Granted I've not read the core rule book cover to cover, but I was looking through it last night and couldn't find anything on this. Can anyone tell me if there is any description on XP/leveling up PCs? I see in Chapter 5: Roles there are level progression tables for each role, but nowhere does it give any advice on how, when or how much XP/rewards to award players, or how much is required to increase in levels. Am I missing something? I looked through the book for almost 2 hours and I'm guessing that its left to GM discretion?
This game really could've been served better with 3 core books. A basic core geared towards PCs, with a better GM section, another book for vehicles and bases/locations and lastly a Joe, Cobra & miscellaneous threats, allies and NPC book. There are a few Joes statted out sprinkled throughout adventures, Sgt Slaughter box set and the Cobra Codex, but it just seems odd that after two and a half years there's still no proper roster book. I emailed Renegade and they said there are no plans for one either. Most of the threats in the core book are extremely high threat levels, so I see them as wasted space, as I'm sure PCs will rarely if ever come into contact, let alone fight them. This game is fun to play and has a lot of potential but it's a PITA to hunt and peck through the various adventures and source books to find what you need. It really puts a lot of work on the GM I'm finding.