• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

in alphabetical order...(need more! see babombs post at end)

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A city uses a bluette for trash removal. The bluette sits in the bottom of a pit and the trash is dumped in. Since the bluette will eat anything, all is good. However the bluette escapes and goes on a rampage! The party will gain extra reward money if they capture the beast and even more if they discover it was set free, perhaps by someone who hoped it would charge into a specific shop nearby the pit....

Next: carrion crawler! (I think. No books here)


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Pezel, the local groundsman of the holy cemetary of pelor has been selling plots morethan once by pretending to bury bodies and then digging them up and feeding them to the carrion crawlers he found living in a rich mans mausoleum.

recently Pezel has gone missing, and people are starting to complain that their loved ones might not be in the graves they thought.

(p.s. when you can name the monsters in alphabetical order without your books around it is time to admit you have a problem bg ;) )

next- celestial, lets do each one :)
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celestial-Lantren Archon

A evil human noble has been looking for exotic equipment. One such item was a lantren its light coming from a captured Lantren Archon. Now the Higher forces of the upper planes want the Archon back and hire the pcs to rescue it. Theres one problem though, the noble has powerful politcal connections so he can't be slain, and he wants an outragous price for the lantren. So the party either needs to come up with a huge sum, or find some way to blackmail the noble. Either way will not be easy.

Next celestial-hound archon


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Celestial - Hound Archon:

The setup: The city has seen a large increase in the number of lycanthropes within the city walls. The PC's goal is to eliminate the threat of the shapechangers.

The specific encounter: There is an attack by werewolves (and others, like were-dogs, were-hyenas, etc...) on a large gathering of the inhabitants of the city. This could be a fair, parade, market-place, anything. During the attack, the city's mage guild summons several Hound Archons to combat the lycanthropes. The Hound Archons are fighting in canine form when the PC's get to the scene of the attack. (or, a group of Hound Archons themselves decide to get involved.

Not only does the party have to fight lycanthropes, they have to do so without injuring the civilians left in the area, and they have to move quickly to stop more people from being killed/infected in the attack. Bad thing is, they may inadvertently attack the Hound Archons, not knowing who/what they are; the Hounds would probably react badly to being attacked by these newcomers, not knowing which side the PC's are on. This presents the possibility of a three-way melee between the Hound Archons, the PC's, and the Werewolves.

Next: Celestial - Avoral.
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Epic Commoner
Celestial- Avoral

A town at the base of the mountain has been having strange things happen. Flocks of birds have been sitting on window sills apparently lisning to people. These birds are also following people in and out of town. All these birds have come from the mountain. A group of adventurers has been sent up the mountain but has not returned.

What happening, The Avoral beleives there is a slave trade ring in the city, he does not know for sure. He has been asking the birds to go into the city and look for the slave ring. The first group of adventurers sent up found this winged creature and attacked, he defended himself. What will the nxt group of adventurers do?

Next up Celestial Ghaele
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Epic Commoner
Celestial Ghaele

(Since I had an Idea)

The adventures come upon a ruined church in the forest. The cleric sees that this church was to an ancient God of Light (LG god). In the middle of ruins were the alter once stood is a and elf looking figure bathed in light. He stands and looks to the party.

Ghaele "By the purifying light of Azridel, you have answered my summons. We must act quickly the Armies of Darkness are nearly here."

What does the party do.

Next up Celestial Trumpet Archon

PS "D" should be fun :)


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Celestial - Trumpet Archon:

One of the characters is Geased/Quested by an enemy wizard to carry a misshapen lump of lead. The only immediately visible hinderance to the character is the added weight of the 15 lbs of lead. The lump of lead, though, is actually the Trumpet / Greatsword of a Trumpet Archon, which was stolen by the wizard years before.

To quote the Monster Manual...
Woe betide any thief caught with [the trumpet]

On deck: Celestial - Astral Deva


A party of planar travelers is following one of the roads between the gate towns in the Outlands when it finds the aftermath of a large battle. Minor fiends lie scattered around the battleground like dead leaves. The party also sees a number of perfect white feathers among the carnage.

If they stop to investigate, they will find a trail of blood and feathers leading off into a small gully. In the gully the party finds a beautiful human chained to a rock. Large spikes made from greenish irong pierce the deva's wings and keep them secured to the rock.

If the party takes the time to help the deva, they discover that he/she has been overseeing a group of powerful mortals investigating a pact between the evil dragons of the PC's prime and the fiends. His/her agents had delivered proof of the plot to the deva and he/she was on her way to rouse the forces of good.

Unfortunately, the fiends waylaid the deva on its way home and have stolen the proof. Will the party attempt the dangerous task of retreiving the proof before the fiendish troop can make its way into the gate town leading to their infernal plane?



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A planetar, having a personal vendetta with a Pit Fiend, has begun a war of proxies on the material plane. The PCs are approached by a minion of the planetar, in hopes of recruiting them for the war. However, although many of the minions of the Pit Fiend are evil, they seem to have no ulterior motive other than fighting the minions of the planetar. The are not committing any evil acts. The PCs realize this (hopefully) and hopefully try to end this pointless and futile war, that is based on some slight from thousands of years ago, either by getting the two outsiders to take their war back to the outer planes, or by ending the feud.

Eldorian Antar

Voidrunner's Codex

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