepticism might also offer some protection against divine spells too, so it could even out.
Any other ideas? I remember Comliness (sp?) - physical attractiveness - from the old AD&D 1.0 Players Handbook II.