D&D General "I'm glad to be back playing D&D."


I'd like to imagine that as GMs, we're complaining or citing grievances etc. against a system because we're always looking for something better: a better way of doing things, a better (sub)system for a better game, better experiences for everyone at the table including the GM.

We can be running great games with 5e, but still want more or better from it.
I don't think this is particularly true. I think A LOT of GMs only ever run D&D.

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I'd like to imagine that as GMs, we're complaining or citing grievances etc. against a system because we're always looking for something better: a better way of doing things, a better (sub)system for a better game, better experiences for everyone at the table including the GM.

We can be running great games with 5e, but still want more or better from it.
It’s looking at the wrong thing though. Rules don’t matter, it’s what you do with them that counts.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I don't think this is particularly true. I think A LOT of GMs only ever run D&D.
Haha well I've found myself running dnd5e for ~9yrs, but I've felt "stuck" running it for 2-3yrs. And that's partially because I've been running it for such a long stretch that it's tough to get out of the modern D&D mentality, both for myself and my players. I've run TONS of different systems in the past, but unless I'm going to something VERY different it's tough to change up said mentality.


Reeks of Jedi
I'd like to imagine that as GMs, we're complaining or citing grievances etc. against a system because we're always looking for something better: a better way of doing things, a better (sub)system for a better game, better experiences for everyone at the table including the GM.

We can be running great games with 5e, but still want more or better from it.

I want the ease and familiarity of 5E with the difficulty of AD&D but it's super easily compatible with dang near any D20 adventure/module.

Shadowdark is real real close but has a different xp system so converting adventures can be a pain.


B/X Known World
If the point of 5E is collaborative storytelling, then there’s mountains of cruft in the way. There’s also the problem that the system itself pushes a cakewalk at the PCs, which makes for boring stories. Whatever specific form the challenges of the game take, there needs to be some kind of conflict for there to be a story. (Yes, I’m aware of slice of life and Kishōtenketsu.) And there has to at least be a sense of the possibility of failure, otherwise the story is boring. So I wouldn’t say the purpose of 5E is collaborative storytelling as the system itself actively works against that end.


B/X Known World
I want the ease and familiarity of 5E with the difficulty of AD&D but it's super easily compatible with dang near any D20 adventure/module.

Shadowdark is real real close but has a different xp system so converting adventures can be a pain.
One trick I used was make a spreadsheet for monster stats and base their numbers on the PCs’ stats. The best attacker in the group has to roll an 9+ to hit, everyone else has a harder time. Monster damage is based on the average PC HP and the three strikes and you’re out rule. The average HP of the party gets three good hits and they’re KO’ed. Those with more HP last longer; those with less HP go down quicker. The monster gets a number of attacks equal to the number of PCs. That’s my baseline for medium encounters. You start to see players sweat when you throw deadly encounters at them (double the HP and double the attacks or damage).

But 5E still fights you because of resting. Unless you house rule that, too.

You literally said it didn’t model some challenges, but when asked what challenges it does model you decline to answer? Okay. That’s certainly one way to admit you don’t have an argument to make.
What's wrong with some OSR style strategic caution??? Some people don't want to barrel into an argument cause they don't want to risk stress damage to their HP!


I mean, I can only comment based on my own experience. That said, I've played an awful lot of 5e, for going on, what, 8 years now? That's across multiple different groups, scenarios, and styles of play, as both player and GM. So, when I say '5e is like X', I'm using that experience, and comparing it to other play experience. I brought up Apocalypse World as a specific point of contrast, but I could also have mentioned B/X, Blade Runner, or Lancer. Experience can't be replicated, but I don't think mine is completely idiosyncratic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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