One of the things I'm really trying to nail down is a way to make defense something other than a static value. To add flexibility and options for the players. I've had several ideas, and after playtesting sessions there's always something significant to change. It just doesn't quite feel right yet, so I'm reaching out beyond for ideas and suggestions.
What I mean by flexible defense
Most rpgs that I know of handle defending against an attack like this: Attacker needs to beat a target defensive value in order to hit. 90% of the time that number doesn't change. Sure, sometimes it's different based on factors (3e famously has a few ACs depending on what was going on), but it was still largely the same number whether you were being attacked by one person in a round or ten. Sometimes you could boost that target # via several means (spells, dodging, etc.), but again, the number stayed pretty static regardless of who or what was actually attacking you.
What I'm looking for is a way for the PC to adapt to what's happening in the round and react accordingly. Something to capture the idea that it's harder to defend against multiple attackers than it is against one. Something kinda sorta like spell points for Armor Class (not really, but for illustrative purposes). If you have a pool of defensive ability in a round, maybe you don't worry so much about the mooks attacking you, but focus your defense on a tougher opponent.
Why I want to do this
It's just one way of many to allow martial and mundane PCs have more stuff to do in combat. One round they may act like a tank, while the next go on offense. It models the verisimilitude I prefer in how a combat encounter looks like against multiple opponents--shields can't block every attack at the same effectiveness and being swarmed matters (this part is subjective, I know). I think it adds a new facet to the combat encounter that's largely overlooked.
The best way I'm handling the overall mechanics is to use a dice pool system. From here on out, assume we're using this system so try to keep suggestions based on this system. Much like RISK, both sides roll their dice pools and whoever has the highest value wins. If an attacker rolls a 5 and you roll a 4 as your highest, the attack hits. I prefer this method because there's no math in the actual combat resolution phase. No modifiers to add or subtract. The die type and amount may change, but you're always just looking at the highest result.
Damage is a similar mechanic. You roll your damage pool and take the highest result. More dice in your pool = better chance of more damage, especially if you trade up (see below). Getting more than one success can do different things. You can either increase damage or enforce some other effect (like pushing, distracting, etc.).
Current iteration I'm on
Right now, a defenders DEF dice pool is based on what level tier they are to determine die type (called a Proficiency Die, or PD), and the amount of dice is based on shields, traits, and maneuvers. For example, a low level PC (1st tier) would have a d6 as their PD, and have a pool of 2d6 based on a light shield (1d6) and a trait they've chosen (+1 die). A low mid tier PC might have a d8 for the PD, and have a pool of 4d8 based on a heavy shield (3d8) and the trait they've chosen (+1 die). And so on. You get the idea.
Whenever you are attacked in a combat round, you roll at least one PD for your DEF. You then decide how many of the dice in your pool you will allocate to defending that attack. As previously stated, if the attacker’s highest die beats the highest die that you allocated, the attack succeeds.
Against any further attacks, you allocate any remaining DEF dice as you wish. When you no longer have any DEF dice left in your pool, you roll only 1 PD for DEF from that point on.
The flexible part
Can you show me?
The following illustration explains it a bit better using visual references. At least I hope
My conundrum
I don't think I'm still sold on it. I feel like there's a gap somewhere that I'm missing, or a cool way to utilize the pools I'm missing. Fresh eyes would be great.
What I mean by flexible defense
Most rpgs that I know of handle defending against an attack like this: Attacker needs to beat a target defensive value in order to hit. 90% of the time that number doesn't change. Sure, sometimes it's different based on factors (3e famously has a few ACs depending on what was going on), but it was still largely the same number whether you were being attacked by one person in a round or ten. Sometimes you could boost that target # via several means (spells, dodging, etc.), but again, the number stayed pretty static regardless of who or what was actually attacking you.
What I'm looking for is a way for the PC to adapt to what's happening in the round and react accordingly. Something to capture the idea that it's harder to defend against multiple attackers than it is against one. Something kinda sorta like spell points for Armor Class (not really, but for illustrative purposes). If you have a pool of defensive ability in a round, maybe you don't worry so much about the mooks attacking you, but focus your defense on a tougher opponent.
Why I want to do this
It's just one way of many to allow martial and mundane PCs have more stuff to do in combat. One round they may act like a tank, while the next go on offense. It models the verisimilitude I prefer in how a combat encounter looks like against multiple opponents--shields can't block every attack at the same effectiveness and being swarmed matters (this part is subjective, I know). I think it adds a new facet to the combat encounter that's largely overlooked.
The best way I'm handling the overall mechanics is to use a dice pool system. From here on out, assume we're using this system so try to keep suggestions based on this system. Much like RISK, both sides roll their dice pools and whoever has the highest value wins. If an attacker rolls a 5 and you roll a 4 as your highest, the attack hits. I prefer this method because there's no math in the actual combat resolution phase. No modifiers to add or subtract. The die type and amount may change, but you're always just looking at the highest result.
Damage is a similar mechanic. You roll your damage pool and take the highest result. More dice in your pool = better chance of more damage, especially if you trade up (see below). Getting more than one success can do different things. You can either increase damage or enforce some other effect (like pushing, distracting, etc.).
Current iteration I'm on
Right now, a defenders DEF dice pool is based on what level tier they are to determine die type (called a Proficiency Die, or PD), and the amount of dice is based on shields, traits, and maneuvers. For example, a low level PC (1st tier) would have a d6 as their PD, and have a pool of 2d6 based on a light shield (1d6) and a trait they've chosen (+1 die). A low mid tier PC might have a d8 for the PD, and have a pool of 4d8 based on a heavy shield (3d8) and the trait they've chosen (+1 die). And so on. You get the idea.
Whenever you are attacked in a combat round, you roll at least one PD for your DEF. You then decide how many of the dice in your pool you will allocate to defending that attack. As previously stated, if the attacker’s highest die beats the highest die that you allocated, the attack succeeds.
Against any further attacks, you allocate any remaining DEF dice as you wish. When you no longer have any DEF dice left in your pool, you roll only 1 PD for DEF from that point on.
The flexible part
- This allows the player to decide if they want to focus on defending against a specific attacker or not.
- You can also trade in two dice of one type for the next highest type, or one higher type for two lower types. E.g., trade in 2d6 for 1d8 or 1d8 to 2d6. You're weighing the risk of getting a higher result at the cost of a more swingy result.
- You can also trade in DEF die to gain a bonus on other things (like attacking, or a special maneuver).
Can you show me?
The following illustration explains it a bit better using visual references. At least I hope

My conundrum
I don't think I'm still sold on it. I feel like there's a gap somewhere that I'm missing, or a cool way to utilize the pools I'm missing. Fresh eyes would be great.