D&D 1E I'm gonna run some Greyhawk. What supplements should I seek out?


Front Range Warlock
The A module series was excellent, particularly if you can find it in Scourge of the Slavelords super module format. Much better post-Hommlet ToEE, if you ask me. We has a lot of fun adventuring around the Wild Coast when I converted it to 3e.

So noted! It looks like I can pick that up for a not ridiculous amount of money on the second-hand market. Thanks!

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Enrico Poli1

Hi! You already own more material than me, so I'll suggest the products that I keep in high regard.
First and foremost the Gord novels, to suggest the tone and atmosphere.
Second, the adventures: Against the Cult of the Reptile God, Lost Caverns of Tsojicanth, Against the Giants, The City of Skulls


No doubt you're experienced with 1e and Greyhawk, so follow the advice that we all here give each other so often: start focused.
Greyhawk is an encyclopedia. If you want to ve an academic, it's all there on Canonfire, and watch LordGosumba's interviews on youtube)twitch.

I too felt like running 1e--as the nostalgia is strong, but it is clunky. You'll want to be very proficient for the sake of your players. Then it will run easy and they can focus on simple roleplaying. Remember in lieu of skill checks just roll d20 under the ability score.

Best of luck!


Maybe check out Slavers. It's presented as an adventure but it has a lot of information about the lands around the Woolly Bay, from Dyvers to Highport. Histories, NPC's, maps, encounter tables, adventure hooks, even some naval combat rules. The reason I got it was for the description and rough map of Highport to help me run the A series. Speaking of which, if you decide to run the A series, find Dungeon #221 with the "Lowdown in Highport" adventure for a way to get the players into Highport.

So, I'm gonna run some Greyhawk using AD&D 1e RAW. I already own the original World of Greyhawk folio, The World of Greyhawk box set, the Greyhawk Player's Guide (2e), Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (2e), From the Ashes (2e), The City of Greyhawk box set (2e), and the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (3e). What else should I look at picking up (probably in PDF from DriveThru)?
Those are all good sources. Get Anna Meyer’s map, and then just do modules. Especially good would be the Temple of Elemental Evil from Original Adventures Reincarnated. It has the 1e originals, and fills in some blanks (the Nodes, the surrounding area).

If you want more source materials, Marklands and Iuz the Evil (the latter is a free PDF download) are also good, if you want to play in those areas. Marklands is Furyondy and Nyrond; Iuz is the Great Kingdom.

Also online homemade sources like the City of Verbobonc and homemade and official materials for Shackled City Adventure Path (if your doing PaizoHawk adventure paths) are good too.


So, I'm gonna run some Greyhawk using AD&D 1e RAW. I already own the original World of Greyhawk folio, The World of Greyhawk box set, the Greyhawk Player's Guide (2e), Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (2e), From the Ashes (2e), The City of Greyhawk box set (2e), and the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (3e). What else should I look at picking up (probably in PDF from DriveThru)?

Lots of good stuff there to work around. TAB is particularly good for 1e compatible Greyhawk since it references a lot of the previous history of the setting well. For City of Greyhawk, Denis Tetreault just updated his LGJ#2 poster map earlier this year: Maldin's Greyhawk - The City of Greyhawk

Dragon PDFs from issues ~50 to 90. (Or if you have the cds or hard copies). Not all this made it into the box set, and seems to be presented with more verve.

And of course the Gord the rogue books.

For the Gord books, Krista Siren's summary is still available at Gord's Greyhawk - Greyhawk Online and I consider the Dragon Archive the single-best supplement ever published for D&D: lots of great stuff there!

Get Anna Meyer’s map, and then just do modules.

Note that Anna has 576 CY versions of her maps, as well as later eras too.



How inconvenient
So, I'm gonna run some Greyhawk using AD&D 1e RAW. I already own the original World of Greyhawk folio, The World of Greyhawk box set, the Greyhawk Player's Guide (2e), Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (2e), From the Ashes (2e), The City of Greyhawk box set (2e), and the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (3e). What else should I look at picking up (probably in PDF from DriveThru)?

Well, if you really want to get to the bottom of things, you may want to try and get your hands on the rather interesting El Raja Key Archive (El Raja Key Archive DVD).

Voidrunner's Codex

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