D&D 1E I'm gonna run some Greyhawk. What supplements should I seek out?


Front Range Warlock
So, I'm gonna run some Greyhawk using AD&D 1e RAW. I already own the original World of Greyhawk folio, The World of Greyhawk box set, the Greyhawk Player's Guide (2e), Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (2e), From the Ashes (2e), The City of Greyhawk box set (2e), and the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (3e). What else should I look at picking up (probably in PDF from DriveThru)?
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5ever, or until 2024
Dragon PDFs from issues ~50 to 90. (Or if you have the cds or hard copies). Not all this made it into the box set, and seems to be presented with more verve.

Hommlet/ToEE is the most Greyhawk Gygax adventure, actually using some of the setting in ways that most of his AD&D adventures didn’t. There is also the stuff he did latter, like with Troll Lords, though I don’t know that much about.

And of course the Gord the rogue books.

With all that, he simplest approach would be to just use the first box set and ToEE, then follow with other Gygax adventures, like Barrier peaks or the combination of Tsojcanth and Tharizdun.


Front Range Warlock
Dragon PDFs from issues ~50 to 90. (Or if you have the cds or hard copies). Not all this made it into the box set, and seems to be presented with more verve.

I think I have the Dragon Magazine CD archive somewhere... now only if any of my computers still had a CD drive! :p

Hommlet/ToEE is the most Greyhawk Gygax adventure, actually using some of the setting in ways that most of his AD&D adventures didn’t. There is also the stuff he did latter, like with Troll Lords, though I don’t know that much about.

I might try to pick up the Goodman Games re-print, as it has so much good stuff in it (including the original module write-ups).

And of course the Gord the rogue books.

I'll see if I can dig these up.

With all that, he simplest approach would be to just use the first box set and ToEE, then follow with other Gygax adventures, like Barrier peaks or the combination of Tsojcanth and Tharizdun.

Thanks for the advice!


The EN World kitten
Definitely look at picking up the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer issues over on DriveThruRPG. They're cheap, and there were only a half-dozen issues or so. I'd personally recommend issue #0 for its coverage of the Circle of Eight, and issue #3 for its coverage of Greyhawk deities (with an entire article about the hero deities!).

Also, definitely pick up The Scarlet Brotherhood for great coverage of one of Oerth's most notorious evil organizations, and WGR5 Iuz the Evil for an in-depth look at Greyhawk's own Sauron.

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Front Range Warlock
Definitely look at picking up the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer issues over on DriveThruRPG. They're cheap, and there were only a half-dozen issues or so. I'd personally recommend issue #0 for its coverage of the Circle of Eight, and issue #3 for its coverage of Greyhawk deities (with an entire article about the hero deities!).

Also, definitely pick up The Scarlet Brotherhood for great coverage of one of Oerth's most notorious evil organizations.

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.

Thanks! I didn't even know that these were a thing! :)


The EN World kitten
Thanks! I didn't even know that these were a thing! :)
They went out to members of the RPGA in 2000 right when 3E kicked in.

Also, I edited my post above to add the supplement that's all about Iuz, the evil demigod who rules an empire in the north. Definitely don't overlook that one!


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
The A module series was excellent, particularly if you can find it in Scourge of the Slavelords super module format. Much better post-Hommlet ToEE, if you ask me. We has a lot of fun adventuring around the Wild Coast when I converted it to 3e.

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