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D&D 5E In Which We Build A 5E Followers Chart, Part One: Clerics


TL;DR: I'm interested in building a D&D campaign that's more focused around the principle of Lordship presented in AD&D and OD&D. I'm looking for help specifically with charts for followers. Starting with, why not, the Cleric. You got any ideas, post them here! I'll curate the results and create a chart and post it. Then anyone can use it or monkey with it for their own game.

At some point in my 5th edition game (say, 7th level, but it's up to you) the player can build a stronghold, and become a lord. When they do this, they automatically attract followers, rolling on a chart to see what they get. Here are some examples of those charts from Dragon Magazine circa 1985.


Obviously those are crazy. Demons for Evil Paladins. But! The purpose of these charts, at least for me, is to give the players something to covet. Something to look at and go "Ooh, I want to roll on that chart!" Yeah you do. So it should have crazy stuff at the sharp end. By design. An Angel or a Solar for a Cleric, for instance. Maybe an Angel subchart you roll on if you get the coveted 99th percentile result.

These followers exist primarily to defend the stronghold, keep it running, supplement the player's extra-adventuring career, and accompany him on solo missions.

They don't go on adventures with the party. Don't ask for a diagetic explanation, I ain't got one. :D

Strongholds are an important part of my game, they let you do spell research, raise armies, build a spy network, stuff related to your class but not purely adventuring related. Downtime stuff.

Part of the idea of Followers is Follower-classes, which I don't see in the DMG. The Follower-class for Clerics, for instance, is the Acolyte who has blessings and curative spells, but not as many and doesn't fight. Useful, but not a full PC-class worth of abilities.

So that's one kind of thing you can find on a follower chart. Some number of Follower-NPCs and the logic is usually

Many low level or
Few medium level or
One high level

Where "high level" might be 5th level. Remember you don't get to roll on this chart until, at the earliest, 7th level.

Also, lots of strongholds have guards. Men-at-arms. Not just fighter strongholds. And a Cleric who founds a Church might attract a local Druid, for instance, doesn't have to be exclusively only Cleric-related stuff for a church. Just primarily cleric themed.

One thing I'd like to avoid is the "1d6 chambermaids" results. A dwarven engineer is useful to a Lord Fighter, but we can assume your stronghold comes with or attracts the people it needs to manage it. Butlers or tailors or whatever, depending on your stronghold.

I'd rather stick to stuff I can imagine a use for. Alchemists can make potions, maybe potions normal PCs can't make. Scribes do the same with scrolls. Miners can produce ore that's worth money. Engineers can improve the stronghold.

So we have Follower-class folks, and utility-NPCs like scribes and guards. What else?

Well, the sharp end of the chart should have some crazy stuff! Monsters aligned to the church, for instance (good, let's assumed). A Druid founding a Grove should have a chance of attracting a Unicorn! Absolutely!

What that is for Clerics, I dunno. That's what I'm hoping to find out.

What kind of stuff would you like to see on the Cleric Followers chart?

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First Post
ok...here's some thoughts:

On "regular joe" NPCs, yeah, not appropriate for strongholds, but if you are trying for the old dominion style play, then villager joe is part of it. So, strictly speaking, you got the right idea for a stronghold, but perhaps have an eye open for common folk to set up nearby to "supply" the stronghold in exchange for protection...ie set-up a village.

Modifiers - Does the cleric stronghold have a only a simple chapel (no modifier) or an elaborate public church (modifier) or is there a cathedral (massive modifier) etc

As a DM, my rule of thumb is to say "Yes, but...." the "but" being the challenge/obstacle/etc. SO, ok, I rolled a Solar! but...another table with a nemesis? modifier for random (bad) events happening at/to fortress (damn orcs attacking again? wtf? why won't they leave me alone? Maybe its that shiny paragon of good they're after..."

my 2cp


Ok, so let's presume a good-aligned church as our stronghold.

Apart from the meat-and-potatoes followers that populate the lower end of the chart, what might be up at the sharp end?

Unicorns are LG, might a unicorn show up and help the Cleric defend the place? Yeah I think so, though not with the same frequency as they would a druid. They're intelligent and speak.

Treants are LG but feel to me like something that should be exclusive to the Druid chart.

Sprite, ditto. Druids can attract sprites.

Definitely think a cleric could attract the alliegance of a nearby Sphinx. These are creatures we associate with wisdom. Might even be more likely on the Cleric chart than the Druid chart.

Pegasus, I would say yeah.

Deep Gnomes? Yeah, I can see some gnomes of the local underground hearing about a good-aligned church on the surface and coming to check it out.

Giant, Storm or Cloud? Sure! Though obviously this would be very rare. This is the kind of thing that motivates a player. "Whoah I could get a Storm Giant working for me?!" Well, not exactly working for you, more "interesting in seeing you succeed."

A Genie? Maybe! You find a lamp in your church! Classic.

Faerie Dragon? Absolutely. Though not necessarily the greatest ally as in something looking out for your best interests, definitely cool.

Dryad? See Treant.

Metallic dragon? Absolutely! Probably be a subchart! And the ally is probably a younger dragon.

A Centaur? Err, I dunno. I think no?

Angels! Yes, absolutely. Subchart for those.

I feel like this is a good start.


Steeliest of the dragons
I'm not sure how this works for actual "followers" for the PC so much as a "populating the PC's stronghold/immediate vicinity" but it could certainly cover both.

I would robably prefer to see something simple like...off the top of my head/makin' it up as I go along without a whole lot of thought to possible repercussions...this:

Cleric [Good aligned] Followers Roll%d*

*In the case of non-human PCs, results of Commoners, Artisans and Men-at-arms should be considered of the PC's own race. Acolytes and Pilgrims can be of any race so long as they follow the cleric's deity. A result of Stoutfolk should be taken as Human commoners, craftsmen, and/or men-at-arms.

1-49: Commoners: d10 x 100 farmers, servants, basic laborers
50-55: Craftsmen/Artisans: add 1 per 50 commoners [or roll d10] with skill in 1 type [each] Artisan's or special Tools/Kit (healers/herbalists, burglar/thief, alchemist, etc...)
56-65: Pilgrims: d10 x 100 strongly religious/faithful followers of the cleric's deity/matching alignment. These numbers can be counted on to fight to the death in defense of the cleric's lands, stronghold or any of the "special creatures" who follow the PC.
66-75: Men-at-Arms: d10 x 10 with a religious fervor and conviction to match their cleric-lord. The leader of these fighters should be 1 [for every 50] half the cleric's level with 2 subordinates [each] 1 quarter the clerics level and so on, halving the class levels pf Fighter as you go for the remainder. Once you've hit level 1, any remaining men-at-arms are 0 level "commoner militia/guards."
76-85: Acolytes: d10 x 10 underclerics of varying experience and level come to serve the cleric, his stronghold, his community/region, performing normal duties and rites so the cleric might focus on the "big stuff/great mysteries" of their beloved deity. The highest of these should be no more than half the cleric's own level, with 2 subordinates 1 quarter level, and 2 [each subordinate] halving levels as you go to a minimum of 1. One of these clerics [DM's choice as to level and abilities] of the cleric-lord's deity's divine nemesis (or any evil deity that suits the campaign). Naturally, this cleric will spy, plot and scheme to corrupt other followers

...now, what I think what you're looking for with your "pointy end", the interesting [to me anyway] stuff...

86: Magi: d4 mages of similar philosophic view [L/N/C Good] or outright worshipers of the cleric's deity come to join the cleric-lord's service. 1 will be of a level comparable level [d4 lower] than the cleric. The others will be his/her follower/apprentices no higher than half the cleric's level.
87-90: Stoutfolk Settlers: d6 x 50 demi-humans of an alignment matching the Cleric's deity move in and will supply tax/donations and/or whatever cultural goods normally attributed to them, even if the Cleric's stronghold does not lie in one of their preferred living terrains: Dwarves (LG), Halflings (LG or NG) or Gnomes (NG or CG).
91: Elfin Enclave: a small band [2d6] of elves [high or wood, DM's choice and discretion as to which would fit better with domains of the cleric's deity] comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance to the cleric/their deity. They provide advantage to all History, Arcana and Nature checks, Perception and Investigation rolls, as long as they are consulted about a particular issue/lore, and establish a watch throughout the surrounding lands via the common wild animals of the area. The leader [or 1 of them] should be a spellcaster no more than half the cleric's level with 2 subordinate/lieutenants at levels half-that [1 quarter of the cleric].
92-95: Templar Knights: d6 Paladins matching the cleric's general alignment [Good] pledge their service -in the name of the cleric's or their own deity- The leader will be comparable level [d4 lower] to the cleric and offer his services as Seneschal. The remaining paladins should be no higher than half the cleric's level, any range of levels desired by the DM, and serve any number of different deities -so long as their alignment falls somewhere [L/N/C] Good.
96-97: Magical Beast: A magical beast comes to the cleric-lord's territory and offers its services as regional guard, sentry and mount [if needed], as follows: Unicorn [LG], Griffon [NG] or Pegasus [CG].
98: Giant: A giant of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the cleric-lord's territory, regularly if not establishing a permanent lair of its own. It enjoys visiting, conversing, debating philosophy, etc... with the enlightened/wise cleric-lord of the region. The DM may choose a giant type appropriate for the campaign setting or use the following: Titan [LG], Stone Giant [NG or CG], Storm Giant [any Good] (cuz, frankly, when the Storm Giant neighbor moves in, you're not gonna evict him for not matching your Good alignment perfectly. hahaha).
99: Dragon: A dragon of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the cleric-lord's territory and offers its services as guard, sentry, adviser and/or mount [if needed]. The dragon may reveal itself to the cleric only, the court, or the stronghold as a whole, or no one, maintaining human form in a position of counsellor in the court, some unassuming common-folk craftsman or shopkeeper to keep a secretive watch over the stronghold's goings-on, or remain in its natural form somewhere in the cleric's wilderness/territory, as the DM needs/DM's discretion. The DM may select a dragon type suitable for the campaign/alignment/deity or use the following: Silver [LG], Bronze [LG or NG] or Copper [NG or CG].
00: Angelic Being: A celestial servant of the deity makes themselves a normal/mortal fixture of the cleric's stronghold/court. This being will be the same alignment as the cleric's deity and answer to the needs of the cleric [or deity] alone and/or good of the stronghold as a whole [e.g. the angel will protect the stronghold with any means at its disposal, seeking to ferret out and destroy evil wherever it finds it or threatens the cleric's faithful followers without having to be told so]. The DM may choose an angelic being that is suitable to the deity/campaign or use the following: Guardian Deva [any G] or Hound Archon [formerly Moon Dog, right? NG or CG] (my feeling is, unless the cleric is extremely high level, 20+. or some direct metaphsyical threat exists -e.g. massive demon invasion- a planetar and/or solar are a bit more powerful than should/would be granted as a "stay with them all the time" kind of follower...for me. YMMV, of course.)

I'd go with something like that. LOVE these kinds of "make 'em up"/creative threads. Look forward to doing other classes.
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Steeliest of the dragons
This being the "cleric" thread, I figure I'll throw Druid's in here too (if you don't mind). A DM may, optionally, use this table for any Good or Neutral aligned cleric of the Nature Domain (and/or future, nature-related domains).

Druid's are a bit different, because even if/when they gain a "lordly" status, and establish a "stronghold" grove or henge, they aren't really "building a castle" need/attracting the kinds of numbers or followers that other "civilized/construction/settlements" generate.

Druid [Neutral] Followers Roll %d

1-35: Commoners: d10 x 50 farmers, basic laborers who work with the land.
36-45: Craftsmen/Artisans: add 1 per 50 commoners [or roll d10] with skill in 1 type [each] Artisan's or special Tools/Kit (healers/herbalists, burglar/thief, alchemist, etc...)
46-55: Animals: Unusual or Giant versions of Animals come to the region and will befriend/protect the druid and their territory. The creatures are at the DMs discretion as appropriate for the terrain/setting or choose from the following: 2 + d6 Giant Eagles, 1 Giant Owl, 2 + d6 Giant Deer/Megaloceres, d4 Giant Badgers, 2 + d6 Dire Wolves, 1 Owlbear.
56-65: Ranger Lodge: d10 x 10 well-trained naturalist/survivalist warriors of Good or Neutral alignment will set up a base of operations and roam the region in search of threats and evil. These numbers can be counted on to fight to the death in defense of the druid's lands, the common folk of the region, the grove/henge or any of the "special creatures" who follow the PC.
66-75: Sylvan Folk Settlers: d6 x 50 demi-humans of goodly alignment and disposition move in and will supply whatever cultural goods normally attributed to them, even if the Druid's stronghold does not lie in one of their preferred living terrains: Satyrs, Sprites or [Forest] Gnomes.
76-85: Aspirants: d6 x 5 novitiate druids of varying experience and level come to serve the druid and his/her region, performing normal duties and rites so the druid might focus on the "big stuff/great mysteries" of nature. The highest of these should be no more than half the druid's own level, with 2 subordinates 1 quarter level, and remaining aspirants level 1.

86: Magi: d4 mages or clerics of a nature deity of similar philosophic view [Neutral] come to share the druid's territory, building a cottage or small shrine or domicile. 1 will be of a level comparable to [d4 lower] the druid. The others will be his/her follower/apprentices no higher than half the druid's level.
87-90: Centaur Enclave: a small band [2d6] of centaurs come to your territory and pledge their friendship/allegiance to the druid. They provide advantage to all Nature checks, Perception and Investigation rolls, as long as they are consulted about a particular issue/lore, and establish a watch throughout the surrounding lands and serve as protectors/guard to the grove/henge itself. One of them should be a spellcaster no more than half the druid's level, one leader [Fighter or Ranger] half the druid's level and 2 subordinates/lieutenants at levels half-that [1 quarter of the druid].
91: Werebear: a Werebear moves into the area and will react favorably to the druid or others of its special followers. It will aid in the region's defense and alert the druid to intruders.
92-95: Treant: a Treant moves into the area and will react favorably to the druid or others of its special followers. It will aid in the region's defense and alert the druid to intruders.
96: Magical Beast: A herd/flock of magical beasts comes to the druid's territory and offers its services as regional guard, sentry and mount [if needed], as follows: d4 Unicorns, d4 Griffons or d6 Hippogriffs.
97: Dryad: a Dryad moves into the area and will react favorably to the druid or others of its special followers. It will aid in the region's defense and alert the druid to intruders.
98: Giantkin: 1 [or d4] giantkin comes to the druid's territory to establishes a lair of its own. It will tolerate the druid's presence and follow/recognize the druid's authority, or at least will not interfere with the druid's actions/wishes, while allowed to maintain its own natural behaviors. The DM may choose a type appropriate for the campaign setting or use the following: Ogre, Firbolg, Ettin.
99: Dragon: A dragon suitable to the terrain comes to the druid's territory. It will tolerate the druid's presence and follow/recognize the druid's authority, or at least will not interfere with the druid's actions/wishes, while allowed to maintain its own natural behaviors. Good aligned dragons will agree as act as guard, sentry, adviser and/or mount [if needed]. The dragon may reveal itself to the druid only, the territory as a whole, or no one (maintaining human form in some unassuming common-folk craftsman to keep a secretive watch over the grove's goings-on), or remain in its natural form somewhere in the wilderness/territory, as the DM needs/DM's discretion. The DM may select a dragon type suitable for the campaign/terrain or use the following [roll d6]: 1: Copper, 2-4: Green, 5: Black, 6: Bronze.
00: Elemental Being: d4 elemental creatures become a normal fixture of the druid's stronghold/territory. These beings will answer to the needs of the druid and/or the good of the "stronghold" as a whole. The DM may choose an elemental being that is suitable to the terrain/campaign or use the following: [roll d6]: 1: Sylph, 2: Nixie, 3: natural Earth Elemental [of HD/CR not exceeding half the druid's level], 4: Stone Giant, 5: Djinn, 6: Marid.


Steeliest of the dragons
How many times would you roll in those tables?


Mine? I dunno. Start with, say, 4 at the establishment of the stronghold and once for each level gained after? That sounds reasonable.

Ah...I think I see what you're getting at...the numbers of some of them need to be adjusted for multiple results...4,000 commoners and no one else...well, but it's only til you roll next level. :)


Steeliest of the dragons
Right, so, take two. Removing Commoners, as suggested, and breaking up options a bit more into usable chunks, with one table for "territory-type follower groups" and other, actual individuals (like I think the OP was talking about) that might be friendly/useful/drawn to the service/following of a character powerful enough to establish their own stronghold.

Cleric [Good] Followers

Stronghold Territory Table

1-14: Acolytes: 10 underclerics who serve the same deity as the cleric come to serve the stronghold and surrounding community, establish a monastery or other religious center, and generally "free up" the cleric to pursue "the great mysteries" of their beloved deity. The highest of these should be no more than half the cleric's level and 2 subordinates 1/4 the cleric's level. The remainder are 1st level.
15-16: Roll on the Special Individuals Table.
17-45: Pilgrims: d10 x 10 strongly religious/faithful followers of the cleric's deity/matching alignment. These numbers can be counted on to fight to the death in defense of the cleric's lands, stronghold or any of the "special creatures" who follow the PC.
46: Roll on the Special Individuals Table.
47-50: Men-at-Arms: 50 well-trained soliders with a religious fervor and conviction to match their lord. The leader of these fighters should be 1 [for every 50 men] half the cleric's level with 2 subordinates [each] 1 quarter the cleric's level and so on, halving the Fighter class levels as you go for the remainder. Once you've hit level 1, any remaining men-at-arms are 0 level "commoner militia/guards."
51-75: Acolytes: d10 x 10 underclerics, as detailed above. One of these clerics [DM's choice as to level and abilities] of the deity's divine nemesis (or any evil deity that suits the campaign). Naturally, this cleric will spy, plot and scheme to corrupt other followers
76-80: Stoutfolk Settlers: d4 x 10 demi-humans of an alignment matching the Cleric's deity move in and will supply tax/donations and/or whatever cultural goods normally attributed to them, even if the Cleric's stronghold does not lie in one of their preferred living terrains: Dwarves (LG), Halflings (LG or NG) or Gnomes (NG or CG).
81: Roll on the Special Individuals Table.
82-90: Men-at-Arms: d10 x 10, as detailed above.
91-95: Guildsmen: 10 Thieves [Rogues] move into the territory to establish their own guild in the "fresh pickings" of the newly founded region. The first of these will be a Thief half the cleric's level and 2 subordinates 1/4 the cleric's level each. The remainder are 1st level. The DM has pure discretion as to the nature, alignment, activities, and secrecy of this would-be den of thieves.
96: Magi: d4 Mages who shares the cleric's philosophic outlook [any Good] come to serve the magical needs of the stronghold. The first of these is of comparable level to the cleric [d4 levels lower] and offers his services as the stronghold's Magus. Any results higher than 1 on the d4 indicates additional "apprentice/student followers" of the master, 1/4 level of the cleric each.
97-99: Templar Knights: d6 Paladins matching the cleric's general alignment [any Good] pledge their service -in the name of the cleric's or their own deity. The first of these is of comparable level to the cleric [d4 levels lower] and offers his services as the stronghold's Seneschal. Results higher than 1 on the d6 indicates additional knights no higher than half the cleric's level. These paladins may be any range of levels desired by the DM, and serve any number of different deities -so long as their alignment falls somewhere [L/N/C] Good.
00: Roll on the Special Individuals Table.

Special Individuals Table
1: Skilled Craftsman: An individual of masterful skill in 1 type of Artisan's Tools (mason, blacksmith, brewer, etc...) or Expert Kit (healer, alchemist, scribe, etc...) offers his devoted service to the cleric and their stronghold's needs. This individual can produce superior quality products, work and craft, and sell their goods and/or services for top dollar. They insist on no payment from the cleric, as they view the exercise of their craft as for the cleric's deity [i.e. "Doing God's work"].
2: Elfin Emissary: An elf [high or wood, DM's choice and discretion as to which would fit better with domains of the cleric's deity] comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance. The elf commits the full range of their abilities to the cleric's well-being and service. The elf is half the cleric's level [DM's choice or roll d10]: 1-5: Eldritch Knight or Ranger, 6-10: Mage or Druid.
3: Sacred Servant: A devout follower of the cleric's deity comes to your territory and pledges their friendship/allegiance. The follower commits the full range of their abilities to the cleric's well-being and service. The follower is half the cleric's level [DM's choice or roll d10]: 1-5: Cleric, 6-10: Paladin.
4: Magical Beast: An intelligent giant variety of animal of the cleric's alignment offers its services as regional guard, companion, sentry and mount [if needed], as follows: Eagle [LG], Lion [NG] or Owl [CG].
5: Faerie's Favor: A goodly fae of the cleric's alignment offers its services as companion, servant, sentry and/or protector, as needed: Brownie [LG], Sprite [NG] or Satyr [CG].
6: Couatl: A Couatl offers its services as regional guard, companion, sentry and mount [if needed].
7: Magical Beast: A magical beast of the cleric's alignment offers its services as regional guard, companion, sentry and mount [if needed], as follows: Unicorn [LG], Griffon [NG] or Pegasus [CG].
8: Giant: A giant of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the cleric's territory, regularly if not establishing a permanent lair of its own. It enjoys visiting, conversing, debating philosophy, etc... with the enlightened/wise lord of the region. The DM may choose a giant type appropriate for the campaign setting or use the following: Titan [LG], Stone Giant [NG or CG], Storm Giant [any Good].
9: Dragon: A dragon of suitable disposition and alignment comes to the cleric's territory and offers its services as guard, sentry, adviser and/or mount [if needed]. The dragon may reveal itself to the cleric only, the stronghold as a whole or no one (maintaining human form in some unassuming counselor, craftsman or shopkeeper to keep a secretive watch over the stronghold's goings-on), or remain in its natural form somewhere in the cleric's wilderness/territory, as the DM needs/DM's discretion. The DM may select a dragon type suitable for the campaign/alignment/deity or use the following: Silver [LG], Bronze [LG or NG] or Copper [NG or CG].
10: Angelic Being: A celestial servant of the deity makes themselves a fixture of the cleric's stronghold. This being is the exact alignment as the cleric's deity and answers to the needs of the cleric and/or good of the stronghold as a whole. The angel commits the full range of their abilities to the cleric's well-being and service. The type of angelic being is DM's choice or roll d10: 1-8: Deva, 9: Hound Archon, 10: Trumpet Archon.
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