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IG's "Those Left Behind" [purged]


[B]Name:[/B] Buurt Wolfhart

[B]Class:[/B] Scout 6 (d8)

[B]Race:[/B] Half-Orc

[B]Size:[/B] Medium

[B]Gender:[/B] Male

[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good


[B]Str:[/B] 12 +1   	     [B]Level:[/B] 6        [B]XP:[/B] 15,000

[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3   	     [B]BAB:[/B] +4         [B]HP:[/B] 41  

[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 	     [B]Grapple:[/B]        [B]Dmg Red:[/B] 

[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1 	     [B]Speed:[/B] 40'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] 

[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 	     [B]Init:[/B] +4        [B]Spell Save:[/B] 

[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 	     [B]ACP:[/B]          [B]Spell Fail:[/B]

[B]Racial Features:[/B] 
     Darkvision 60', Able to use orc-specific items


[B]Base  Armor Shld  Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]

              19    +4    +2    +3               

If move 10' or more in round, AC is 20
If Dodge AC is 20, if Dodge and move more than 10' AC is 21

[B]Touch:[/B]13               [B]Flatfooted:[/B]16 

                            [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]

[B]Fort:[/B]                  +2     +1      +1  +4      

[B]Ref:[/B]                   +5     +3          +8      

[B]Will:[/B]                  +2     +1          +3      

[B]Circumstance mod(s)[/B]:


Unarmed Damage 
[1d3+1, attk +5, crit x2, B]

Axe, Throwing 
[1d6+1, attk +7, crit x2, range inc. 10 ft., 2 lb, S]

Axe, Unthrown 
[1d6+1, attk +5, crit x2, 2lb, S]

Mace, Heavy 
[1d8+1, attk +5 crit x2, 8 lb., B]

+1 Crossbow, Light 
[1d8, attk +8 crit 19-20/x2, range inc. 80 ft., 4 lb, P]

[B]Misc. Weapon Mod(s)[/B]:

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Goblin, Orc

	Point Blank Shot
	Precise Shot

[B]Class Specific Feats:[/B]
	Skirmish +2d6, +2 AC
	Battle Fortitude +1
	Uncanny Dodge
	Fast Movement +10
	Trackless Step
	Flawless Stride

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 81        [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 9/4.5

[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]

Balance                      5     +3  	+2     +10
Climb			     1     +1          +2
Craft			           +1         
Disable Device               7     +1          +8   
Escape Artist		     2	   +3          +5 
Hide			     6     +3   +5     +14
Jump			     5     +1   +2     +8 
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)    4 	   +1	       +5
Knowledge (Geography)	     4	   +1	       +5 
Knowledge (Nature)	     4	   +1	+2     +7 
Listen			     5     +1          +6
Move Silent		     6	   +3   +5     +14 
Open Lock (cc)	     2     +3          +5
Ride			     1     +3          +4
Search			     7     +1          +8
Sense Motive		     1	   +1          +2
Spellcraft		     	   +1                 
Spot			     5     +1          +6
Survival (cc)                5     +1          +6
Swim			     1     +1          +2
Tumble			     7     +3   +2     +12 
Use Rope		     5	   +3          +8 

[B]Situational Modifiers:[/B]
+2 Climb when using Rope
+2 Escape Artist versus ropes
+2 Survival versus Aboveground natural environments
+2 Survival versus getting lost or for avoiding hazards
+2 Survival versus Underground

Winter blanket
Flint and Steel
Grappling hook with 200' silk rope
Hammer & Pitons (12)
Belt Pouches (2)
Lantern, bullseye
Oil (5 pints)
Trail Rations, 2 weeks
Alchemist's Fire (4)
Tanglefoot Bag (2)
Thunderstone (3)
Smokestick (2)
Thieve's Tools
Explorer's Outfit

[B]Magic Items[/B]
Boots of Elvenkind 2500
Cloak of Elvenkind 2500
Handy Haversack    2000
+1 studded leather armor 1175
+1 buckler 1165
+1 light crossbow 2335

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 39     [B]Money:[/B] 7 gp, 4 sp, 9 cp

                           [B]Lgt    Med   Hvy             Lift       Push[/B]

[B]Max Weight:[/B]     0-43 44-86  87-130        130        650                    

[B]Age:[/B] 18

[B]Height:[/B] 6'1"

[B]Weight:[/B] 210 lbs.

[B]Eyes:[/B] Yellow

[B]Hair:[/B] Black

[B]Skin:[/B] Grayish


Yellow eyes, intelligent and cunning, upon a grey face framed by long, black hair pulled back into a harsh ponytail and a neatly trimmed goatee with the upper lip bare at the center and trimmed the same at the edges. His lean, muscled body is built upon a frame that is just over six feet tall and around two hundred pounds in weight.

Wearing a finely crafted suit of studded leather armor, dark brown in hue with the studs made up of a flat, dull brass. The edges of a sleek, matching backpack can be seen about the sides of his form. Over it all is a gray cloak is worn that hangs low about his ankles and the cuffs of his dusky boots.


Buurt (scout 6) of House Wolfhart, from the Dunchy of Urnst, was raised in a military non-noble house under the patronage of House U'Morael. Of blood closer to three quarters orc, Buurt was raised from an early age for duty serving the house as a scout, with his cunning, agility, and strength honed to uncanny ability for one of his species.

However, despite his skill, his pedigree, and his house, Buurt did not take too well to the iron discipline of the military life, especially the ignorance of certain noble-born officers of houses unfamiliar with the Suel Tradition of working with half-orcs. It was one such night that let to Buurt leaving military service, quickly and silently, and under the cover of fire.

Buurt was young for his duty, but he took to it well and his training was beyond reproach. Though, as youth often does, Buurt's eyes wandered to the form of a comely young woman who encouraged his attention, even if she was not free to act upon them. While on a training assignment near the Celadon Forest, with his fellows, Buurt met a innkeepstress and immediately began to hunt her affections. Affections that Meilaa, a human female, was more than willing to return to her unique suitor, however she failed to mention that she had also caught the eye of a young lordling, the fifth son of a second son who was well out of line for title, but had some money.

As things are want to go, the lordling challenged Buurt to a duel, which lead to a deadily result. Although those who witnessed it all saw it as honorable, Buurt had no choice but to flee his duty with a modest stipend granted him by his commanding office. Grieving parents put a price on Buurts head, which ollowed him for the next two years until he was granted ducal amnesty for service to the Duchy of Urnst.

Although Buurt was no longer in the military, he answered the call for adventurers to help find a lost child of noble origin, reputedly taken by cultists. It was Buurt who alone survived, brought the girl-child back to the throne, all while keeping her fed in the wilds for several days. Granted a healthy reward, as well as items of note and modest power, Buurt was cleared of all wrong doing, thus the price on his head was removed.

But, as with all good things, Buurt was advised that perhaps he should make his fortune in the world and continue his adventuring path elsewhere. A path that winded its way long many a map until he found his way to Irongate, specifically to a local churchyard where the noise of playing children and pleasant sounds calmed his wandering spirit.

Advancement from 6th to 7th Level

Hit Points increase by 5
Skill Point increase by 9
Skimish chanes to +2d6, +2 AC
+2 Tumble
+2 Open Lock
+2 Search
+1 Disable Device
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