D&D 5E If you were the ulitharid, what would you do?

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Bit of a mixed bag. No force cage. But there is this guy.

Just a beat stick with high AC.

Level 16 beat sticks that matter imho are things like Paladins, various hex blade builds or something like Eldritch Knight 6/Paladin 10 or EK 12/ Paladin 4. Action surge+ smite every attack.

Also see wizards are boring thread lol.


Just a beat stick with high AC.
Oh, he’s so much more than that. He’s basically a walking “I win” button for a dungeon-based adventure like Mad Mage. It’s incredibly frustrating. (He also happens to be good against red dragons thanks to his forge cleric fire resistance. And he can turn aberrations like mind flayers thanks to his paladin Channel Divinity feature.)

Anyway, he’s pretty much unkillable and has made a huge difference to the party’s success rate on numerous occasions. But that doesn’t stop the party from choosing to run away when they feel they’ve gotten in over their heads.

To be honest, I’m just glad that I can still challenge the party at high levels!


Oh, he’s so much more than that. He’s basically a walking “I win” button for a dungeon-based adventure like Mad Mage. It’s incredibly frustrating. (He also happens to be good against red dragons thanks to his forge cleric fire resistance. And he can turn aberrations like mind flayers thanks to his paladin Channel Divinity feature.)

Anyway, he’s pretty much unkillable and has made a huge difference to the party’s success rate on numerous occasions. But that doesn’t stop the party from choosing to run away when they feel they’ve gotten in over their heads.

To be honest, I’m just glad that I can still challenge the party at high levels!

I've done hogh level in other editions. I can do it but the fun to hard work ratio is off. And a Sorcerer cast 19 spells a round.

Fire resistance is super easy everyone can easily get it or absorb elements.


I've done hogh level in other editions. I can do it but the fun to hard work ratio is off. And a Sorcerer cast 19 spells a round.
I don’t enjoy it that much myself as a DM, but the players are keen to get to level 20 at least once just so they can say they did so, and Mad Mage is the easiest way for me to let them do that.

I’ve reached level 20 as a player a few times, and while it’s fun, it can be a bit gonzo. I admire a DM who can successfully run a high level game.


I don’t enjoy it that much myself as a DM, but the players are keen to get to level 20 at least once just so they can say they did so, and Mad Mage is the easiest way for me to let them do that.

I’ve reached level 20 as a player a few times, and while it’s fun, it can be a bit gonzo.

Fair enough I favr up level 13/14.

Forge clerics not even the worst cleric offender. My wife's bad at it and is currently planning on splashing pace cleric. She missed the order cleric (my build) and has done the twilight cleric thing and seen light, mature, arcana ones in action or played them.

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