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Infiltration?! (Your input desired...)


First Post
Gynsala said:
You mentioned that you have access to a fairly high level NPC mage, right? Since they've occupied the city but have not found the sword, I'm guessing they don't know exactly where it is. Chances are they are trying to locate it using magical means. Any possibility of simply using False Vision or some such thing to convince those finding the uber-magic sword that it is travelling quickly away from the city? That army (or a significant contigent of it) would pack up and leave in a hurry.
welcome to the boards, Gynsala!

As for the sword, the PCs are actually pretty sure that the Draconids have (or at least had) possession of the weapon (known as 'greyclaw'). They managed to use a scroll of detect object when the invasion was still gathered at the docks of the city, and the sword was travelling toward teh docks. At about the same time, they found the Duke (who had been the sword's owner) lying face down in a gutter, dead. Several of his bodyguards had died with him, obviously from wounds caused by the draconids' weapons.

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First Post
ph0rk said:
depends on the DM, and the bluffers, well, bluff :)
The PC in question (Archonus Areandor) has +5 Bluff. While normally I enjoy that sort of idea, it'd take a pretty good set of lies for +5 to get him past all but the stupidest of guards...


First Post
I like the deceptive magic idea. But how about this one:

Obviously the bad guys haven't found the sword yet with the capabilities they have. But let's say you guys planted a fake sword that both looked like the Greyclaw, and had illusionary magic that detects like the Greyclaw? Then all you have to do is arrange for the bad guys to 'luckily' find the fake sword, and they will stop looking for the real one, giving you either enough time to field an army, or causing them to leave the city.


First Post
The_Universe said:
welcome to the boards, Gynsala!

Why thank you.

The_Universe said:
As for the sword, the PCs are actually pretty sure that the Draconids have (or at least had) possession of the weapon (known as 'greyclaw').

Well, so much for that plan. You could always do the fake sword with aura thing and walk up demanding to see the leader, you have his sword which you have quested long for. It's a better bluff, it would get you inside, especially with low level grunts who wouldn't know what's going on, but unfortunately under guard.

(Mental note: create character with bluff so high, he can walk up to the door to a guarded keep whistling and say "I'm here to fix that leaky drainpipe!" and be let inside.)

Honestly, I think this may be the point where you just say screw it all, drop a bag of holding into a portable hole and jump dimensions outta there before the chaos ensues.



Gynsala said:
(Mental note: create character with bluff so high, he can walk up to the door to a guarded keep whistling and say "I'm here to fix that leaky drainpipe!" and be let inside.)

Umm...Bluff check: +49 That good enough for you?

Also we achieved our first goal within the city. We managed to sneak in and steal one of their ships. This gives us proof that the king is evil and behind the undead/draconic army. (Why? you ask) Because all of the cannons and cannonballs used on the ship have the seal of the kingdom on them.

Our next goal is information. There are alot of prisoners in the city and we have proof that the bastards are eating elves, mostly children. Other elves go into the palace and never come out. Some go in but come out as draconids. We need to know what's happening to them. We also know that Oceanus is being run by a "mistress" and we need to know who that is.

So far, our plan to obtain this information is.

1. Teleport into an abandoned building in the city, preferably near the palace. (We can't teleport into the palace)

2. Walking through the city, the 2 of us with some disguise ability pretend to lead the others, as prisoners, around.

3. At night, we sneak into the palace grounds and make our way up to the roof.

4. We enter and make our way through the palace from the top down, questioning before we kill.

5. How do we get out? I have no clue. Most likely it will include lots of killing.

What do you think of the plan in development so far? The DM calls it "ballsy." Any suggestions? Ideas? Questions? You guys were a big help for the last plan and we really appreciate it.

-Xath - the non-combat oriented one of the group


First Post
Xath said:
Umm...Bluff check: +49 That good enough for you?
Yes, yes it is. <DM> He rolls his sens motive and.... He fails. The guard thinks you really are God and begins to worship you.

Ballsy is right, but as long as you guys are sneaky enough, it could work well. Sounds like lots of coldblooded killing and torture. Hope you don't have any paladins:)



Paladins? Well Justice Fairweather (Queen Dopplepoppolis) would be our resident Paladin/Cleric. Several of the characters in the group are also attempting to be exalted.

But they're eating babies for crying out loud. Surely there is something inherently evil about that.


First Post
Well. This is a complicated situation but I think that there are a few good plans of action... You could incite a revolt among the peasents still in town, you could try to turn the human army against the undead/draconians, which would be a good distraction to run in there and get the sword and slice some baddies up. Illusions would work very well...

But, inciting a revolt seems to be a nice way to start you guys off


First Post
RithTheAwakener said:
Well. This is a complicated situation but I think that there are a few good plans of action... You could incite a revolt among the peasents still in town, you could try to turn the human army against the undead/draconians, which would be a good distraction to run in there and get the sword and slice some baddies up. Illusions would work very well...

But, inciting a revolt seems to be a nice way to start you guys off
Of the approximately 50,000 people (mostly elves) left in the city, only about half are free to act in any way. Industry/trade has completely broken down, and the draconids appear to have half of that 50000 completely tamed, with the rest keeping to their homes in fear. Any of the potential military aid left the PCs with the characters--they wanted to make sure that the army/city watch didn't immediately fall to the invaders.

As such, revolt from within, if it happens, will probably be in the form of unarmed women, children, and untrained men.


What we have to work with.

So, we were kind of on a victory high when I wrote that last post, and now that I think about it, we really need plans and contingencies. Even with a +49 Bluff, there are some things that just can't be explained if we get caught.

For example: Why is the Dwarf Fighter in Full plate climbing up the palace wall.

Also, how will above dwarven fighter in full plate sneak through the palace?

We can't teleport into the palace, so we have to figure out some way of getting to the roof without being caught. My character can cast invisibility, but it would only last for 9 minutes. We really want to work our way from the top down in the palace, as there's less chance of being discovered. So, how do we get in? And if we're not killed in the process, how do we get out?

Now, I'm not asking you guys this because we don't feel like thinking. We're working on a plan right now. But outside ideas would be really helpful.

Alright, so here's what we have to work with, (someone correct me if I'm wrong)

The PC's: (all at 10th level)
Arfin Kegsplitter: Dwarf Fighter
Justice Fairweather: Human Paladin/Cleric
L'Aurel Woodshadow: Half-elf Ranger/Druid
Archonis Aerendor: Human Ranger/Rogue/Martyr
Kaereth: Half-Orc Monk
Frarathir: Human Sorcerer/Fighter
Xath Thunderheart: Elf(physically) Bard/World Singer/Singer of the Dawn

Major NPCs:
Merrick Randall: Wizard 15th
4 Tower Mages: Sorcerer 12th
Duke Greyclaw: Duke of Oceanus, class unknown
Captain Seabourne: Former Talon Justice now a sea captain, class unknown
Jaine Rhynn: Class unknown, we're trying to set her up as Queen of the kingdom
Joshua Preston: Cleric level unknown
Aron Greyclaw: Regent of Hyrule, Druid, level unknown
Korienne Palden: Paladin, level unknown

Troops (sort of at our disposal)

Mage Tower Students: 80 Sorcerer, 20 Wizard
These range from level 1 adepts, to level 4 sorcerers/wizards. Only 10 of the 100 are level 4.

Xath's Trainees:
Level 1 Adepts: 90
Level 1 Bards: 6 (will be 9)
Level 2 Bards: 2 (will be 5)
Level 3 Bards: 2 (will be 3)
Level 4 Bards: 2
Level 5 Bards: 0 (will be 1)

I believe that Kaereth has about a dozen young monk followers. I know Archonis, Frarathir, and some of the others have been training troops, but I'm not quite sure numbers and such.

We should be getting in some Wizards of various levels sometimes soonish. Perhaps "The Universe" will elaborate.

Anyway, here's what I know we have.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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