I'm ready for a new TMNT RPG


Reeks of Jedi
TMNT has never really waned in popularity. Even now-a-days it has a hit comic from IDW and a new movie just came out. Not to mention there's almost always been some kind of cartoon on tv.

Toys, movies, video games for every system, collectables or all kinds!

Yet it's had only ONE RPG. Which I still have my original copy.


Based on the original comic. It had, I believe, 1 expansion book that had several adventure scenarios in it.

We have new RPGs for GI Joe, Transformers, and god willing maybe Silverhawks and Thundercats someday. Which I know those properties are probably easier to get than TMNT, or maybe not.

If its NOT then why isn't there a new TMNT RPG? Seems like bank to me.

ninja turtles GIF by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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I just got my Kickstarter copies of Julian Kay's "Mutants in the Now" and "Mutants in the Next." They seem a good approximation of the original Palladium system - and also with kinda bad layout and clunky rules. Haha.
But, yeah, I think I'd just run TMNT with Savage Worlds or another generic superhero system.


Registered Ninja
Based on the original comic. It had, I believe, 1 expansion book that had several adventure scenarios in it.
I know it had more than that. Off the top of my head, I had Transdimensional Turtles, Trucking Turtles, Turtles go to Hollywood. Plus if you count all the After the Bomb books there were a ton more.
Which I know those properties are probably easier to get than TMNT, or maybe not.
Yeah, I wonder what the license is like. Pladium got the license for the comic book before the 80s TV show blew them up into a huge property. I'm pretty sure it would be pricier today. There's also so many different versions, I bet the rights those are a mess. It's possible you might need separate licenses for each one, unlike say Transformers, where you only have to deal with Hasbro.


Reeks of Jedi
I know it had more than that. Off the top of my head, I had Transdimensional Turtles, Trucking Turtles, Turtles go to Hollywood. Plus if you count all the After the Bomb books there were a ton more.

Yeah, I wonder what the license is like. Pladium got the license for the comic book before the 80s TV show blew them up into a huge property. I'm pretty sure it would be pricier today. There's also so many different versions, I bet the rights those are a mess. It's possible you might need separate licenses for each one, unlike say Transformers, where you only have to deal with Hasbro.
I would assume any new RPG would be based on the popular IDW comic. Or keep it generic kind of like the Transfomers and GI Joe RPGs which use stuff from various sources but seem heavily influenced by the more recent comics


I suspect there hasn't been another Turtles RPG for a few reasons. The first is that role playing games are small potatoes and nobody's wanted to waste their time hashing something out with a game company. The second is there might not have been much of a market for the game. For most people, when they think Turtles they think cartoon not comic books, and by the time tweens are getting into RPGs they generally want to push all the kid stuff aside and go with grownup stuff. And then when we get older we want to go back to the kid stuff!


Reeks of Jedi
I suspect there hasn't been another Turtles RPG for a few reasons. The first is that role playing games are small potatoes and nobody's wanted to waste their time hashing something out with a game company. The second is there might not have been much of a market for the game. For most people, when they think Turtles they think cartoon not comic books, and by the time tweens are getting into RPGs they generally want to push all the kid stuff aside and go with grownup stuff. And then when we get older we want to go back to the kid stuff!

I mean I never thought of Transformers as an RPG yet here we are.

I know it had more than that. Off the top of my head, I had Transdimensional Turtles, Trucking Turtles, Turtles go to Hollywood. Plus if you count all the After the Bomb books there were a ton more.

Yeah, I wonder what the license is like. Pladium got the license for the comic book before the 80s TV show blew them up into a huge property. I'm pretty sure it would be pricier today. There's also so many different versions, I bet the rights those are a mess. It's possible you might need separate licenses for each one, unlike say Transformers, where you only have to deal with Hasbro.
Trans dimensional Turtles was AWESOME. It inspired a bridge design I made for one of my gifted classes. Made it out of toothpicks. Failed the stress test, but not as badly as was anticipated, and the design won me points for creativity. It was a bridge to cross dimensions, of course.


Though come to think of it... IDW is not above making games. They make board games, not RPGs, but it's not a stretch. I wonder if their license would include the ability to make an RPG, should they desire it.

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