• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

in alphabetical order...(need more! see babombs post at end)


Inventor of Super-Toast
It is indeed harpy.

On a small island chain populated by harpies, a civil war is brewing. One faction claims that the traditional harpy way is to torment the wicked. The other claims that the traditional harpy way is to lure sailors to their dooms with their beguiling voices. Can the PCs stop a harpy war from engulfing the island?

Next is hell hound.
Demiurge out.

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David Argall

First Post
hell hounds

His lordship accepts your apology for that "little incident", and stops talking about executions. Instead he "offers" you a job, training his puppies...
he neglects to mention they are hell hound puppies, and that the parents want them back.
Assuming the party does not end up roasted, they may earn a valuable, if hot-tempered, assistant or 2. [Of course the party paladin may well insist the party go to the extra effort of persuading them to be Good doggies as well as willing to work with the party.]


That's Latin for "cool"

Slick Eddie has a problem. His small time criminal world just got turned upside down. All he wanted to do was roll a drunk coming back home from some fancy-pants nobleman's ball. Problem is he picked the wrong drunk to roll. Slick Eddie now has an ordinary looking pack with what looks to be a perl the size of a human head. Slick Eddie doesn't have the brains of an archmage, but you don't need those kind of brains to know that magic is afoot in a situation like this. And Slick Eddie wants out before the real heat comes down on his neck.

Duke Esterworth also has a problem. After hiring mercenaries/adventurers to caputre a hippogriff egg, he unwisely showed it off to a few of his fellow worthies over sherry after the summer opera. Then he compounded the error by talking an evening constitutional in the summer air. The back of his head exploded in pain and now his egg is gone. That egg was meant for his stables and it would be ... embarassing to have lost it.

The players need to make Eddie happy and the Duke happy. This can be very complicated based on the makeup of the party. Druids may want to free the hippogriff, knights may want to pummel Eddie and give it to the Duke, Rogues may want to buy it off of eddie and sell it.

If the Duke isn't happy within two days, he'll get his other band of adventures to find the culprit (they'll find Eddie magically) and kill him for the egg. If Eddie isn't happy within two days he'll toss the egg into the moat. As things stand, everyone will lose.

If the PCs make Eddie happy, he owes them a favor. The party can use Slick Eddie the next time they are in town to make a Forgery or Gather Information check at +30. The attempt will take 8 hours as Eddie works the streets.

If the PCs make the Duke happy, he owes them a favor. The party can use Duke Esterworth the next time they are in town to make a Diplomacy or Appraisal check at +30. The attempt will take 8 hours as the Duke talks to his associates at court.

next: hobgoblin! Kalamar fans, time to show your stuff!
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David Argall

First Post

The good news is that there is a civil war among the hobgoblins and they won't be raiding good lands for the near future.
The bad news is that a large force of hobgoblins has just "offered" you a chance to join their side. [Who was that idiot who insisted we didn't need any guards on such a peaceful night? Oh! Well, never mind.]
After a few weeks of brutal training, the PCs will get some missions fighting the other side, and may be destined for great things, which may include the commander's study of inter-species breeding. [PCs may also want to investigate the best way to flee an army.]


Homunculus - His master was murdered by a noble with designs on the throne and he witnessed the crime but who will believe him?

Next up- Howler


First Post

An aging king is constantly falling asleep and the kingdom is falling to the clutches of evil. A trusted ally of the king has seen bites upon the king and started an investigation into the matter, he enroles the help of the pc's to investigate matters.
Whilst investigating the pc's come across the kings wizard who has a strange looking pet with fangs (Spotted by the rogue) that match the size of holes on the king. The pc's decide to keep an eye on the kings room to see what happens throughout the day using a combination of hiding and invisibilty to hover around. Whilst waiting they see bite marks appearing on the kings body and he starts drifting off again. At this moment the pc wizard uses an invis purge and low and behold a Homunculus is sat on the king biting him leading the group to the kings wizard and a lot of explaining on his part.

Howler up next


First Post
a group of howlers have taken over an abandonded salt mine. the mine is mostly vertical, full of rickety ladders 100 yards long or more that seperate the small shafts. while exploring the ruins of the salt mine the charcters are ambushed by howlers, who have scratched small clawholds in the walls and attrack in groups when the characters are on the ladders.

their insane howling can be heard for hours on end as the characters explore and descend, with appropriate wisdom drain the whole time. when the howlers attack, they take full advantage of the precarious situation of the ladder climbing adventurers. if the adventurers start to win the combat a small group of howlers descend and begin attacking the ladders bases, hoping to knock the adventurers to their doom.

hydra is next-

(63% done! we can finish, just keep contributing :) )
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First Post

This was a in a campaign a group of my friends and current group were in. The hydra was found underground in a mountain which was just a pet of the undead lord further underground and the pc's were going in to kill him. Anyway the group were of moderate power and 1 of the group had a hammer of earthquakes and decides that it's a great idea to use the hammers power underground!! Goodbye hydra and party heheheheh muwahaaaahaaaaa


First Post
Invisible Stalker

The party stumbles on a very large underground lake. The magenta crystal formations on the lake's border identify it as the fabled Lake of Alabaster Gold. The stories tell that the bottom of this lake is lined with pearls of all sizes.

A Knowledge:Local (DC 10) or an appropriate Bardic Knowledge roll will reveal that the Lake is also said to be a very dangerous place, every single person to have tried to dive in the lake has come out dead. Examining the lake doesn't reveal the presence of large fish or any other kind of predator.

Little do the adventurers know that an evil Aquatic Elf wizard had once a secrete laboratory at the bottom of this lake and set a pair of guardians to protect its entrance. The guardians are water elementals that use the statistics of Invisible stalkers, substituting swimming speed for the flying speed and Aquan to Auran as the spoken language.

Both guardians were bound to a thousand years of servitude and have only been around for seven hundred years. They are bitter by their imprisonment and are loath to negotiate. A difficult Diplomacy (DC 25) can convince Boombanguamae, one of the guardians, to negotiate a way to circumvent his protective duties. The second guardian - Nassawash-, however has become so bitter to his ordeal that he will accept no compromise. Boombanguamae can be convinced of staying out of battle with the second Stalker.

To free the elementals from bondage one must destroy a specific crystal formation on the bottom of the lake, a formation the guardians are forced to stay away from. The destruction of said crystal is the price Boombamguamae asks to avoid attacking trespassers. However, the crystal is inside an alcove on the lake's bed, impossible to be seen from out of the lake. It has a hardness of 12 and 80 hp.

Voidrunner's Codex

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